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Chapter 64 Upgrade Plan

Although he didn't hold out much hope, Xiang Shan still went to take a look at the place where the Qinggang Vulture fell.

No chip found.

"'Blue Steel Vulture'... I was just thinking, what if his outer armor is so strong that the rifle can't penetrate it." Xiang Shan poked the wreckage on the ground with his finger and sighed: "To be on the safe side, I'd better use

The anti-aircraft cannon they organized was killed. It’s only natural that it didn’t drop!”

Since he has the authority of the boss of Organization Z, Xiangshan can naturally command the smart weapons here. He just called the anti-aircraft cannon and executed Daniel.

As for little Edward, he died under the gunshot of Daniel, the blue steel vulture.

Xiang Shan was originally planning to take a few more shots.

Then, the wilderness returned to deathly silence. Only the sound of the young girl crying was left.

Yuki looked at the dead woman and the child and sighed: "Her mother is dead... she must be very sad."

Xiangshan looked at Youki and said, "Don't empathize with your own experience...forget it."


"I just advise you not to be too sad." Xiang Shan said, "You must be thinking of your mother."

Yuki did not hear the last sinister conversation and thought that this girl was the daughter of the dead woman.

But Xiangshan heard little Edward's last conversation through the line.

But... there is no need to tell Yuki. This boy is still young, and it would not be a good idea to hate the baby girl just because of her genetics.

Xiang Shan said: "Dig a hole and bury her."

Youki was stunned: "Bury...burial? What is that?"

"Yes, I forgot, you don't have this custom anymore." Xiang Shan shook his head: "Dig a hole, put the lady's prosthetic body in, and wait for natural decomposition. This is a kind of respect for the human being she once was.


Yuki nodded in understanding and began to dig a hole in the ground with his hands.

Xiangshan found some sealing silicone from other thugs, and then slightly filled the terrible wound on the back of Emiko's head. Then, he turned the woman's body over and gently closed her eyes.

A woman's last action is to protect her baby.

"What a noble spirit, ma'am." Xiang Shan lowered his head and said, "I salute you. I will be responsible for bringing that baby to a safe place."

Soon, a grave that could accommodate one person was dug. Xiangshan picked up the woman's body. The child didn't know what happened, cried desperately, and kicked Xiangshan. Yuki had no choice but to hold the girl away. The girl struggled desperately.

Xiangshan placed the woman's body in the grave.

By the time he filled the soil, the child had fainted from crying.

Xiang Shan shook his head, turned around and walked into the corridor: "Follow me this time."

Yuki followed the girl in his arms.

More than ten minutes later, they arrived at the base entrance closest to that entrance. This was not a motorcycle parking lot, but another warehouse. The door opened a gap, and terrifying heat was radiating from inside.

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "You two still have skin, so don't rush in. Wait a few hours."

Yuki shook his head from side to side and found that it was filled with corpses. Quite a few of them were stiff and twisted, and they didn't know what they had gone through.

In fact, Xiangshan came out of this door after learning the news about Youki. Next to this door is the warehouse. Xiangshan randomly took some weapons inside. He first stood far inside and went in this direction.

Throw metal aerosol bombs. The high-density metal aerosol quickly filled the entire space. Quite a few gangsters short-circuited on the spot, seriously affecting the actions of other people.

What followed was a bomb.

The explosion ignited the metal aerosol in the air, causing a larger explosion.

This is how Xiangshan clears a path.

Although Yuki didn't know what happened, he nodded in awe.

Xiangshan quickly rushed through the hot zone and fanned himself. When he passed by the weapons warehouse, a few grenades were suddenly thrown out. Xiangshan only glanced at it, then he put one leg on the ground and used the other leg to push the grenades.

He kicked back a few grenades, then kicked off his other leg hard and rolled on the ground, avoiding the direction facing the weapons warehouse door.

Then, there were a series of explosions and the earth shook.

"Four more died. Let's take a look... there should be a... twenty or thirty people left here?"

Anyway, it's okay if it doesn't work out.

Xiangshan thought this while wandering around the base following the surveillance. He planned to get rid of the tail before Yuki came in.

After all, it’s not good for children to watch restricted-rated pictures.

After another ten minutes, Xiangshan returned to the practice room where the little poisonous insect was. He didn't talk nonsense, but directly ordered the little poisonous insect's chip to pop out of his skull. Xiangshan directly took out the chip and memory, and then focused on reading his thoughts in the last half hour.


He sighed.

It seems that the little poisonous insect did not lie to him. That kind of... that kind of destruction is indeed irreversible.

Without further ado, he casually took out the little poisonous insect's brain, inserted some flexible electrodes randomly, and threw them into the antiseptic fluid.

Perhaps this extremely lucky master of internal energy would hate the cell damage resistance that the genetic modification technology gave to new humans.

At this point, Organization Z was officially destroyed.

Xiangshan walked up to a brain that was still alive. He didn't know if there was consciousness inside. But this kind of irreversible transformation could only bring twisted pain.

He placed his palm against the glass container and activated the ultrasound.

Strong ultrasound can create a local pressure difference in the liquid, causing the liquid to produce a large number of vacuoles that are born and disappear instantly, thereby crushing the cells in the liquid.

In just a few seconds, the brain seemed to be dissolved in the nutrient solution.

"Sorry." Xiangshan said to the emulsified liquid.

One by one he freed the remaining brains.

Then, he punched and shattered the storage device that Kui was carrying behind his back.

That is the "collective memory" of Organization Z.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Damn it." In the empty darkness, Xiang Shan growled to himself: "Technology has no will... Technology has no will... Damn it...

…Technology has no will…”

Just watching the memories of Leif and Griad did not make him realize the distortion of the green forest so intuitively.

But after destroying the stronghold, he already understood. He completely understood.

This world is a huge mistake, and the existence of Green Forest is just a small microcosm of this mistake.

The roots of the technology used by the Green Foresters to increase their own "common memory" are the same as the technology used by knights to exchange martial arts experience. The predecessor of this technology is also a "learning technology" for prosthetics -

—It is a technology that aims to "reform the education industry" and injects knowledge directly into the brain.

Xiangshan's arms trembled.

Humanity should rely on this technology to allow more people to move from the "class in themselves" to the "class for themselves"...

——Strange, why am I so angry...


"Damn it!" Xiang Shan suddenly picked up the remains of the little poisonous insect and smashed it against the wall.

If a twisted person uses this technology to record his twisted emotions...

This is a kind of mental HIV.

You have to admit, HIV is really not very contagious - a disease that requires the exchange of body fluids to spread, its transmission rate will be beaten by pneumonia and hepatitis. But it is still terrifying enough. What HIV destroys is

The immune system itself. Once humans are infected with HIV, there is almost no possibility of self-recovery.

The same goes for Green Forest Memory. What it destroys is the personality itself.

But this technology should not be used for this kind of thing.

No...the twist doesn't stop there either.

Prosthetic transformation technology is not used to turn people into tools. It is a technology used by humans to conquer all diseases, all innate limitations, and all disabilities.

Xiang Shan held his head: "No, even the technique of 'martial arts' is abnormal..."

There are obviously so many military technologies in the world that are simpler than "boxing with a prosthetic body", so why has this world turned into a world of martial arts?

Geek culture is obviously born with the open source spirit that emphasizes sharing, but why has hacking technology that has been elevated to the realm of internal strength wiped out the open source spirit?

"What step went wrong..."

"What era am I from? What happened while I was sleeping?"


By the time Yuki saw Xiangshan again, it was already several hours later.

Youki didn't know what happened. He just relied on the interactions he had had these days and read from Xiangshan's body language... The master didn't seem happy at all.

"Master...you seem to..."

"In a good mood?" Xiangshan answered while collecting junk metal on the ground: "Ah, because there are really a lot of resources here. I think my prosthetic body can be improved to a higher level this time. Well, give it to me

In a few days, I can be completely transformed into a much stronger prosthetic body."

Xiangshan said this while tidying up.

After a while, he stood up and said: "Donkey is here. You continue to sort the garbage here and find those prosthetic bodies and equipment that are not blown to pieces. I will go out."

This can be regarded as the basic skill of a knight. If you don't understand the design logic of the prosthetic body, you won't even be able to hear anything. "Destruction of the center of gravity" is also based on a certain understanding of the structure of the prosthetic body.

Yuki nodded, endured the discomfort, and looked for those prosthetic bodies that were not seriously damaged.

Not long after, Xiangshan came over with the "donkey".

"Okay, the next task is still very heavy." Xiang Shan said: "Replace the spine, design a prosthetic body, repair a prosthetic hand, make a skull... Oh, yes, and upgrade the donkey. Best.

It can be done within four days.”

Youki was startled: "In such a hurry? We can upgrade it in this base."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Nonsense. There are so many green forest villages in this land. Killing them one by one will take time."

This chapter has been completed!
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