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Chapter 272 A different world

"Have you ever thought about such a problem?" Ingrid drank half a glass of beer in one breath, and then licked the foam at the corner of her mouth: "The 'naturally right' in people's eyes is not the same thing."

"In the jungles of Paraguay, there is a hunter-gatherer tribe that has survived until modern times. They are called the 'Ache'. The Ache people often kill their own people. If an Ache woman is too old, she becomes

If she becomes a burden to the tribe, the young men in the tribe will lurk behind her, looking for an opportunity to chop her head with an axe. An Archer male may kill his aunt, uncle, aunt in his youth... According to

It was the custom of the Archers that if a valuable tribe member died, they would kill a little girl and bury him with him."

"In addition, children's life and death there can be decided at will. They often kill infants, often because they don't want to raise more offspring. One man killed a little baby boy because he was in a bad mood.

, the child kept crying again'. One child was even buried alive because 'that thing looks weird and other children will laugh at it'."

Having said this, Ingrid asked: "So Mr. Lu, what do you think of these people?"

"Barbaric and ignorant." Lu Xuanyu said without thinking.

"But, but, the adult Archers are very friendly to each other, and violent conflicts rarely occur. If an Archer is in trouble, the people in the tribe will find ways to help him. Although they don't have many material possessions,

Many, but very generous, and not obsessed with success and wealth. There is absolutely no one who is driven into a position of revenge against society by career or bank loans. There is no murder.”

"In the Archer people's outlook on life, the most important thing is good interpersonal interaction and true friendship. They will not hate another group of people far away for no reason, and will not use cyber violence against those who encounter misfortune.

He will not spread rumors at will...the chief of the tribe is also very fair and will not use invisible values ​​to suck the blood of the youth of the tribe."

Lu Xuanyu was startled: "Are these guys still good people?"

"'Good and evil' is not an objective concept. In their world view, they are indeed good people." Ingrid burped: "In their eyes, this is what the normal world is like. They will abandon serious illness

members, or bury them early. In their worldview, such a person is dead even though he or she has not stopped breathing. Just like you wouldn’t try to extend the life of a dead grandparent.”

"As for 'killing children who cannot live independently', to them it is 'abortion'... Well, there are no conservative religious forces here that prohibit abortion, right? You shouldn't have any aversion to abortion, right? They don't either

The same. In their world view, 'children who cannot live independently' are like lifeless embryos... The cruelty of the natural environment makes these groups likely to die at any time... Apart from this, they are generally good people. No

Will kill at will..."

"Come on!" Xiangshan, whose head had been gradually lowered, suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Even chimpanzees... or bonobos or gorillas? Anyway, non-human primates will attack approaching people unnecessarily.

The ethnic groups carried out massacres. Those 'simple' primitive people of yours did not have massacres and tribal wars, maybe it was just that anthropologists did not record them!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes..." Ingrid waved her hand: "Sit down, don't get excited."

Xiang Shan sat down and continued to take a sip of the sweet cocktail: "Where are you talking about? Yes, the standard of 'normal' is different. The kid's world view is that of an African farmer who has not experienced modernization. In his

It seemed to me that this city was built on a marvelous but unknown foreign witchcraft."

"Subway...he doesn't understand why we dig such complicated tunnels underground. It's not like there's not enough ground to walk on. But if we tell him it's to 'get to a distance faster', he doesn't understand why we have to go to a distance.

Why do people look for jobs half a city away? Why do they live so far away from relatives? Why don't they farm near home? If you tell them that there is not enough land for farming, they will think there is something wrong with city people.

, why do you want to come to a place like this where there is no land to farm and serve others?"

"Yorgna's favorite place is the zoo in Peiping. In the past, he could stay in the panda house for most of the day on holidays, and even sit outside the animal's living area to conceive thesis. But Falcon can't understand this kind of thing at all. This

The kid doesn't understand what kind of power would drive humans to collect different animals from all over the world, and then lock them in similar cages... It can only be said that he was sent to kill people since he was a child, and his brain is extremely sick. Obviously Xie Lu Kemi

Dom’s specialty tourism project is the huge safari park.”

"Although he would feel very comfortable taking a hot bath, he doesn't understand why we want to have a hot bath every day. Isn't it good to keep the necessary cleanliness? So are the dazzling varieties of food. They are very delicious, but

There is no need. Why do we have to transport meat hundreds or even thousands of kilometers? Why do we transport marine products from the sea to the inland? Isn’t it only natural that we eat what we have?”

"There is also entertainment. The screen is also an amazing witchcraft. But he can't understand why everyone wants to watch those images that they know are not real. And video games... why do they need to obtain something called 'score'?

Numbers with no meaning? Why pretend to kill monsters that don’t exist?”

"The gun is probably the foreign witchcraft he is most familiar with. He also thinks the gun is very useful, but for him, this foreign martial arts stick is just to make up for the physical weakness caused by age. Without this witchcraft, he and

His companions will also use knives to kill people, including Zima people."

"The life we ​​take for granted seems very impressive to him, but it is completely unnecessary. At least there is no need to integrate tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people into a huge system... The industrial system that supports our lives is very important to him.

For him, it is indescribable, beyond imagination, and an indescribable thing.”

Xiangshan said a lot in one breath, as if he had accumulated a lot of emotions. After these words were spoken, he leaned back on his seat like a balloon blowing out air.

"He suddenly said that he realized that we were great...I don't know what 'steel limbs' meant in his eyes. But he intuitively realized that our 'witchcraft' could subvert his cognition.

The underlying logic. At this moment, I have a real feeling that 'all your previous understandings were wrong'. This is a good thing."

Xiang Shan muttered "This is a good thing" and repeated it several times. His voice became lower and lower, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Perhaps because he was drunk, Lu Xuanyu asked a question that he had been curious about before: "Well, I was very surprised just now. Why would he want to die at the hands of your friend's relatives? Your attitude towards that kid is also

Very strange, Mr. Xiang."

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