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Chapter 290 High EQ

Matsushima Hong nodded his forehead: "You top warriors don't even let go of your own brains."

"Glial cells are just mentioned because of the difference in selection preference between internal and external ones." TX-0 grinned: "But, but, the last biological tissue of human beings, the part that can be modified is really

There are quite a few. The structure of myelin cells and neuron synapses can be further modified to increase the conduction speed. This is common to both insiders and outsiders, so I haven’t mentioned it yet.”

"In addition, the capillary tubes in my brain and some of the segmented shells are conductive, which can also strengthen the mechanical properties of the brain to a certain extent. There are many modifications that can be made at the level of cells and tissues.


Matsushima Hiroshi clenched his fists and then unclenched them: "It seems that I really can't do it."

That's what he said, but there was no sense of frustration in the old boxer's tone. He was just stating the facts.

Matsushima doesn't think it's a serious problem that he can't beat the Speed ​​King.

"Then what's the difference between me and ordinary knights?"

"Your internal strength is not good. This is the first point. Internal strength is not only direct damage such as witnessing and hacking, but also the collection of intelligence, and the use of cameras. For a knight, the intelligence agent is too important."

Matsushima Hiro nodded. The characteristic of the arena competition is that both parties have transparent information, and most of the data is public. Each player can study the other party as much as they want.

But the battle faced by the knight is not like this.

"Any more?"

"Well, think about it... you don't seem to be very good at escaping - I don't mean 'keep distance from the enemy during the battle', but I mean interrupting the battle and escaping from the battlefield. Do you know why Martial Ancestor was the only one defeated in Wan Zhan?"

"Because..." Matsushima Hiro wanted to cover his face, "Because he is good at escaping?"

"Martial Ancestor does not fight uncertain battles. Most of the battles that may lead to his defeat did not actually happen." TX-0 has a high emotional intelligence after all. He said: "You have one-to-many experience, but you don't know

What is the martial arts of battle formation on the battlefield? You don’t know when you need to retreat temporarily. You don’t know how to judge the situation on the battlefield at all.”

"It's true." Matsushima Hiro nodded.

TX-0 suddenly became a little wary: "Speaking of which, why do you ask this?"

Matsushima Hiro smiled: "You have always said that I should become a knight, why have you changed your mind now?"

"No, don't think about this kind of thing recently." Ah Ling said, "If you want to become a knight, you have to go through study, right? You have to master the techniques of investigation and counter-reconnaissance, right? But this time, what happened to the senior

You are really not young, there may be a large number of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance experts coming to sweep the area, and senior military attachés from various places will also tighten control under the orders of the person above. You can either find a way to get out of the city to avoid the limelight, or you can

Just shrink down."

Matsushima Hiro nodded, and then thought of another thing: "That boy named Yuki, do you need to ask him to leave?"

"Hey, this is not really necessary. The Rangers generally won't take a second look at a brat who has not fully transformed into a prosthetic body." TX-0 said: "Just let him act naturally. But you,

Be sure to stay calm."

Matsushima Hiro waved his hands and continued to meditate.


After Yuki left the martial arts gym, he walked skillfully on the street for a while.

After the knights decide to live in this city for a period of time, they will selectively destroy some surveillance cameras on the streets. Although there are many surveillance cameras in the city in this era, this does not mean that all surveillance cameras must be


The camera itself has sporadic failures. It is normal for one or two to break.

Knights occasionally use low-power directional electromagnetic pulse weapons to burn out a small number of cameras or camera signal transmitting devices, creating a small number of "surveillance blind spots" in the city.

This method will make the monitoring equipment look like it is short-circuited by itself.

The knight will not destroy all the surveillance cameras at once. This will only expose himself.

If the failure rate of monitoring equipment is still within an acceptable range, then the government will not make a big splash to repair it.

After all... if the government replaces broken surveillance systems every day, then if the knights play with a few surveillance systems every day, they will consume a lot of government resources.

In this era, small directional electromagnetic pulse weapons can be disguised as ordinary antennas at very low cost.

Moreover, they don't even need to take action themselves. They can secretly stick the launching device to a person with a high degree of prosthetic form, and then remotely control it from a few hundred meters away.

Most people in this era have no sense of touch anyway.

And this little bit of surveillance blind spot is enough for the knight to establish a stronghold.

Yuki, Iron Wolf, Liu Ri, and two other northern knights were mixed together. The five of them lived together and looked after each other.

They chose to rent a room in a three-story apartment near the martial arts area. This area is full of martial arts apprentices and masters, and their level of prosthetics is high. They, the knights who are full of prosthetics, live in

It's not out of the ordinary here either.

Youki touched the door lock of the room with his palm, and then the door opened. Iron Wolf took another way and returned to the room first.

The rent of this room is not cheap, but it is not much aggravating. The basic people's demand for "sitting" and "lying" is not very high.

In addition, Panike also stayed here. Yuki didn't take her to the martial arts gym every day. Sometimes, he would leave a device here for the little girl to put learning materials, and then go practice martial arts by himself.

Seeing Youki, the little girl ran over and grinned: "They went to fight again on the 6th... and they didn't take me with them."

Several young knights are still fighting in the underground boxing ring nearby, honing their martial arts skills through actual combat.

In addition to the official martial arts competitions such as the Paralympic Games, there are also various private martial arts competition arenas of various sizes. This is an era without rules, so many private affairs can be negotiated in this way.

In addition, this is also a way for some residents to vent their stress.

The level of these competitions varies. Some allow laymen to take the stage, while others are organized privately by martial arts disciples.

Of course, no matter what level the underground competition is, it does not belong to the division that Ai Tielang belongs to. If Ai Tielang wants to find an opponent, he really has to go to the official arena.

But no matter how you look at it, the knights who sign up for government-organized competitions feel impatient to live.

Ai Tielang was maintaining his firearm. Without raising his head, he asked Yuki: "Are you a local?"

This chapter has been completed!
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