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Chapter 285 Target

"Are these artificial intelligence retarded? How can they box well?" Xiang Shan sighed: "Even those boxing champion AIs are almost the same. Really. It's just that in terms of individual skills, such as shaking, stepping, and hugging,

Frames, frame changes, jabs, combination punches, etc., they are indeed at the level of a boxing champion, so training against these artificial retarded people should still help improve the level of most boxers."

"Machines have no goals, and they don't know how to 'make up concepts that don't exist'. But they have surpassed humans in terms of resource management, probability assessment, and command and prohibition. Therefore, use the human mind to set goals for the machine, and use the power of the machine to

Delivering humans to their goals is the right path for technological development."

Xiang Shan looked at the expressions of the Norwich coach and Lu Xuanyu and knew that his exhibition was not in vain.

From now on, the ultimate goal of all Xiangshan's actions has been very clear. He wants these two people to realize that "the times have changed."

Yes, times have changed.

What Lu Xuanyu really needs to do is to smash what he has learned in the past, let go of the shackles of the past, and create new technologies that can adapt to prosthetics.

Things like martial arts look different under different conditions.

For example, in martial arts in the ring, just whether the rules stipulate the use of "boxing gloves" or "split-finger gloves" can lead to huge changes in technology.

The changes in Lu Xuanyu were even more obvious.

His entire center of gravity became lower.

Most of the training methods Lu Xuanyu is used to are not suitable for him now.

The Norwich coach may not take the initiative to think about "what to do".

Therefore, he used the most violent method to show the technical power of Superman Enterprise in front of them, so that this concept would be imprinted in their hearts.

"Train well." Xiang Shan said, "Don't end up being unable to defeat humans and machines."

Lu Xuanyu felt a sense of urgency. Xiangshan may know what AI looks like, but Lu Xuanyu does not. In Lu Xuanyu's mind, those robots are monsters with the skills of boxing champions and full of mind-boggling operations from the underworld.

Xiangshan knew that his words had an effect.

The three of them returned to the first floor. Lu Xuanyu actually felt that his mentality was completely different from before going down. But what was different, he couldn't tell.

When the three of them got to the ground, the boxing sparring partners had already found a new entertainment project. They were trying to break open AI Tyson's arms with their fists. Several people were also trying to hit Ali's AI.

Sparring partners from other events are also surrounding other robots, looking for events they can train on.

——Then what can I do?

Lu Xuanyu couldn't help but start thinking.

"Think more." Xiang Shan, who was walking in front, said: "Use the human mind to set the target for the machine..."


"...Use the power of the machine to reach the target." On top of the armored vehicle, a person wearing a camouflage net raised his head towards the mountain.

The original newsman who was lying on the top of the armored vehicle on his left side, guarding the front with a firearm, suddenly said: "Senior, have you thought of something happy?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"I have been learning skills from you for several years." The original informant said: "When you start talking to yourself about Wu Zu's famous sayings, you are either very happy or very unhappy. I understand."

"It's so obvious..." Xiang Shan lowered his head and looked at his arms.

That's a mechanical arm.

This is a hand that is devoid of touch in most areas.

It is true that the prosthetic body used by Lu Xuanyu in the mid-21st century was able to closely match the human body's sense of touch, but the prosthetic body used by Xiang Shan more than two hundred years later did not have the touch that is close to the skin.

After all, the varistor will reduce the strength of the outer armor, increase the manufacturing cost, and make maintenance more difficult.

In order to pursue the ultimate performance, the prosthetic body used by Xiangshan did not have varistor mixed into the outer armor.

In contrast, the joints of this prosthetic body, the shock-absorbing layer of the armor lining and a small amount of external armor are all integrated with a higher density of varistor.

These tactile sensations can ensure that warriors can use dexterous skills such as "An Jin", "Ting Jin" and "Li Li". At this point, modern prosthetic warriors are many times stronger than in the past.

However, the only thing this body cannot reproduce is human-like touch.

If human instinct really refuses to adapt, we can only use false tactile signals regularly to make people feel "being touched" out of thin air.

Xiang Shan sighed.

After all, this is the ultimate answer. Human will leaves behind creating "plans" and "goals", and then uses martial arts algorithms and prosthetics to perform martial arts.

"At that time, I probably couldn't have imagined that the final cyber martial arts would be like this."

The underlying principles of this world are actually extremely complex, but humans do not have to understand the underlying principles of the world before they can do anything.

Human beings do not need to know that "feelings and thinking rely on electrical signal transmission" to be able to move and think. Human beings do not need to know the central dogma and Mendelian genetic theory to naturally reproduce the next generation. Every human thought involves complex

Brain activity, any human action involves a series of complex instruction transmissions.

But humans don't need to understand all this.

The same is true for martial arts. Now, warriors at the level of Xiangshan and Matsushima Hiro have countless possibilities as soon as they raise their hands, which can lead to tens of thousands of strategic groups. Several moves based on Markov chains are constantly predicted.

But during battle, warriors should not let their superficial consciousness directly manage these processes.

Of course, if you practice martial arts to an extremely advanced level, you will inevitably learn these contents.

"You can think about what you need to think about. But if you think about things that are useless, you shouldn't let them disturb your mind." Xiang Shan clenched his fists, "Now, take care of Lao Jiu's matters first."

At this moment, a huge sandstorm was brewing in the north. After Xiangshan and his party received the news, they immediately set off and rushed to Paradox City.

They are halfway there now.

Suddenly, a figure approached quickly. The original person thought it was an enemy and immediately took aim. But after observing for a moment, she said to Xiang Shan: "It's Senior Jadeer."

The single-killer king quickly approached. He looked at Xiangshan more than ten meters away, and the infrared signal directly transmitted a piece of information.

"What..." Xiang Shan was stunned for a moment.

"It's absolutely true." Jardel jumped on top of the vehicle, "Unknown hero, please give me an accurate answer. How should we do this?"

Xiang Shan only thought for a moment.

"Of course we're going to Songying City." Xiang Shan smiled and said, "It's good to have two more helpers."

This chapter has been completed!
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