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Chapter 314: Trivial things

Ai Tielang handed the two data cables to the two juniors. Yuki and Liuri skillfully inserted the cables into the interfaces of their own prosthetics.

Wired communication is always safer than wireless communication. And it is indeed cheaper.

Ai Tielang said: "The situation has changed. The government has been stimulated... This stimulation is more intense than I imagined. The government has gone crazy."

Yuki was very curious: "What happened?"

"On the day before you left Songying City, Youhe City was attacked. There are rumors that it was done by a force called the Six Dragon Sect." Ai Tielang said, "I don't know why, but the matter is very serious.

Even the moon is disturbed. The god of fire seems to be putting pressure on protectors everywhere. The situation is very bad now."

Liuri said: "It's strange. I don't think there are more checkpoints on the road..."

"The organizational skills of Jayhawk City are not very good...and they don't have enough manpower. The cost-effectiveness of adding more checkpoints is too low. It's meaningless for a trained knight to know how to bypass the checkpoints," Ai Tielang said.

: "Rangers are now rampant in this city. They will even interrogate anyone who is under suspicion."

Yuki was very worried: "Are you okay? And the little guy..."

Ai Tielang said: "The knights who stayed in the city are all fine. Panic is also fine. We moved the base in advance. There is a temporary safe house in front. It will be inactive tomorrow. You can exchange hands and feet there.

, and then install some decorative accessories at will. It is best to write a script yourself to modify the mapping between consciousness and prosthetic body, and temporarily change your behavioral characteristics."

This can be considered a relatively basic operation. For example, the lowest level script can replace the command with "lift the right foot" after the human brain issues the command "lift the left foot". This can be done in a short time

Deceiving AI that recognizes individuals through their walking postures.

Liuri still couldn't figure it out: "Why did it suddenly become so serious?"

Among the knights remaining in Jayhawk City, there is no one with outstanding internal skills. They have not yet been able to catch any clues about Xiang Shan's battle with King Tiexin.

To this day, they only know that "Youhe City was attacked."

Knights with a higher level of internal strength may know that "a force called the Six Dragons Sect is related to it."

Yuki thought to himself that the knights were in the north and might be related to his master.

Liu Ri then asked: "Our identities haven't been exposed, right?"

Ai Tielang shook his head: "I don't know. It's hard to say this kind of thing. If the government tries to find us but finds that we can't be found by conventional means, we will definitely be exposed."

Yuki said: "What about the Songdao Normal School in the martial arts school?"

"There will definitely be no problem in Songdao. It is common for martial arts schools to hide a few Jianghu people. Martial arts schools do not have the ability to identify who is a Jianghu person, so the government will not kill martial arts people just because Jianghu people come to learn skills.

Teacher. He is safer than us. Your other friends are about the same." Ai Tielang said: "Okay, let's go. The unknown senior left some drawings of the underground city behind when he left. We can hide there temporarily."

Yuki and Liuri looked at each other and nodded.


Grandola left the living area and entered the work area.

He had just walked through a section of the corridor when he asked impatiently: "Is it done?"

The secretary kept walking and his eyes became dull for a moment. Then he said: "I just mixed up the sentry personnel near the martial arts area and have been doing it. However, the surveillance and analysis team of the intelligence department reported that they

No traces of the other two martial arts apprentices were found. We have only found the martial artist near the residence of the third person."

Grandola was surprised and quickened her pace: "Is there such a thing? How dare you break out of surveillance? What do they want to do? What do they dare to do?"

The secretary hurriedly followed up: "This... this just shows that these guys are just plaques that cannot see the light. The power of the protector is greater than ultraviolet light, x-rays and gamma rays. They cannot survive in this light.


Grandola said: "You can report to me at any time."

"Yes." The secretary said.

When the two walked to the elevator, the secretary said: "The assault team has captured the martial arts apprentice. There is no death, but there is serious damage to the prosthetic body. It seems that the martial arts apprentice is ruthless and has already

I’m very used to attacking human bodies.”

Grandola pretended to say: "This is not necessarily right. He was just resisting a member of the government who showed an intention to attack. He did not cause any substantial casualties. We cannot deprive him of the protection of civilization. We must ensure that he


The secretary understood: "Yes. A high-speed drone will depart soon and deliver a reversible truth serum to the assault team."

Nowadays, humans can customize "drugs that exert special effects" based on the types of receptors on the surface of neurons and various chemicals in the brain. Some drugs only temporarily antagonize certain chemicals or processes in the brain, and have the effect of

Temporary mental effects. However, some drugs can cause permanent effects by changing neuron surface receptors.

According to the spirit of Dyson's principle, drugs with permanent effects cannot act on any sheltered individual unless he loses his asylum.

The elevator slowly went up from the 700th floor. When it reached the 750th floor, the secretary reported: "Okay, the team has obtained the veritaserum and is currently using it."

When the elevator reached the 800th floor, the secretary said: "That boy has been recruited... He actually has contact with the knights... two knights! He is a follower of Wuzu's philosophy... Among his associates, at least

There is someone who is very familiar with Wu Zu’s philosophy in his later years.”

Even Grandola found it a little incredible: "What did he say?"

"This...the interrogators cannot sense it. Those remarks were automatically covered by the system alarm." The secretary said.

"It seems very dangerous to be able to trigger this mechanism. This is a completely anti-human element."

The secretary lowered his head and asked: "So, is it still the same?"

"Well, revoke his asylum."

Soon, the secretary responded: "I have canceled his asylum. In addition, a more effective veritaserum has been sent out."

Grandola nodded and looked at the scenery outside the elevator window.

The human habitation above ground is as humble as lichen.

Grandola was in a good mood.

This chapter has been completed!
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