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Chapter 268 'Child'

The child was thin and small. Since his face was quite different from that of East Asians, Lu Xuanyu couldn't tell how old he was at the moment, but he probably looked like he was in his early teens.

The boy looked very frightened.

This made Lu Xuanyu feel very strange.

Indeed, since his legs are a little longer than before, these old pants look a bit like cropped pants, and the mechanical structure of the entire calf is exposed. But this should not cause panic. Lu Xuanyu's "patient"

They are not in a state of confinement, and there are also people walking around outside. It is no secret that "Superman Corporation is developing mechanical prosthetics". Modern people should not be frightened.

What's more, the fact that this child appears here means that most of his parents are related to this place, whether they are volunteers or staff. No matter what, he will not be surprised by this.

——I don’t think I look very evil in his eyes, right?

Although it was strange, Lu Xuanyu still took two steps forward, stretched out his hand, and tried to pull the child up. But the child became even more frightened. He struggled to move on the ground, retreating little by little, while yelling something.

It was neither Chinese nor English, and it was not similar to the languages ​​Lu Xuanyu occasionally heard in foreign countries.

Lu Xuanyu scratched his head and said in English: "I don't know why, but listen, kid, I just want to help you."

Then, he approached again, intending to help the child up before attracting anyone's attention, and then leave immediately.

The child moved more widely.

Then, the moment Lu Xuanyu bent down, the child was lying on the ground, and without any warning, he kicked up and stabbed Lu Xuanyu's facial vitals with his toes.

This time, the force exerted was not scientific and reasonable, and the movement was not very fast, but it was very vicious, attacking suddenly without any hesitation.

Lu Xuanyu instinctively reached back and held the child's ankle. The child's other foot immediately followed, with the same vicious angle. It seemed that the target of his attack was still Lu Xuanyu's eyes.

Lu Xuanyu immediately threw the child out. The child rolled around on the ground twice, and then it seemed that something sad had been touched, and he started to sob and cry.

Lu Xuanyu broke into a cold sweat. He felt that he was in danger, and his anger was instantly ignited. Even if the opponent was a child lying on the ground, he still instinctively launched an aggressive boxing stance.

But the child's cries finally attracted the security guards.

A man in a security uniform ran over. When he saw the child, he was startled and immediately yelled at Lu Xuanyu: "Stand there and don't move! Stay away from that child!"

When the child saw someone else coming, he immediately turned over and stood up. Lu Xuanyu had spent the past few months in the hospital bed and neglected to exercise. He only trained the muscles of his upper limbs during rehabilitation, so his hands were not very strong.

.And he still restrained his strength subconsciously. The child seemed to know how to protect himself the moment he fell, and he did not suffer any harm.

He ran out quickly, as fast as a gust of wind.

Lu Xuanyu originally wanted to chase him, but the security guard immediately stopped him.

Others only saw the scene of the child crying after being thrown out, while Lu Xuanyu was still making an attack gesture. Based on normal logic, the person with the problem in this situation should be Lu Xuanyu, a strong adult.

And the child ran really fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The guard also called his companions.

A few minutes later, Lu Xuanyu met Xiang Shan in Florence's office.

Xiangshan rarely took off his smart glasses. The glasses hung on his collar. He kept rubbing his forehead with his fingers, as if he had a headache.

Lu Xuanyu found himself a little panicked. He said, "Mr. Xiang, I'm so sorry that this incident has alarmed you. This..."

Xiang Shan sighed: "No, I understand the cause and effect. Judging from the monitoring data, this matter is a misunderstanding. Please don't pay attention and forget about it. I apologize to you on behalf of the company and personally."

"No, no, no..." Lu Xuanyu waved his hands quickly, "I'm not offended or anything - it's just that there's something wrong with that kid!"

"On behalf of the company, it's because our employees restricted you without understanding the situation." Xiang Shan explained.

Just now, the security guards suspected that something had happened to Lu Xuanyu and showed too much desire to attack.

Although there have been no problems yet, the medical center's program requires mental manipulation, so the training manual for these employees includes "how to deal with patients whose behavior is out of control" - but this is just in case.

They just felt that they had met this "what if".

Furthermore, they actually knew the kid.

"As for representing an individual, it's because the child belongs to my friend's family..." Xiangshan paused for half a second before spitting out the last word, "Adopted son."

"Adopted son?" Lu Xuanyu frowned.

"My friend, Yawgmoth, when he performed the first genetic modification surgery a few years ago, local cancer occurred in the peripheral nervous system. Those cancer cells were later donated to the world free of charge by him. In order to avoid 'donation'

Since the descendants of the deceased are not allowed to use samples in the academic community for the privacy of their personal genes, Yawgmoth chose not to have any descendants." Xiang Shan said.

"Ah?" Lu Xuanyu didn't understand: "Why?"

"Donating those cells means donating one's own genetic material. Anyone can know what is in his genes, and may infer his private personality tendencies. Some people really mind this.

." Xiang Shan said: "And your DNA obviously belongs to more than just yourself. At least you will share most of the DNA with your descendants."

"This..." Lu Xuanyu was shocked: "Does it require such a big sacrifice?"

"It's okay." Xiang Shan shrugged: "At least he has money now, so it's very simple to adopt a child."

Lu Xuanyu nodded, feeling respect for Yawgmoth in his heart. He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But, I think there is something wrong with that child."

Xiang Shan was stunned and looked at him like this.

Lu Xuanyu hesitantly told the story of his conflict with the child, and then said: "Look at the way he attacked me... without the slightest hesitation. This child must have had many fights. I even suspect that he has killed someone."

Xiang Shan was surprised: "Can you see this?"

"No, it's just an example. His movements are all very amateurish, but the ruthlessness of his attacks on vital points..." Lu Xuanyu said, and was stunned: "Have you really killed him?"

Close your eyes towards the mountain.

After a few seconds, he said quietly: "The security of this place recruits retired armed police and soldiers. There must be many people here who have killed criminals with their own hands."

"But, maybe, ah, just maybe."

"All the members of the security department of this medical center have killed as many people as that kid."

This chapter has been completed!
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