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Chapter 67 The approaching hound

Ulster Grand Doug was digging wildly on the ground. Soon, he dug out a self-destruction device with a completely exhausted battery.

It has exactly the same specifications as the booby traps we encountered when we first started tracking.

"Damn it, I was fooled."

Granddog said bitterly.

He originally followed a straight line of defense to track the mysterious warrior "Shan". But after tracking for a few days, he discovered a problem.

No matter how good the "mountain's" anti-tracking methods are, it is impossible to say that not a single trace was left behind in the past few days.

Even the smell in the wind is not there.

This is too suspicious. You must know that his vision and sense of smell are extremely strong, and there are no terrains, creatures, or the like in this wilderness that can confuse people.

Unless he lost track from the beginning.

So Ulster Granddog returned to the place where he first encountered the first booby trap, and then ran back and forth in a fan-shaped area.

He discovered several self-destruct systems with exhausted batteries in a row.

These self-destruction systems rely on special means to instantly impact the battery with a huge current when triggered, detonating the metal battery. If the device has no power, the self-destruction system will naturally fail.

Of course Xiangshan would not leave behind explosives that would still be powerful even after several years.

"In other words, what he initially walked was not a straight line, but a search for something in this area." Ulster Granddog felt very angry.

He has been acting like a fool these past few days, being deceived into completely irrelevant directions.

This is simply a shame.

"What on earth was he searching for at that time? Is there someone who could help him? No, no, this area is full of green forests. The strength of the Jianghu Knights is currently concentrated on the Old Continent, and the possibility of noticing it is very slim——

Is that to search for enemies?"

Ulster Grand Doug pondered.

So many days have passed, and even if there are still a few traces on the ground, they have long been wiped away by the wind and sand. Now it is difficult to find the mysterious warrior through tracking techniques.

So he had to rely on reasoning to try his luck.

"If that 'shan' is a warrior who has lost his memory... the prosthetic body that the town put together cannot meet his needs. At this time, he urgently needs a prosthetic body that can perform martial arts... and needs professional equipment..."

"This kind of equipment...if it were me, where would I look for it at this time..."

Soon, he locked the target.

z organization.

"Serial Missile" Gliard is the leader of Organization Z. This warrior's sniper skills were praised as "can have a tactical effect similar to missiles", hence his nickname. And he died not long ago

On the hand of that "mountain".

The Green Forest Dazhai is usually hidden underground, but if Xiangshan dug up Griad's memory, he might be able to find the Dazhai.

"Yes, that's right. Judging from the activity range of members of Organization Z, their stronghold should be in this area... No wonder he grabbed the ground-effect aircraft and flew in this direction. This explanation makes sense."

"It seems that he will find that place, then sneak into that organization and steal supplies. According to the intelligence, there is a seriously injured teenager beside him. He is bound to stay there for a while."

"There is still a chance to find that green forest village."

Protectors of civilization can deduce the scope of activities of the Green Forest Organization through historical records and satellite images.

The general location of their Dazhai was found. But the specific location and entrance also need to be checked.

Of course, there is also a relatively simple method. For example, set up seismic monitors at the edge of a certain green forest's sphere of influence, then let satellites airdrop large-mass objects to create earthquakes, and then measure the existence of underground cavities through the recording of seismic waves.

However, the cost of this is relatively high. The Dyson principle only allows the formation of organizations in the form of "individuals serving individuals", and prohibits individuals from swearing loyalty to any "non-human entity". Patrons have no right to issue orders to the people.

Order. Therefore, in fact, asylum seekers have always been short of manpower, and any task that requires people to perform will face the problem of "high labor costs."

Well, by the way, there are actually methods that do not require manpower. For example, the "seismic wave detector" can also be set up through orbital airdrop. But the cost required is higher. It can withstand orbital airdrop without

A seismic wave detector that is damaged and is guaranteed to remain sensitive after being inserted into the ground must be expensive. It is a huge waste to only use this kind of thing once, but it is also a huge waste to launch it back into the universe after use.

Ulster Grande Doug is simply not qualified to apply for this level of resources.

There are really very few thugs who are worthy of using this method to deal with them. Granddoug remembers that the last time the asylum seekers used this method was a few years ago. At that time, someone received intelligence that Eurasia

Famous heroes held a martial arts competition in North Asia, and airdropped a seismic wave detector in order to find out one of the "big men".

"Anyway, the most important thing next is to find the entrance to the village."


Xiangshan's head was detached from the prosthetic body and was clamped by a pair of robotic arms and fixed in mid-air. Then, three groups of robotic arms with fine nozzles sprayed fine metal particles toward the irregular fractures of his skull. Laser and ultrasound

Instantly heats and controls the formation of alloy crystals.

Soon, the irregular fracture was filled into a regular shape.

Xiangshan actually planned to replace the skull at first. Although the conditions are a little worse now, it is not that difficult to transfer the brain. It would be good to just print a complete skull.

However, when he tried to cut open the current skull, an embarrassing scene happened.

The circular saw blade that came with Xiao Du Chong's instrument was broken into pieces, but it didn't leave a mark on the fracture.

The metal strength of this skull is a bit exaggerated. Although it is an old thing that is unknown how long ago, the technical content and cost involved do not seem to be within the reach of this Green Forest Village.

Therefore, Xiangshan can only make repairs on the original basis for the time being.

"But how did this thing break in the first place?" Xiang Shan couldn't help but think.

In the last battle before he fell asleep, did the enemy send his head under an industrial press?

Soon, Xiangshan's skull was filled and regularized.

Another small 3D printer is quickly printing a skull that can be easily opened.

Soon, Xiangshan completed the repair of the brain. He remotely controlled his body, lifted his head, and placed it on his shoulders. The broken spine was connected to the interface of the prosthetic body and switched to wired mode.

Immediately afterwards, a robotic arm was placed on his skull.

"Very good." Xiang Shan nodded to himself: "Now he is a full-fledged hero in heaven."

He even patted his forehead with a little force.

Since there is a significant difference in strength between the filling material and the original skull, if it is hit by a heavy external force, the newly made skull will still be in danger of breaking directly from the fracture.

But anyway, this is the best so far.

Xiangshan ordered the printer to produce a thin mirror, which was constrained by a magnetic field and suspended in mid-air. He looked at his shiny head: "This head is definitely qualified to call itself a bald head. Well, after the work is done, it should be possible

Then put a layer of silicone on your face. Firstly, you can look a little more human and soothe your spirit a little. Secondly, you can also make some superficial disguises to avoid being wanted by the government."

He glanced at the larger printer after the rain.

This most high-end printer has already printed out the torso frame and is currently printing high-strength outer armor. Since the alloys involved are relatively complex, this printer must be used.

The other two, smaller printers, also began printing various parts with lower requirements.

He opened the door and went out.

Then there was a burst of shrill crying.


Xiangshan trembled and shouted angrily: "Yuki! What did you do?"

Yuki was originally holding a spray gun and welding a huge metal structure. He threw down the spray gun in a hurry, then turned to make faces at the crying child behind him. After the girl finally stopped crying, he said with a sad face:

"Master, she didn't even cry at first, but she was frightened as soon as you came out."

Xiang Shan angrily scolded: "So it's my fault?"

Yuki pondered: "According to the thinking you taught me, this can be verified."

He gently picked up the little girl, then weighed it and raised it high. The little girl pressed her fist on the speaker beside her mouth, but her eyes showed no fear.

Then Yuki took two steps toward the mountain.

The little guy's tears immediately came out: "Woo-wu-wu-wow-"

Yuki immediately backed away: "Look."

Xiang Shan said calmly: "This is just a single data, and it cannot be ruled out that it is a coincidence. Forget it, you can continue to keep an eye on this child. How is your progress here?"

"The additional body of the Donkey is basically welded." Yuki nodded.

If you want to learn external skills well, you need to have a deep understanding of machinery. When you see a machine, you have to roughly guess where its power part may be, where its center of gravity is, and how to maintain balance.

Yuki is still unable to understand too advanced engineering knowledge. Xiangshan is also teaching him while letting him practice. His current level is not enough to participate in the casting of prosthetics, but he can still make a large machine.

That is to upgrade the "Donkey".

If a knight wants to maintain combat effectiveness, he must have a large number of replacement parts and even spare prosthetics. However, Xiangshan cannot carry a large amount of supplies and fight with people, so a vehicle that can move independently is essential.

This chapter has been completed!
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