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Chapter 256 For a harmonious life

"It's amazing..." Lu Xuanyu was a little surprised, "Even the blind people..."

"It's not 'blindness', but 'complete blindness'. Usually the group of people with 'weak light perception' are also classified as 'blind people'. But the first batch of volunteers chose those with damaged retinas."

People, they don't even have the sense of light," Florence said.

Lu Xuanyu's wife exclaimed: "Your company is really amazing... But 240P is so confusing. Do you need to wear glasses?"

240P is an unheard-of low-definition for them. In the era when they grew up, 2K could barely be called "high-definition". Only some collectors of electronic products could afford such low-definition things.

Florence shook her head: "It's not that simple. The visual function of living things basically relies on the principle of small hole imaging, which allows light to pass through the pupil and project an image on the retina. Humans are myopic because the eyeball and cornea,

The lens, etc. has deformed, so that the focus of pupil imaging is not on the retina. In this case, it makes sense to use glasses. However, the retinas and optic nerves of these volunteers are artificial, and they are limited by the processing capabilities and processing capabilities of the prosthetic eyes.

The transmission capacity of the optic nerve can currently only see images 'equivalent to 240P' - please note that 240P is just a metaphor."

"Is there no remedy?"

"There are still some." Florence nodded: "This is the advantage of the prosthetic body. The size of the eyeball is limited by the orbit, and the size of the orbit is limited by the skull. Therefore, if you are not limited to the 'naked eye'

Similar size', or accept a temporary external device, you can see higher definition."

"External device?" Lu Xuanyu became a little interested: "What kind?"

"Similar to motorcycle helmets, the Polish painter also participated in the design, as the first generation of external equipment." Florence said: "The only disadvantage is that it is a bit heavy. But if it is paired with an exoskeleton, it is basically not a problem.

It’s a pity that the samples haven’t been made yet, otherwise I could show them to you.”

"External connection..." Lu Xuanyu looked at his lower body, seeming to be daydreaming, "Then, wouldn't it be possible to change different feet according to different needs?"

"There is such a consideration." Florence nodded: "Human feet are designed for walking on flat ground, and hands are also specialized for using tools. In certain situations, natural hands and feet may not be able to

Undertake certain tasks. According to the company's plan, the first batch of able-bodied people to actively accept prosthetics should be astronauts, firefighters and other groups working in extreme environments. There may be needs in this regard."

"Back to prosthetic eyes. With the advancement of technology, the clarity of these people's vision will continue to improve. Maybe in less than ten years, they will be able to see the 1080P world."

Florence took Lu Xuanyu and his wife to visit other areas. All the projects being carried out here were still experimental.

There was another project that caught Lu Xuanyu's attention. The subject of that project was also a firefighter. He was sent here because he had lung failure caused by inhaling excessive dust and pollutants at the fire scene.

Only then did Lu Xuanyu know that lungs could also be replaced.

Thanks to the rapid progress in materials science, humans can now use special membrane oxygenators to meet a human's breathing needs. However, Yawgmoth and Xiangshan have gone one step further. Superman Enterprise has a pan-tech company with "3D printing of autologous cell signaling factors"

Using the solution, we can create an artificial lung with a denser structure and a more efficient vascular division.

In fact, Yawgmoth's research on this thing was just "happening" - most of the details of this technology are exactly the same as the technology used by osteoblasts to print prosthetic bases.

Yawgmoth just wanted to further explore the mysteries of human cell differentiation and get some funds along the way.

The problem of firefighters' lung failure has always been a pain point for fire departments in various countries. Many people who have been dubbed "firefighting heroes" have suffered from the disease. In an emergency, if protection is not adequate, even if they escape from the fire alive, they will not survive.


Yawgmoth satisfied his curiosity, and the fire department that funded it achieved results, finally getting a relatively cheap treatment for lung failure.

"A stronger heart, more efficient lungs. Many internal organs have the possibility of replacement." Florence said: "The technology of artificial hearing organs is relatively mature. The sense of touch can barely be achieved. Now only

The senses of smell and taste lack clues. It is indeed quite difficult to simply use instruments to detect complex mixtures and then convert them into specific neural signals, which can also be matched with the natural information processing mechanism in the human brain..."

"Other than that, there are not many disabilities and diseases that we cannot overcome."

Florence felt a natural pride when discussing this topic.

Lu Xuanyu can now fully understand this pride.

For a doctor, is there anything more proud than "we are conquering all diseases"?

The people Lu Xuanyu met most in Superman Company were scientists.

What they show most is this kind of look.

For some reason, Lu Xuanyu actually felt a kind of "envy".

——This feeling of having a clear direction and being able to keep moving forward...

The visit ended quickly. This was a scientific research area after all. For Lu Xuanyu and his wife, there were not many things that they could directly understand.

After sending the two of them back to their private space, Florence sat down and said to the couple: "Mr. Lu, there is one more thing I want to inform you. However, I am not very clear about your country's culture on this topic.

level of taboo, so if you feel that my words offend you, please tell me directly."


"About the first generation of artificial male external genitalia." Florence said: "It has just passed the primate animal experiment. Because we were not sure when this technology could be applied to humans before, in order not to

It will cause you... ahem, extra psychological burden. We didn't tell you this news before. After receiving the news, I hope to choose an occasion where both of you and your wife are present."

Lu Xuanyu blushed. This was not because of anger. It was just that as a man from a republic who grew up in a conservative environment, he had not discussed such topics with women before. But Florence's pure attitude of a doctor and a parent made him

He felt that he was thinking too much. He instinctively glanced at his wife.

Lu Xuanyu's wife was also a little embarrassed: "This, this thing... is of no use. We now have reproductive isolation..."

"A harmonious relationship contributes to mental health."

This chapter has been completed!
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