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Chapter 303: Menacing

Panic immediately broke out in the recycling town.

Simple defenses have been built on the edge of the recycling town - mainly trenches, ravines, and fire points built with simple materials.

For ordinary people, this may be something "reassuring".

At least it was three hundred years ago.

The "convoy" that the mayor had prepared with great effort gathered in a panic and rushed into the trenches. This small team of only a few dozen people actually rushed in several different directions.

Able to gather together as soon as possible.

The old mayor stumbled into the trenches and shouted at the green forest outside: "We are a sheltered settlement! I advise you to leave like this! If you kill our people, the shelters will come and kill us."


"Yes!" Tajibul led a group of Green Foresters and walked slowly thinking about the town. There were a few guys with bulky prosthetics who raised large shields like door panels. This kind of thing can effectively defend against small enemies.

caliber bullets. But Tajibul came empty-handed. He walked on the road upright like this, holding in his hand a worker who had just fired back at them.

This worker met Lu Lin on the outskirts. It was precisely because Lu Lin attacked him that the people in the settlement realized that these guys were coming with bad intentions.

He threw the worker with only the upper body left in his hand to the opposite side of the trench and laughed: "Look, I didn't kill him. We are very measured in our actions."

Tajibul came to open up the Green Forest on behalf of the big guys from Tianjixing and Hubang Tiangang. His primary task now is to plunder the population, not to kill people. Although Tajibul also has the violent impulse of Green Forest, his violence is

On the one hand, he is more inclined to "desire of destruction" and "abuse" rather than "killing". It is precisely because of this that he was chosen to do this kind of task.

The reason why he attacked the residents of the settlement was firstly to test whether they had martial arts talents, and secondly to show his strength.

This is a common practice in Green Forest. As long as you beat all the people in a settlement to half death, and then ask "Is anyone willing to join the gang?", there will always be someone who wants to follow.

It doesn't matter even if the newcomers who follow have hatred towards the Dazhai organization. The Yakuza Consensus Therapy is a technology created to "eliminate disputes" - if the scope is limited to "a small group of green forests", it is really very effective.

it works.

He shouted loudly: "I came here just to ask if there is anyone here! I want to go up the mountain to join the gang! Now! If you join the gang, you will receive martial arts! You will be treated well!"

There was a faint commotion in the town. The mayor secretly felt that something was wrong.

Since "culture" has been cut off, the town mayor is not able to understand the concept of "power" like those chiefs and chieftains in the past. However, although he does not understand why, the town mayor is also vaguely aware that in the past three years, he has

Speech becomes more and more important in the settlement.

But now, what makes him "weighty" is facing a test. If he just refuses to resist and lets Green Forest ravage the entire town, I'm afraid his words will no longer have weight.

The old mayor had a vague idea in his mind that "this kind of thing must never happen."

"Go back!" the old man mustered up his courage and roared at the same volume, "We have no gangster companions here!"

Tajibur waved his hand: "Oh! It's not uncommon for settlements to be this crazy..." He looked around, "But, who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? Are there any knights around?"


The mayor roared again: "Think about it for yourself! Three years ago, a thug named 'Silver Drive Shaft' was killed here!"

"'Silver Drive Shaft'... Leif Sheret?" Tajibul suddenly felt his eyes light up, "Is there a knight hiding here?"

"Silver Drive Shaft" Leif is said to be the charge captain of "Serial Missile" Gliad, who is at the bottom of the Green Forest Tiger List, and his level is not low. If you practice hard and engage in more actual combat, there is hope of getting on the Green Forest Tiger List.

It can be said that such a famous character is the most direct role model for many green forest minions.

A few years ago, Tajibur would also use Mr. Leif as his "imaginary enemy" to study martial arts.

——Although it’s very possible that I can’t beat someone stronger than Leif... But how will you know if you don’t try?

Tajibul let out a ferocious laugh. His voiceprint package was a cracked version made by the military counselor in the village. These small town residents had never imagined such an emotional voice in their lives. The murderous intention almost destroyed their lives.


"I changed my mind." Tajibur laughed loudly, "Originally it was just a casual beating. Since you said so, let's practice our troops."

As he said that, he raised a hand: "Boys! Basic formation! Don't scatter! Rush over and saw them to pieces!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Those guys who had just joined the Green Forest and were still unable to restrain their destructive desires and hostility immediately cheered.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The mayor screamed: "Shoot! Shoot me!"

Suddenly there was loud gunfire near the trench.

The group of green forest men carried large alloy shields and marched in neat steps, gradually accelerating on the flat ground. At the same time, they drew their weapons from behind.

It was a very special weapon, a peculiar electric saw. The overall height of the electric saw was even 1.7 meters, making it a "long weapon" among close-quarter weapons. The electric saw had two sets of saw chains, one of which had a

With staggered L-shaped blades, it can cut non-metallic materials at high speed.

When necessary, this layer of staggered L-shaped blades can be rolled inward to reveal its second saw chain. This saw chain has no blades or saw teeth, replaced by countless tiny artificial diamonds. These gadgets are

Embedded in an extremely tough saw chain.

This thing is closer to a "grinding wheel" than a "saw".

It can cut metal effectively.

Although in higher-level battles, this kind of weapon has been completely eliminated. Even if those warriors who come and go can't get the phonon knife, they won't choose such a "toy" as their main weapon. But for those who don't

For people at the bottom of the "dodge" consciousness, this thing is still scary.

There aren’t many people in Recycling Town who understand the Internet, and basically no one will look for illegal resources on the Internet. So the gun designs they found are very backward. For the big shots, these “antiques” and “toys” are the most

It can only be used to "appreciate design ideas".

There is no gun in the entire town that can break the defense of these bulls!

This chapter has been completed!
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