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Chapter 292 Good Weapons

Ai Tielang prefers large-caliber thermal weapons, so the visual effects of the firearms he takes out are very exaggerated.

Those are two revolvers.

Although fully automatic smart weapons are the mainstream choice for high-end gun warriors, compared with automatic pistols, revolvers also have certain advantages in the middle and low ranks.

Since automatic pistols can arrange bullets closely, more bullets can be loaded in one load. However, automatic pistols have actions such as ejection of bullet cases and reciprocating movement of the sleeve during the design process, so the stability is not high.

The revolver is different. If the bullet fails to fire during shooting, the double-action revolver only needs to pull the trigger again to fire the next bullet, avoiding the risk of sudden interruption of firepower in combat.

For some warriors, this is quite important.

Since prosthetics have improved the armor thickness and mobility of warriors, the importance of "close combat" has been re-emphasized.

The higher stability of the revolver meets the needs of some gunfighting warriors for close combat.

As for the various shortcomings of revolvers, such as large recoil, few bullets and slow reloading, high quality requirements for shooters, etc.

These are all relative to "Homo sapiens".

For cyber warriors, these are not "shortcomings".

The "quality" possessed by cyber warriors is completely beyond the limit that Homo sapiens can achieve. A small number of close-quarters martial arts schools do not have "reloading" and only pursue one hit.

Even "high recoil" can occasionally be an advantage in gun fighting. Many schools of gun fighting include body techniques that utilize the reaction force of firearms.

The two pistols given by Iron Wolf look like hammers or even small hand cannons. Their wheels are even more exaggerated and completely protruding.

In order to match such an exaggerated caliber, other parts of the gun are also made very large - big enough to accommodate a set of intelligent assistance systems.

Panic was very curious when he saw the weapon and reached out to grab it. But Yuki had quick eyes and quick hands. He stretched out his hands and grabbed the weapons from Panic's head.

Panic's cheeks puffed up: "Stingy guy."

"This is not a matter of being stingy!" Youki scolded: "You can't touch this thing yet! What if you hurt yourself?"

"You will use it tomorrow and every day!"

Yuki couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Ever since he learned to speak, Panic has followed the knight.

The knights are a violent group. Even those knights who follow Wuzu's philosophy of "no killing with divine force" will not reject weapons - even Wuzu himself, who doesn't like the art of guns, all have guns.

In this environment, Panic naturally has a world view that "guns exist naturally".

Not only Xiangshan, but also Yuki, who was born in this era, felt that this little guy was a bit... abnormal at this point.

Fortunately, the little one's "abnormality" is limited to this. She has no desire to attack, nor does she hate the world. Apart from the naughtiness that most children have, there is nothing wrong with her.

Yuki couldn't help but think about the issue that had been put aside for several years again: whether to find a good family to send Panic away.

But this decision was not easy to make. After studying with Xiang Shan for more than three years, Yuki has understood that this world is very twisted, and I am afraid that there is nothing truly reassuring on the entire earth.

Panique stayed with the knights for a while. The knights didn't let her get in touch with anything important, but she still learned some of the words and deeds of the knights under the influence. This was not enough for the government to follow her example to attack the power of chivalry.

But if these words and deeds become the reason for the government's hawks to target her... Yuki shudders just thinking about it.

Xiangshan did try to entrust the Earth-Drilling Dragon of the Black Valley lineage. However, Panic was born in an underground base in the green forest and spent an inhuman time there. Going underground would easily inspire some kind of

Mental trauma. When Xiangshan and Yuki followed, she was okay, but if she was left alone in an underground environment, she would cry until she fainted.

Yuki could never make up his mind.

"Stingy bitch! Stingy bitch!" Panic was still making trouble. Youji scolded with a stern face: "Stop making trouble! If you make trouble again, I will find a house for you to pass over when you return to your hometown!"

Most settlements do not exclude outsiders. As long as they can support themselves, it will increase the genetic diversity of the settlement.

Panike's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and she cried loudly: "I want to tell Shan! I will expel you from the school! Wuwuwuwu... expel you from the school... Wuwuwu... don't! Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Ah...ahhhhhhhhh! Expelled...wuwuwu..."

Yuki scratched his head and turned to comfort the little girl. After a while, the little guy was tired of crying. She kicked Yuki angrily, then limped to the wall - her two

My feet hurt when I exerted force.

Youki sighed. On this issue, he had no idea at all. He turned to Ai Tielang and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Ai, this..."

"I have seen this kind of thing a lot." Ai Tielang waved his hand, "Although knights do not advocate that 'the continuation of genes is the only obligation of human beings,' the mainstream view represented by Wuzu does not reject it. Some knights because

True love and longing for family lead to the desire to 'give birth to offspring'. This kind of contradiction is not uncommon."

Yuki scratched his head: "Then... what did the others do?"

"Looking for a remote nook and cranny to live in seclusion for a while? There are also those who simply build a community around the family community as the core."

Youki was a little frustrated. If Xiangshan was an ordinary knight, this would be a solution.

But Xiang Shan is not an ordinary knight.

"The Eleventh Defeat of the God of War" is enough to illustrate this point.

Xiang Shan is not unsympathetic to Panic. If the environment permits, he will try his best to provide a good growth environment for this orphan girl. But for Xiang Shan, "everyone in the world" obviously has a higher priority.

Ai Tielang waved his hand: "Come on, let's not talk about this anymore. If you say a few more words, the little girl will cry again. How about I give you this gun?"

Yuki focused on the two guns.

"Good weapon." Yuki praised it sincerely.

These two guns are self-improvements based on the classic model "Davarish Hammer" a hundred years ago. Some parts are more exaggerated than the original version, and intelligent assistance systems are incorporated.

But there is no doubt that this is a good weapon.

Ai Tielang smiled: "I'll give it to you. Make some changes on yourself and make a storage structure. You don't need anyone to help you, right?"

Youji said: "Then I'd better go back and take a look...since you said so."

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl burst into tears again.

When it got light, several other knights came back. Yuki told them his plan.

This chapter has been completed!
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