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Chapter 347: Outside Paradox City

This is something Xiangshan has gradually realized recently.

The No. 1 infection incident at the end of the Chivalrous Secret War, and the... endless competition to increase the power that occurred during the Ascension War, seemed to have completely messed up the surface of the planet.

Of course, there is more than one pathogen used in large-scale infections, not even ten, but hundreds can be summarized.

During the process of making yogwill, Yawgmoth discovered another "instruction" that can strengthen the horizontal transmission of genetic information of microorganisms. This was originally to avoid the contamination of culture tanks by miscellaneous bacteria and to minimize the industrial conditions of pharmaceuticals.

means. Yawgmoth originally believed that after he announced this discovery, no country or region, no matter how poor it was or how poor its industrial foundation was, would be short of medicine. However, in the great infection, this technology was used to expand the

The effects of infection are gone.

The kingdom of microorganisms, which was originally the cornerstone of the ecosystem and could hardly be severely damaged even by mass extinction, was completely distorted by this wave of blows.

The large-scale death of marine microorganisms has even changed the composition of seawater and changed the carbon and nitrogen cycle. The new organisms born after receiving alien genes have brought about new reaction pathways.

A single microorganism is insignificant, but when something like this happens on a global scale, the magnificent atmosphere and ocean currents will also change.

After the ocean currents that regulate temperatures in different regions began to get disrupted, the circulation of the atmosphere became different from what it had been in the past.

Coupled with the melting and freezing of the polar ice caps, etc...

The entire world's climate is in chaos right now.

After all, the atmosphere and ocean currents are inherently sensitive chaotic systems.

It is quite common for ocean currents to suddenly change in local areas, causing climate changes and then triggering local species extinctions.

But now, humans are using technology to push the environment where it is most vulnerable.

As for the "mass extinction of animals and plants", it is not worth mentioning in comparison.

Creatures that die from drastic climate changes may be lucky. Creatures that survive will die along the trophic levels because they cannot find food.

At that time, Xiangshan also tried to organize people to reverse this trend.

It's just that the resources he can use as the "uncrowned king of the world" are far less than what he had when he was a "capitalist of transhumanist international enterprises". The organizational structure of the knight-errant team is doomed that they will not be able to do this.

Fortunately, everyone had hope at the time. The order established by Superman Enterprises had begun to collapse, and the thief could not hide for long.

"Speaking of which, what else have we done? Standardized marine mammals? Yes." Xiang Shan put on a camouflage net and stood on the top of the car, looking towards the north. "But... seeing this, it means

All the efforts I did at the beginning were in vain. It’s a pity.”

There was already dust around Xiangshan. The knights' convoy seemed to be crashing through layers of yellow gauze. They didn't even care about being discovered by satellites.

In the distance, under the moonlight, there is a hint of darkness on the horizon. It seems to be falling toward the horizon.

But this is not because it is weak, but because the vehicle's top speed is slightly faster than it.

On the other side of the horizon, this black line is a huge sandstorm that swallows the sky and the earth.

Xiang Shan didn't think that the old world would see such nonsense natural disasters sweeping across the continent.

"But if you count the time, it's almost..."

He turned over to the mountain and lay on the top of the vehicle. At this moment, he had put on a brand new prosthetic body. Different from the uncoordinated shape of the previous prosthetic body with a large upper body and a small lower body, this prosthetic body returned to a well-proportioned shape.


Xiangshan's current height is about three meters. Amilcarre's main frame with a wedge-shaped slope has been retained, but Xiangshan has deleted some parts to make the shape simpler. Amilcarre's original kite-shaped shield on his left hand

Xiangshan was transferred to his right hand, while his left hand carried a heavy tower shield.

This is the blade case shield of the Phonon Knife.

This equipment that I just bought at the beginning a few years ago is finally usable now.

In addition, various parts of this prosthetic body are also equipped with containers for holding nanometal particles and magnetic field generating devices.

Xuanwu Zhen Gang and other Gang Qi martial arts are, after all, the most suitable martial arts for defeating a large number of people with a small number, so they should not be given up.

A number of independently movable outer armor plates have specific lines hidden by gray-black coating patterns. Without this layer of interference, others would easily see the edges of the independent armor plates that resemble alien muscles.

A city has appeared on the horizon.

It was a somewhat weird city. It actually had towering walls.

A huge city wall of fifteen feet, or fifty meters high, stands there. The main body of the city wall seems to be made of alloy, and is filled with soft floc to absorb shock.

No matter it is the city wall of Chang'an or the city wall of Constantinople, there is no place where the average height of the exaggerated city wall can reach half.

This is a blatant way of bullying the knight into not being able to deploy a heavy firepower position.

However, unlike other cities, this city does not have super buildings that go straight into the sea of ​​clouds. Although the tall tower in the middle of Paradox City is conspicuous enough, it is only four to five hundred meters high. If it were at the end of the twentieth century or

In the early 21st century, this height was enough to become a national landmark building. But in this era, this height is not worth mentioning.

There is a slight smog in this city. Considering the appearance of industry in this era, I am afraid that this smog was also deliberately created by the asylum seekers.

From this distance, the inside of the city cannot be seen.

The vehicle came to a slow stop.

Xiang Shan fell to the ground and pulled off the camouflage net of Amilcarre. The Earth-Drilling Dragon, who had been prepared for a long time, took out a few large plate armors and put them on Xiang Shan. After this heavy disguise, Xiang Shan's prosthetic body

It looks like some kind of cheap large prosthetic body.

Other knights also got off the vehicles one after another.

Xiang Shan said: "Okay, let's act according to the plan."

Xiangshan and the others drew up a plan according to the way of knights. As the planner, Xiangshan would look at the map and put forward a number of "goals". The knights could also look at the terrain map and list "things they can do." After that,

The AI ​​will then match Xiangshan's "tactical goals" with the knights' "personal abilities".

If there are two knights who both think they are suitable to perform a task, but this task does not require so many people, then the AI ​​will ask both parties about the strength of a certain skill, let them compare it themselves, and then give feedback here.

Due to the characteristics of the knight group, many people will also mark "I have a hidden back-up plan" in their personal information - knights generally do not announce this kind of thing. This is to prevent the information from leaking if their companions fall into the hands of the government.

This approach is a common method used by knights when conducting large-scale activities.

Matsushima Hiro, who had put on a new prosthetic body, looked several sizes larger than before. He nodded and said, "Be careful."

This chapter has been completed!
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