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Chapter 323 The Lords Thoughts

Amilcarre Zhao is also studying that record at this moment.

The only difference is that the version he watched not only included what the rebel uploaded to the Internet, but also what was recorded by his own prosthetic body. Then, he used massive computing resources to model and simulate


He can now watch the battle from a third-party perspective.

However, the more he studied, the more confused he became.

He didn't understand why Matsushima Hiro could be so strong.

He also didn't understand why such a strong Matsushima Hiro would willingly shrink into such a small martial arts gym.

After understanding the cause and effect, Amilcarre realized that if that guy Grandola hadn't come to trouble Matsushima Hiro for no reason, Matsushima Hiro would have continued to shrink.

"Is there... some huge conspiracy?"

Amilcarre couldn't help but think so.

Of course, Matsushima Hiro cannot be innocent.

After the two of them fought and leveled several surrounding buildings, Amilcarre realized that the opponent's fighting consciousness was astonishing and it was impossible to defeat the opponent with external skills. Therefore, he turned to internal skills. However, the opponent seemed to use some kind of

A powerful firewall is not afraid of his attacks.

Even things like firewalls are ready. I'm afraid this guy has long wanted to do things against humanity.

There is also Tie Hua, which is rarely used by civilian warriors.

As well as the escape hole into the underground area near the martial arts hall.

This anti-human element has been prepared for a long time.

But even so...

This external skill is too outrageous.

Amilcarre found it difficult to accept this. He briefly hired Matsushima Hiroshi as a sparring partner decades ago. At that time, Matsushima Hiroshi was just better than him. In the past thirty years, he felt that his level was gradually improving.

He was gradually leaving the level of "Martial Arts Master", so he never met him again.

Not only that, many people within Asylum also hired Hiroshi Matsushima.

But why is Hiro Matsushima so strong?

Amilcarre again carefully studied the records of the battle.

But what confused him was that Matsushima Hiro didn't show any weird strategies or use any unorthodox techniques. His predictions were very strong and his judgments were correct. But that was all. He didn't

What special components, no high-tech weapons. What that guy used was just an obsolete weapon created by backward technology.

I can't understand why this guy is so strong.

At this time, the scenery in Amilcarre's consciousness fluctuated. Then, a half-kneeling figure appeared out of thin air. It seemed to be on a completely different layer from the other models. The half-kneeling faceless man raised his hand

He held the envelope in his hand and handed it to Amilcarre.

This is the mental image Amilcarre constructed for himself. This is actually a "pop-up window" that conforms to his intuition.

Amilcarre released the document.

Then, I started to have a headache.

His battle with Matsushima Hiroshi did send out some bad signals.

That is, "The lord doesn't seem that strong".

And once he, the executor who provides human beings with civilized protection, loses his aura of admiration, people will have small thoughts and the environment will be chaotic.

In the end, chaos breaks out and many people are bound to die.

For example, some warriors tried to attack him.

It seems that because their martial arts hall was razed, these stupid warriors are resentful. I don't know if there are knights instigating behind it, but these guys don't want to kill Matsushima Hiro, but try to kill him.

——It can only be said that the second child may not have made a mistake. The martial artist circle here has huge problems.

Amilcarre couldn't help but have a headache.

Moreover, the rebellious man named Matsushima Hiroshi seems to be really related to a certain insider expert. When the video was uploaded a few days ago, the insider troops in Jayhawk City tried to trace the source of the information. A dangerous guy like Matsushima Hiroshi,

He must be killed with a heavy blow, and he will not hesitate to pay a certain price for it. But the trash of the inner army cannot find Matsushima Hiro.

That day Amilcarre was out in vain.

At the same time, ridicule of Amilcarre also appeared on the Internet.

"A bunch of idiots." Amilcarre sighed, "If he didn't escape, I would have killed him."

Matsushima Hiroshi's biggest flaw is the lack of decisive attack methods. Even if his gunpowder-powered shears can destroy part of the outer armor, they cannot damage the internal structure. Matsushima Hiroshi's fists can only make his biological brain feel uncomfortable, but cannot

Leave no lasting impression.

The torn armor plates and damaged prosthetic eyes were all very cheap. He replaced them on the same day.

But Hiro Matsushima...

As Amilcarre's mind turned, the modeling scene was frozen in the scene where he crushed Matsushima Hiro's arm with his upper arm and punched Matsushima Hiro out.

Hiroshi Matsushima directly knocked down a row of houses, leaving behind billowing smoke and dust.

This was the most serious injury Matsushima Hiro had suffered before his retreat. But this time, Matsushima Hiro almost lost his offensive ability, and his brain would even be permanently damaged.

In order to prevent Matsushima Hiroshi from obtaining the drug, Amilcarre personally led the team six days ago and controlled all residents who had relevant knowledge and could synthesize similar drugs.

If it happened again, Matsushima Hiro would definitely die.

In Amilcarre's view, he had to find a way to force Hiro Matsushima out, preferably by killing this anti-human element in front of countless people's eyes.

Only in this way can peace be restored to Jayhawk City.

And the time cannot be too long. The rebel named Songdao is very well prepared with weapons and medicine. If he fully recovers, Amilcarre may not be 100% sure to kill him.

Many times, as soon as the mind opens up, people will have ideas.

Mr. Zhao checked and found that the anti-humanity element that the second brother captured before was not dead yet and was still lingering in prison. In addition, there were some captured warriors in the past few days.

——Use these guys to force Hiro Matsushima to come out...

There is a problem here. If there are individuals protected by civilization among these warriors, then Mr. Zhao must not use them to threaten knights. Anyone who dares to do such a thing will be personally executed by the kings

However, fortunately...or should I say "unsurprisingly"? In short, those captured guys are basically related to the knights, and their asylum has been cancelled.

"Asylums actively harming humans" has never happened in the past and will never happen in the future.

Amilcarre nodded with satisfaction and prepared to exit.

But at this time, another piece of information popped up.

Amilcarre released the information and was a little surprised: "This is really good news."

A few days ago, the moon released a batch of data packets. Some scanning software within the patrons can use this data to search for traces of the Six Dragons Cult within their scope of responsibility.

And just now, those useless internal forces finally gave him good news.

The Mana Knights really have traces of the Six Dragons Cult.

This chapter has been completed!
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