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Chapter 254 Visit

To humans, "the uncheckable angel" is no different from the devil.

Taken as a whole, "two devils fighting each other" are quite close to angels.

——This is what Xiangshan said to the core personnel of Superman Enterprise in the past.

Therefore, Xiangshan has never rejected the entry of external regulatory agencies.

The reason why a behemoth like Superman Enterprise can develop so peacefully around the world is inseparable from this approach.

Xiangshan's ideal is just to "change the world." He also firmly believes that the "birth of new technology" itself is enough to change the world.

The power he longs for is only to "decide what kind of technology will be born" and "to ensure that he has the resources to develop those technologies."

This is his "goodwill" as a scientist.

However, Lu Xuanyu did trust Xiang Shan more on this issue.

He said: "Just use the standard one for me, thank you."

Ms. Florence nodded, smiled and said, "Do you have any more questions?"

The couple shook their heads at the same time.

Xiangshan requires volunteers for clinical trials to understand every detail of the entire experiment, know all the risks involved, and participate voluntarily on this basis.

Every volunteer must attend such a briefing session before entering the "prosthetic" stage.

Occasionally, Xiangshan did it himself, but Florence still took on most of the work.

She nodded: "The osteoblasts will be isolated today. After being transformed and cultured in vitro, they will be used to print prosthetic substrates. This process will take about a month."

"In this month, we will collect and study neural signals in advance. When the prosthetic body is installed, the operating system of the prosthetic body can be directly connected to your neural signals. But to do this, we need to

Perform a craniotomy and implant flexible electrodes into your skull. I told you this two days ago, is there anything else you need me to explain to you?"

Lu Xuanyu shook his head again and said, "I just hope that the operation can be completed as soon as possible."

"There is no rush, Mr. Lu." Florence shook her head, "Although your brain is much tougher than Homo sapiens, the brain is still a fragile organ. Our first priority is to ensure that you will not be harmed.

, the second is to successfully obtain experimental data. Currently, Director Tao and neurosurgery experts from other hospitals are formulating a surgical plan. This will take some time."

"The operation is scheduled for two days later."

Lu Xuanyu nodded and said nothing more.

Florence began to pack up the documents on the desktop. At this time, Lu Xuanyu put forward the idea that he had always had: "Ms. Florence, can I go see the volunteers who have completed the prosthetic transformation?"

Before this, he had only seen successfully prosthetic primates in the imaging data provided by Xiang Shan.

After entering the medical center, Superman Enterprise also provided him with information on prosthetic human beings.


In the era when Lu Xuanyu grew up, video processing and image processing technologies were very mature. Although Lu Xuanyu knew that Superman Enterprise would not use fake videos to deceive people, before actually seeing it, he always had a feeling... due to the background of the times


"Oh, yes. There is such an arrangement." Florence put the smart device into her handbag and said, "Please wait a moment. I will take you there myself."

Deeper into this large medical center is the activity area for benchmark people who have completed their transformation.

The temperature in this inner zone remains stable at 50 degrees Celsius.

Before heading to the "inner area", Florence and Lu Xuanyu's wife changed into the latest equipment.

This is an insulating suit that looks like a cotton-padded jacket, with a hood that can cover your head, forehead, etc., and even your face if necessary.

This aspect is completely designed according to the idea of ​​cold-proof equipment.

However, there is a refrigeration device on the back of this dress that is of acceptable weight.

It can maintain the temperature inside the garment between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius.

When moving around in the outer area, Lu Xuanyu needs to wear a cotton-padded jacket with a heating device. But when moving around in the inner area, the Homo sapiens staff have to wear something with a refrigeration device.

"Be careful not to get close to the air outlet of the heating equipment. If you put an egg there, the egg will really be heated and cooked." Florence warned Lu Xuanyu's wife carefully.

Lu Xuanyu's wife pushed Lu Xuanyu's wheelchair with one hand, wrapped her refrigeration clothing tightly with the other hand, and nodded vigorously.

After passing through an isolation room, Lu Xuanyu felt the warm wind coming towards him.

Then, he heard a "bang bang" sound.

That was the sound of a basketball hitting the ground.

Lu Xuanyu was facing a corridor. There were several different rooms on the right side of the corridor, whose purpose was unknown, and there was only one door on the left side, which looked like a large space connected to a stadium.

That's where the sound of basketball comes from.

The air in this place is 50 degrees, and there is only one kind of person who can move in this place.

Lu Xuanyu stretched his neck in the wheelchair, wanting to see the distance. His wife hurriedly pushed the wheelchair forward, complaining: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

The group of people turned around and passed the gate.

Several people with steel limbs are playing basketball.

This group of people are generally around thirty years old, but all have physical disabilities. Judging from their appearance, they are mainly Asians, but there are also people from other regions.

"The first batch of people to receive treatment are mainly soldiers, policemen, and firefighters." Florence said: "Of course, due to funding sources... military personnel still account for the majority. Among the current more than 50 benchmark people,

There are thirty-seven people with military backgrounds. They are mainly people who were injured accidentally during training and exercises."

The fire department is also working hard to obtain quotas. After all, based on the existing data, basic humanization surgery is a very low-risk surgery. Compared with this small risk, "lifelong disability" is obviously more serious.

There are many firefighters who have lost limbs due to various disasters. However, due to funding reasons, they have been unable to compete with the military in the competition for "the first batch of places".

Although the chairman of Superman Enterprise has repeatedly stated that his wish is to extend this transformation surgery to all mankind, no one can guarantee that the cost of the surgery can be reduced. Even if the cost can be reduced, no one knows how long it will take to reduce the cost.


This batch of volunteers may be the only way for ordinary people to have access to this transformation surgery within ten years.

If the cost cannot be reduced, then this group of people will be the lucky few who enjoy this surgery for free.

If the cost can be reduced, then they will be pioneers for mankind - which will help improve the collective image.

But Lu Xuanyu was no longer thinking about that.

He stared at a young man's legs.

A leg whose mechanical movement is close to the use of human muscles.

This chapter has been completed!
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