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Chapter 260 Scholars Perspective [Part 2]

Jeet Kune Do is not a mature martial art. Its creator died suddenly before perfecting it.

Earlier, Bruce Lee felt that Jeet Kune Do was immature, so he prohibited his disciples from opening schools to teach in the name of "Jet Kune Do". This ban could not be lifted until his sudden death. After his death, his

Among the many disciples of Jeet Kune Do, some try to simplify and create based on the existing foundation of Jeet Kune Do, while others try to specify rules and promote commercialization.

Some people simply withdrew from the circle and adhered to Bruce Lee's instructions. They just absorbed the concepts of Jeet Kune Do into other martial arts they practiced, and opened martial arts schools in this way, instead of doing it in the name of Jeet Kune Do.

When Lu Xuanyu arrived in Seattle, the martial arts gym was already quite dilapidated.

"Can communities and sects really be formed automatically?" Lu Xuanyu asked, "Without a hero taking the lead, can anything be accomplished?"

"It should be a natural process. Just like what we just said, a village competes with neighboring villages for water, manure, and land, and naturally becomes a collective." Chen Feng realized Lu Xuanyu's thoughts a little later, and said, "

However, if it is a modern society...a well-known trademark involves too many interests, it may be a little more difficult?"

Lu Xuanyu put his hands behind his head: "If you want to promote a martial art, you have to face such complicated things... Then according to other researchers, the disciples of Jeet Kune Do can be regarded as, uh, a 'community'


Chen Feng rubbed his nose: "Hiss... I can only be regarded as a hobbyist, not someone who specializes in this. Don't forget, our project today is to study the human brain through your brain. And this kind of

Perhaps we can only wait for history to conclude the issue."

"History..." Lu Xuanyu thought about it, "I have never thought about these issues... You academics, how long do you have in your brains?"

"The direction of personal interests may be different." Chen Feng shrugged: "Some people practice martial arts just to keep fit, while some people are simply interested in fighting techniques and enjoy the joy of practicing every move. There are also people who are just interested in fighting techniques."

I like the collision when fighting with others. My colleagues around me like to think about it. This is a way for us to understand martial arts. There is no distinction between high and low in these directions, it depends on the individual."

"So in your opinion, what exactly is 'a martial art'? What is the relationship between 'skill' and 'community'?"

Chen Feng touched his chin: "Different people may have different personal styles in practicing the same martial arts, but there must be a characteristic that allows outsiders to easily see the origin of their martial arts. They will also create some new techniques, and

It will absorb some experience from other sects, but it is mostly within the same framework. It is difficult to say that these moves of this sect are of that type of boxing, but those moves are not. The skills are generally dispersed in the community, and are practiced in the community.

Groups. It is precisely because of this that studying 'organizational forms' is part of studying martial arts."

"Furthermore, there are kinship relationships between communities, which may not be what most people think. A weapon...for example, Liuhe Gun, Red Fist, Baji Fist, Liuhe Fist, Xingyi

There is practice in all branches of boxing. It is a skill, and then different groups practice it, and when these groups practice, they will start to differentiate and communicate."

"These skills are like 'advantage genes' and will naturally expand. Its expansion number is a tensor, which must remain the largest among the generations of its own community, but the off-diagonal term is not zero. How many generations

After the changes, the latest martial arts will inevitably have many 'genes' from elsewhere, and some techniques can hardly be said to be 'unique'."

"This is a bit like the parallel transmission of genetic information of microorganisms. But it is very evolutionary. Evolution itself is based on the population. If there is no selection pressure brought by the environment, evolution will proceed in different directions. Biological organisms

The process of evolution does not seek to be the strongest, but to occupy the most suitable ecological niche. The same is probably true for martial arts."

"Modern competition rules are a type of 'selection pressure'. Analogous to nature, they may lead to the 'ecological niche of the top predator'? Occupy the most comfortable ecological niche? But under mass extinction, the top predator

The losers are often the first to disappear. Maybe the same is true for modern sports? It relies heavily on modern transportation, media, etc..."

The more Lao Chen talked, the happier he became, gesturing with his hands, and occasionally pulling out some information to illustrate his point of view.

Lu Xuanyu wiped his face: "Why do you people have so many brains..."

Lu Xuanyu had never thought about a problem this way.

Chen Feng said happily, but he didn't see the girl behind him whose face was getting worse and worse.

That girl's name is Amiya, and she is a student of Comrade Chen Feng and a founding disciple. Amiya is a Central Asian, and her motherland is a small country called "Azadistan". It is said that when she just entered the Republic of China, the international situation

The geopolitical situation with Central Asia is still very tense. If she does not study to a certain level, there is a risk of returning to her country at any time to become a low-level officer in the government, a warlord or something else. (In such a country, undergraduate students seem to be basically regarded as reserve forces.

(Official) She is more eager to "make achievements" than her mentor.

Although with the rise of Xiangshan, the years of being chased by the "abyss" have ended, this girl still maintains the style of the past.

She shook Chen Feng's shoulder rudely: "Teacher, stop chatting! The scheduled time is coming soon! Volunteers should be in a calm and focused state to avoid interference! You are getting more and more excited as you chat.

Got it!"

"Is there any way?" Lao Chen sighed: "Sometimes I feel that you are my boss. I just have this little time to talk about my personal hobbies..."

"If Mr. Lu sees a simple graphic in a while and is thinking about fighting skills in his mind, you will be blamed in the end."

Chen Feng shrugged regretfully: "This topic will have to be continued next time... Ah, maybe I was too excited when I talked, and it was mixed with a bit of intellectual sourness..."

"Nothing." Lu Xuanyu said, "I'm very happy to talk about martial arts with you."

Lu Xuanyu had never viewed martial arts from this perspective. But what Chen Feng said was corroborated by his experience of traveling around the world and seeing martial arts from various places over the years. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like the same thing.

After a few months, Lu Xuanyu confirmed that Lao Chen's swordsmanship was not bad at the level of an "amateur", but it was just okay.

But he still has the same admiration for these amateurs.

He gained a perspective that he didn't have before.

This chapter has been completed!
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