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Chapter 367: The Conflicted Person [Part 2]

"There are many biological brains in the mirage that have never been activated. If these biological brains have been in an unborn, newborn state, they have not been exposed to external information at all. Such a brain itself will not produce any order.

thinking activities.”

"After a long period of hibernation, the physiological functions of some human brains will gradually be damaged. After the hibernating humans in the 'Ark' are observed such signs, they will be transferred to the 'Phantom'. Here, their brain nerves will be damaged.

It will be directly connected to various signals. These signals will simulate various external stimuli. This stimulus is random and average, and the amount of information is equivalent to white noise. It just maintains the activity of nerve cells and does not cause these brains to think.


"It can be said that these brains are only used to generate random numbers... they are not the ones who really think."

When he said this, Yawgmoth looked at the Ninth God of War.

"What you mean is that the false personality mask is responsible for thinking..." The Ninth Martial God quickly understood, "Then the human brain is only responsible for providing random numbers..."

"That's right." Yawgmoth opened his hand, "Although you are just an AI, your thinking in this area is still very clear. The Alaya Knights who study 'understanding' and 'empathy' can get awards.


He continued to say to the Ninth War God: "The most important thing about Mirage is here. A group of people with no culture but scientific knowledge have awakened on the earth. They live in an environment with extremely rich material conditions. This environment is very important to them.

In other words, it is 'natural'. AI naturally exists in the world they live in and naturally serves as their guide."

"I have screened these human empathy functions. The amygdala, somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal lobule and inferior parietal sulcus, inferior frontal gyrus, pars insula, medial prefrontal cortex... The growth of these brain areas is inherently excellent.

.This group of human beings are better at 'perceiving and understanding the pain of others'. They should also have stronger curiosity... To be precise, judging from the state of their brains, they are more likely to have strong curiosity when they grow up."

"Under such circumstances, what kind of new culture will they develop? What will they think of the knowledge we have left behind...how will they begin to explore the stars? What concepts will they make up to suspend or solve life?

The ultimate question? They..."

Yawgmoth suddenly closed his mouth and shook his head: "I said too much. This is just a verification. Under the mirage mode, a human brain can correspondingly control dozens of false personality masks. If done well

In terms of task management, hundreds of them are not a problem. There are also some biological brains that focus on controlling a single false personality..."

"I often review them. Unfortunately, due to resource constraints, the expansion of 'Phantom' is very slow, and the simulation of the internal world is not satisfactory. 'Alaya Project', the upcoming 'Manas Project', and

The 'Amāra Consciousness Project' that may be available in the future will all serve it."

"Of course, it also has a mission, which is to reproduce the 'key node in history'."

I don’t know whether it was because of “Yawgmoth’s way of thinking” or “Xiangshan’s vision”, but the ninth Martial God understood Yawgmoth’s words without any obstacles. He smiled miserably: “You guy… how ridiculous you are.


"Is it ridiculous?" Yawgmoth sneered: "Do you know what percent of the chance Xiangshan has to rush over and kill me before he says, 'Don't get me wrong'. Ah, your memory is so big

Part of it is from my perspective.”

The Ninth Martial God nodded: "This is how Xiangshan should be."

"Oh, and then, paint the canvas of human history according to his ideals?" Yawgmoth asked rhetorically.

The Ninth God of War stopped talking. He too... could be considered "Xiang Shan". So he probably knew that Xiang Shan probably had no good intentions when he chopped down Yawgmoth at that moment.

Despair, pain, resentment, hatred, disappointment...

Xiangshan is also a mortal, and these darkness will also accumulate in his heart.

"Actually, this project also has difficulties. If we want to accumulate realistic characters, we must face the problem of 'internal strength'. Fake personality masks cannot use internal strength... We spent a lot of money only when the war calmed down a little.

It took me a lot of effort to learn how to 'make AI think it has internal strength' and 'make AI think it has activated internal strength'. If I hadn't had this skill, I probably wouldn't have had the plan to create you."

"Fortunately, during the Battle of the Moon, Zhu and Tolia were far away, and Yingjia also divided his troops first to defend against the enemy's internal warriors."

"If there were only two people...in the mirage, that moment of betrayal would have been repeated tens of thousands of times."

"I attacked Xiang Shan, and he tried to kill me... At the moment when we decided to take action, our brains seemed to have crossed a certain threshold. The code of the personality mask showed that no matter who took action, after that moment, his personality

It will produce earth-shaking changes. This even exceeds the simulation capabilities of pseudo-personality overlays under current technology.”

"There is only a small part of the ending, and we can walk out of the ruins peacefully."

"But the next step will be difficult. Both Zhu and Tolia are the kind of characters whose internal strength is so strong that it affects their personality and behavior. It is difficult to completely simulate them by using fake internal strength for personality overlay.


"I occasionally think about what I would do if that day ended peacefully..."

Yawgmoth looked at the Ninth War God: "You are the phantom. When I was a child, I had to choose between biology and rock music, and finally chose biology. There was a time when I regretted it. I induced you to become a musician.

The road... now seems to be nothing more than this."

Perhaps because he had spoken a lot, Yawgmoth's expression seemed much calmer. He said to the Ninth God of War: "The last task I give you is to serve as the statue of Xiangshan.

Insulting. Your deep learning algorithm function is very simple, you cannot fall into madness - all technologies at this stage cannot understand 'crazy' and cannot achieve 'crazy'..."

"Oh, wait, there's one more thing." He paused, then waved his hand.

"I packaged the document just now and sent it to Dr. Tao. Let's see what he chooses."

After a moment, a series of flashes of light came from above.

"It seems that he has suffered a heavy blow." Yawgmoth shrugged: "But he did not forward the news and did not upload the signal. If he planned to spread the news widely, he should broadcast it immediately...

It seems that he does not want the flag of chivalry to be damaged. Haha...hahahahaha..."

Yog pressed his forehead with one hand and looked up to the sky with a smile.

"Then, this is my victory. By the way, let me tell you one more thing. Your friends who were killed by falcons before were fake, but now, you really have friends who were killed by falcons."

"Go and bear the humiliation of your patron, as a prop to disparage the banner of chivalry."

"One hundred and sixty years later, I will go see you for the last time."

This chapter has been completed!
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