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Chapter 331 Great Terror

"Come to kill me?" Assyria knew that life and death would all depend on the next few seconds. He stood firm and roared: "I am a glorious scientific research knight! In the face of the unknown, I never flinched even half a minute.

What do you think?"

"It's fair." The voice in the gray fog said. There seemed to be several sound sources making the sound. The guy seemed to be getting closer.

In the aerosol, the knight said: "You used various unreasonable reasons to lure and force others to participate in human experiments, and concealed the possible consequences of the experiments from them. You blasphemed science and harmed human beings. Your true character

I testified against you before I died, and Apenning Zhao was the victim I saw. I have read your paper, and the arguments are full of evidence of your crime."

Assyria scolded: "That's ridiculous! Didn't you kill Apennine?"

"That's right." Xiang Shan's tone didn't waver at all, "But even if I decide to kill a sinner tomorrow for justice, it doesn't mean that he can be insulted and harmed by someone today. If it is a peaceful era, sinners will be tortured

You should also be able to spend a dignified night before the execution."

The metal aerosol pressed closer and closer. The Paladin only had a few square meters of clear vision. He roared loudly: "Is this your quibble? Thug?"

"No, this is showing high justice with a loud voice."

--It's now!

Assyria suddenly pulled out his firearm and fired three shots in the three most likely directions: the front, the side, and the back.

Just now, he kept talking to the other party just to collect more data, model it in his mind, and constantly eliminate interference.

There seemed to be the sound of bullets colliding with metal. There seemed to be the sound of someone falling.

This is Assyria's privately customized firearm, and its caliber is very exaggerated. Assyria usually uses this thing as a unique walking stick. He believes that even a knight will be injured by this thing, and at least it can penetrate the outer armor.

There is no problem.

This knight is a guy who is good at internal strength. The Paladin felt that the knight opposite him might not be sure about his melee level. In addition, the Knights of Mana are also involved in cognitive science research, and they were also not sure that they could completely overwhelm him in internal strength.

Himself, that’s why he chose such a tactic.

Being penetrated by the outer armor in Tiehua means a short circuit. You may lose the ability to move. This knight probably did not expect the counterattack in his desperate situation.

Assyria breathed a sigh of relief, turned to the left and ran.

Then, he met a pair of eyes.

With the help of metal aerosol, Xiangshan has arrived at Assyria's side silently. This direction is the direction to go downstairs. Xiangshan thinks that the Paladin will most likely turn this way.

As for the sound of being shot, that was naturally the material he had saved in advance.

He arranged a circle of wired speakers in advance just for this moment.

The moment their eyes met, Assyria felt an unheard of powerful internal force crushing him... No, more than that. Something was poured into his brain from the brain-computer interface... from the electronic device.

Unspeakable horror seized his mind.

The last message Assyria left to the world was a shrill scream.

The screen was completely black. All the cameras were shrouded in thick metal aerosol. Wireless signals were impenetrable, and Xiangshan couldn't use his prosthetic eyes to broadcast the live broadcast.

However, with the help of the monitoring system's radio equipment, people watching the live broadcast still heard a gentle hum.

"Raise your head and look at the sky and the earth. There will be a kind of longing in your heart called hometown...I am hurt all over my body. I am alone in the wind and rain. As time goes by, I am too frivolous when I am young..."


It only takes a few minutes.

Amilcarre Zhao only left his hanging garden for a few minutes. Only a few minutes before and after.

But now, this pure land of the soul has completely changed.

The gangster ignited the metal aerosol before leaving. The metal thermal agent released terrifying heat, his landscape architecture cracked, and his flowerbed turned into a mass of char. Only the huge linden tree was still burning.

Amidst the raging fire, the big bell was still ringing crazily.

It's still the same clear code.

But this time, the word spelled by the big bell became...

Amilcare Zhao!

Amilcarre silently looked at the wreckage on the ground - the mass of things that were once Paladins.

Although the high temperature of the metal thermal agent had completely destroyed the wreckage, Amilcarre could still tell that this was not a complete prosthetic body. The other party seemed to have taken away a lot of things before igniting the metal aerosol.

And the parts that were taken away mostly contained biological brains.

"There is still a turning point..."

Amilcarre raised his hand, fired a mini-missile from under the kite shield, blew up the bell, and then turned around and left.

Judging from the performance of the opponent's invasion of his live broadcast channel and the final condition of the Assyrian Paladin, the internal strength of the knight on the other side is very high, which makes people doubt whether he is a native knight of the earth. But so far, he has not shown how terrifying it is.

External skills cultivation.

Still have to fight.

As for the ancient ballad called "The Way of Justice", this knight simply wanted to express that he was the one who killed Bengel three years ago. He was awakening the memories of the people in this city.

That's all.

This does not mean that this knight is the same as three years ago.

The assassin three years ago was good at external skills. That assassin simply did not have such terrifying internal powers.

Amilcarre stood up, then rushed into the stairwell and went down to the next floor.

A group of soldiers were fighting with a drone force ten times their own. After receiving the instructions, these armed drones carried out the instructions meticulously.

Amilcarre strode out, swept across with his lance, and directly destroyed a row of drones.

The drones immediately fired live ammunition. Amilcarre crossed the kite shield on his left hand to resist the direct fire, activated the vector injector on his back, and crashed into the drone cluster like a storm.

With the cooperation of many soldiers, Amilcarre quickly eliminated this drone formation. He looked at that team, retrieved the information stored locally, and then quickly read a few names and shouted:

"Get out of the queue and follow me!"


Xiangshan had destroyed the entire command system. Amilcarre was afraid of the opponent's internal strength and temporarily cut off the wireless signal. Amilcarre was unable to reorganize the command system.

However, the appearance of Amilcarre himself is the best verification. The enemy will not have such a prosthetic body that exceeds the first level.

And Amilcarre's plan was also very simple. Through face-to-face, he directly raised an elite team to surround and kill the daring assassin.

At this moment, Amilcarre heard a notification sound.

That was the sound of partitions being lowered inside the building.

This chapter has been completed!
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