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Chapter 341 Still Waiting

"From ancient times to the present, the combined contributions of all human agriculturists and medical scientists may surpass him," Xiang Shan said.

The ancestors who tamed wheat in West Asia, the ancestors who tamed rice in the Ganges River Basin, and the human ancestors who began to cultivate different crops around the world, and after them, agriculturists in all regions in all eras.

Plus all medical scientists from Hippocrates, Bian Que, and Paracelsus to modern times.

They started from scratch, from zero to one, and then carefully cultivated the buds of this "technology" all the way to Yawgmoth.

Then Yawgmoth expanded the "ten" to "a hundred" which was "close to full score" in one breath.

From now on, "agriculture" and "medical care" can be replaced by "industry".

In Xiangshan's view, this is a huge change comparable to the cognitive revolution and the agricultural revolution.

Matsushima Hiro said oh.

Xiang Shan suddenly felt that he was playing the piano to a cow: "That's right. People of your generation, how do you know the weight of history..."

Mukayama felt that Matsushima Hiroshi might have misunderstood the importance of "all agriculturists and medical scientists from ancient times to the present".

"Okay, let's talk about something that interests people of your generation. Let me think about it..." Xiang Shan pondered for a moment: "Did you know? In fact, the guy who sang in the battle at the beginning was that guy."

Matsushima Hiro hesitated for a moment: "Ah?"

After hearing this ancient secret, Songdao Normal University finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"It was many years ago. Me, that guy, and David... the three of us went to assassinate a guy together. Who came... Anyway, the place should be in this New World. Detroit Mars? Li Zhengzhi? Who?

Ah...it doesn’t matter who it is. The country’s thieves will all be killed anyway.”

The most difficult thing in fighting a thief is to determine "at which time a certain person was killed." Because those guys have massive backups. It is possible to kill him on the first assassination, but his companions are also wearing

I put on this vest and played this role for a long time.

But it's not important anymore.

No matter how much information is controlled, ordinary people quickly realize that everyone above them has several backups.

When "Is such-and-such president/president himself/herself" no longer a conspiracy theory, the social consensus has been powerfully shaken.

At that time, it no longer mattered whether some of the people behind the scenes were still physically alive.

The social relationship he represents and the power that this social relationship supports are effectively dead.

Of course, the story Xiangshan tells now is a little earlier than that time.

"We went to assassinate him, and then we were discovered. The guy was half-dead by a bomb and fell unconscious on the spot." Xiang Shan said, "Then he woke up and was confused, so he sang songs to cheer himself up. Due to his confusion,

, he can only control the rhythm of his attack in front of him according to the beat of the song."

"However, those who besieged him were frightened. At that time, he was like a ghost coming to the world, his momentum was unstoppable and unmatched."

Xiang Shan nodded his head: "After retrieving my memory, I found that this incident had a great impact on me. Really. At that time, I realized that 'stage martial arts' can play a role in the propaganda war.


Matsushima Hiro nodded: "That's right."

Matsushima Hiro couldn't help but have a scene like this emerge in his mind. Three good friends, who were not very good at martial arts, clumsily sneaked in to assassinate a target. Then, one of the guys who was particularly clumsy was exposed.

Then, a grenade came and the man fell down.

Of course, Matsushima Hiro knew that describing these three good brothers as "clumsy" was inappropriate. No matter how you put it, they were recognized as number one in the world, number two in the world, and top ten in the world.

However, Matsushima Hiro also knew that the "cyber martial arts" at that time were far from being comparable to today. It is said that the Gangqi weapon system was first created to pour metal powder into the heat dissipation vents of equipment such as tanks.

, which is far from the accuracy of today. Even if it is the best in the world and the second in the world, it was not as strong as it is now.

At least in that era, no one could be unparalleled on the battlefield.

However, such a group of people with poor martial arts can stand up and fight against that well-organized world.

In that battle, the man with poor martial arts barely stood up and sang a beloved song...

Matsushima Hiro couldn't help but ask: "What song is he singing?"

Xiangshan wanted to roll his eyes, so his prosthetic eyes emitted white light: "How could I remember such a thing?"

After a few seconds, Xiangshan said: "'Still Waiting'... Of course, if it's not this one, it might be 'Here's to you'... Well, that's it."

This is actually something that cannot be verified. Among the parties involved in this incident, except for the Xiangshan trio, all were killed. It is impossible for Matsushima Hiro to find the other two people to verify.

The song added at the end is probably a scene song.

Matsushima Hiro felt that Xiangshan must remember that scene very clearly.

Although he could recall this incident with a calm face, there must still be knots in his heart.

So he waved his hand and turned off external perception.

He also turned his attention back to the prosthetic body he had captured.

Because Xiangshan forcibly twisted Mr. Zhao's head off, the connection between the neck and the spine of the prosthesis was severely damaged. This had to be completely replaced.

In addition, Mr. Zhao placed the computing module closer to the brain. This guy's internal and external skills are mediocre. Even if he has a good chip, he cannot exert his full power.

But Xiang Shan had to install the chip he obtained. His skill was enough.

As a result, many places will have to undergo major changes.

Moreover, Mr. Zhao's outer armor is very strong and beautiful - it is simply too emphasized.

Xiangshan doesn't have to be stupid, big and thick. Sometimes, a beautiful appearance means a more fluid-mechanical shape and a better aerodynamic shape.

However, this prosthetic body can still be improved in some aspects.

Xiangshan thinks that stupid flexible antenna is unnecessary - it will also interfere with the operation of Xuanwu Zhengang.

In addition, the extra weapons picked up this time should also be found ways to use them as much as possible.

Mr. Zhao's pile driver lance was disarmed by Xiang Shan using Cyber ​​Tai Chi Cloud Hands and was still in the building. However, the phonon sword shield-shaped sword box that Xiang Shan obtained in his early years has a use - Yi Zhongtian

The above prosthetics, even the relatively light ones, are enough to wield this heavy weapon.

In addition, the small kite shield-shaped weapon [containing a missile launcher] in Mr. Zhao's other hand was also brought out.

This chapter has been completed!
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