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Chapter 298: Meeting or not?

Yuki felt a little at a loss as he walked in the town. This was his hometown where he had lived for a long time, but now he no longer recognized this place at all.

Liuri and Han Zhun just followed him without saying a word.

Yuki walked with his head buried for a while, then he raised his head and said in a daze: "How did you come to this place..."

This place is in ruins.

The shacks in this area seemed to have been rolled over by hurricanes, and some seemed to have been smashed to pieces by swords.

This is the place where Xiangshan fought with Silver Drive Shaft Leif three years ago.

Back then, Xiang Shan, who had just remembered his name, fought with the big man in the green forest right here.

Three years have passed, and Yuki has been transformed. To this day, he can compare the traces with his own memory and recall the battle that year.

"It can be seen that it is indeed very strong." Yuki sighed. He walked a few steps to the ruins of his original house and reached out to dig.

But just then, there was another burst of gunfire.

It's the same bastard just now. He nodded and bowed to Dr. Schultz just now, but now he became tough towards the three outsiders: "Hey! What are you doing?"

Yuki pointed to his old house: "What's wrong? You can't even dig through the trash anymore?"

"You ****." The man cursed, "This is also the mark of Green Forest being killed! Don't touch it!"

"There are still such rules? No, that's not right..." Yuki sneered, "How dare you 'set rules' in private? It wouldn't sound good if this word spread to the city, wouldn't it?"

Only people can drive people. No rules, ideas, or concepts can override "people". This is the biggest rule, idea, and principle nowadays.

But the bastard didn't understand the threat hidden in Yuki's words. Instead, he waved his rifle and yelled: "If I say no, I can't! Are you leaving?"

At this time, Liu Ri suddenly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the second gangster like lightning. The second gangster immediately fired, but Liu Ri made a diving movement and sprinted, avoiding the first shot, and then grabbed

The bastard raised the muzzle of his gun high.

"Brother, don't be like this. The effective range of this thing is several hundred meters. If there is anyone within this distance, you are finished!"

Only then did the bastard remember this rule, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat (the rest of his body had no sweat glands after all).

But just when he was about to retreat, Liu Ri suddenly punched him in the abdomen, which had not yet been transformed into a prosthetic body. The force was just right, making people feel severe pain.


"I'll teach you a lesson, brother. If you don't aim, don't level the muzzle of the gun." Liuri said seriously: "I have to tell you why Wu Zu doesn't like guns..."

Yuki shook his head and continued to turn over the ruins.

I don’t know if the villagers want to keep this area original, but this area has not been rummaged through. Looking around, many ruins show signs of being dismantled and rummaged.

It seems that after the incident of Silver Drive Shaft Leif, the villagers thought about renovating this area, but the shelter of the settlement had not been restored at that time, so not everyone had that idea.

After the asylum in the recycling station town was restored, Xiangshan had to forcefully pull out the welfare officer's head.

And then...then...

Are the people in this town crazy?

Yuki quickly found some things. They were toys he had made for himself when he was a child, some small machines that could barely run. It was these toys that made Yuki's mother Yulia think Yuki had great hope of becoming a

"Master Knight".

——I can’t be a knight at all now... But my master said that he was once a top scientific research knight, and he had more say than the Grand Knight Commander today... What level of truth theory ability can I consider?

Yuki thought half sadly and half jokingly.

Soon, Yuki found a universal magnetic repair tool, a very magnetic gadget.

Now that I think about it, this thing probably belonged to a maintenance division of the Sanctuary fleet two hundred years ago.

This thing was of little use to Yuki today, but Yuki still put it away solemnly.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here." Yuki jumped out of the ruins.

The bastard who had been nagged by Liu Ri for several minutes had already cursed and left.

But several other unexpected people actually appeared here.

Yuki's mouth moved and he clenched his fists.

He actually knows these guys. These are all small-town kids who bullied him back then.

The prosthetic rate of these guys is not high, but they generally have huge upper or lower limbs. This is the standard look of workers.

Their faces have basically not been modified. However, most of Yuki's face has been replaced by steel, and only half of his nose and mouth and tongue are still the original biological organs.

Smell and taste are relatively difficult perceptions. It is not difficult to "detect certain chemicals", but it requires the brain to correctly identify the input signals and connect them with the "taste preference" engraved in human genes.

It is very difficult to do this together, and it is also difficult to miniaturize this set of equipment.

In this era, if you want to relive your sense of taste, the cheapest way is to go completely virtual.

Xiangshan consciously preserved Yuki's sense of taste and smell.

Yuki's appearance is completely different from the past.

In addition, those children back then had never actually looked at Yuki, so it was normal for them to be unable to resist Yuki now.

When these novice workers saw Yuki jumping out of the rubble, they exclaimed "Oh", as if this was a very big thing.

Industrial prosthetics have great power and stability, but are very bulky. It is difficult for these guys to make "jumping" movements.

Yuki asked: "What's the matter with you?"

"No." A child king from that time said with a smile, "I heard that the three of them are warriors from the city..."

Although his tone was not respectful, the three of them could tell that his posture was very low.

"Not an athlete yet." Han Zhun remembered to maintain his character at this moment, "We heard that your place can dig out good materials and weapons, so we came all the way from the city. But now we see, you

The place is not that good.”

"That's because you don't know how to look for it." The kid said arrogantly, "Did you know? There used to be a little bastard living here who was lawless. He left with a knight three years ago. That guy never did anything serious in the town.

Things. If you want to pick up something cheap in the ruins, you can, but don’t even think about picking it up here.”

Han Zhun glanced at Youki cautiously. He had a guess in his mind, but was embarrassed to say it.

Youki was a little surprised. He was not angry at this hateful guy now.

This chapter has been completed!
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