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Chapter 73 Memory

"I" stood in front of the window and gently opened a gap. Although it was already evening outside the window, the air was still hot. "I" almost thought it would burn my face.

Even after living here for seven years, I still am not used to the tropical climate...

This place seemed to be like a large single-family villa. In front of "me" was a huge lawn, almost the size that could be used for two football teams to play a game. There seemed to be no other buildings around.

"I" seemed to be just looking into the distance - on the other side of a bush, there was a huge white building. It looked like a huge...tent?

Someone poked "me" in the back from behind. A girl... She seemed to be young. She had over-ear headphones hanging around her neck, and the large black-rimmed glasses on her face looked a bit cute. The girl was wearing a white top.

shoulder shirt and a green jacket.

She whispered: "There is no surveillance now. You can do whatever you want in the next hour. The monitors outside will only think that our bureau is very noisy."

"I" nodded, hugged the girl, and whispered in her ear: "I can't thank you enough for your kindness."

The girl pushed "me", not too hard, but the expression on her face didn't seem very satisfied: "Listen, although I agreed to help you do this because I believe in you, you'd better give me some help later.

Let me explain...what is it that is worth the risk of being wanted by all countries in the world?"

"Hmm." "I" shrugged: "To change the world, you have to take some risks."

The girl kicked "me".

It doesn't hurt, but makes me feel a little happy.

The girl said: "Time is limited. Whatever you want to do, do it quickly."

"I" nodded, tightened the jacket tightly, and pulled the hood on my head.

This seems to be a cross-dressing party. In front of "I" is a large group of friends in strange costumes. These friends are all carefully selected. Maybe we can really...

"It's best to think about it again." A gloomy voice sounded behind "me".

"I" turned around and saw a young man wearing a black helmet and pale skin.

"To be honest, I regret it a little bit." The man whispered: "And all your subsequent remarks are based on my information. Is it too late for me to quit now?"

"Hey! That's not what we said, 'Lord.'" "I" shouted in a low voice: "We can save mankind in one fell swoop, why are you shrinking back at this time!"

"Anyway, I don't like humans very much." "Dark Warrior" sighed heavily: "I don't believe your idea will come true at all."

"I" smiled: "Why, you jumped out of here to compete with me on your ideas?"

The young man hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "I never thought that you... forget it. Just treat those materials as ideals given to you."

"Take a breath and light a lamp." "I" turned around, waved his hand, and shouted loudly: "From now on, nichts ist wahr, alles ist erlaubt!" [German: Everything is empty, everything is allowed]

There were several whistles in front of me.

"Wow, Director, are you going to fall to the dark side of the Force too?"

"What a look! This equipment is obviously from the Brotherhood - for a serious person like you, Director, I thought you would be leaning towards the Templars!"

"I" walked to the center of the field and knocked on the wall: "Everyone, eat well and drink well. Eat well and drink well. Eat and drink. As for me, let me say something first. Due to personnel changes, I will step down from our post in the second half of this year.

All positions in the Institute of Comprehensive Civilizations of the United Nations University have been returned to Peking."

The carnival sound gradually became quieter.

"Thanks to your love, I have been the director here for several years. To be honest, I only played a coordinating role and made some insignificant contributions during my tenure. However, in the end,

I still want to take this opportunity to do something big..."


It was like thunder and lightning rushing through the nerves.

Xiang Shan suddenly pulled out his own connector.


it hurts.

Head hurts.

This is the first time Xiangshan has experienced this feeling...

No, maybe not the first time, maybe just recently...

He got up from the ground with trembling hands. At some point, he lost control of his body and fell to the ground.

"What the hell is going on..." Xiangshan's hands and feet were trembling. This was not the impact of the direct spinal nerve connection he had just undergone surgery, but his own emotional instability and excessive brain activity.

He had a hallucination, as if there was a fire burning in his body.

"What happened? Why am I hallucinating like this?"

Xiangshan shook his head.

The files in this hard disk are in an "unreadable format" for computers. It converts the memory in the brain into a binary structure and stores it. Because there are huge differences between the human brain and computers, computers cannot

Directly reading files in this format can only reversely input them into the brain and arouse the senses in the brain.

It is almost impossible for such files to hide malicious code.

Xiang Shan checked carefully and found that only the memory file was available before he started reading.

The first thing he read was the file that the little poisonous insect was reading recently based on the browsing history.

Then, he felt something... a...

This force of ignorance appeared so suddenly. He was actually ejected directly.

"Why...whose memory is this?"

Xiang Shan fumbled with his right hand twice on the ground and grasped the hard drive again.

And his left hand couldn't help but bring it to his cheek and rub it with the back of his hand.

——This prosthetic eye...is this a sensory bug...

--This is……

Xiangshan trembled and was once again involved in the memory just now.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Noise.

What happened next seemed to have been deliberately erased, leaving only a lot of noise.

Xiang Shan pulled off the connection cable, and then angrily smashed the host machine closest to him.

Why...why why why why...

"Calm down... Calm down, the next memory may be related to a certain real core technology... The Demon Cult does not want the lawless green forests like Griliad to see it. Maybe this is a certain price..."

"There must be more... there must be more content..."




"I" opens his arms and faces the projector. In the center of the picture is a cell. A yeast.

"The above is the whole content." "I" turned around: "This is the most dazzling light I have seen in my thirty years of life..."

"Don't get chuunibyou." A voice filled with anger came from behind. "I" turned around and found that the girl just now was glaring at me.

Not only him, but more than half of the people present stood up and looked at him in confusion or confusion.

"Dear Comrade Voigt..." A dark-skinned woman stared at the position behind "me". "I" knew that the brother was there. He always stood on the edge.

The woman's tone was somewhat sarcastic: "Comrade Voigt, I really, really thought that you were a die-hard proletarian who dreamed of 'the free association of people.' How did the director convince you to go together?"

Establishing a monopoly chaebol?”

There was also a blond young man who took out his mobile phone and said, "Brother, this is a big deal. If you don't give an acceptable explanation, I will have no choice but to report your behavior to the higher authorities."

"Why? I'm just trying to invite everyone to change the world together..."

"Does changing the world mean becoming a part of that idiot order?" The girl with glasses came up to Xiang Shan extremely excitedly, almost cheek to cheek: "You're not lying to me all the time, are you? About what you talked about before


"Calm down, my dear."

"I" pushed the girl away slightly and shrugged: "I think you have misunderstood my idea. I don't want to use patents and intellectual property rights to build barriers like those big companies - I really hate that. So.

, in my plan, we master the patent just to prevent others from mastering that patent. Believe me..."

"You are going to create an unprecedented monopoly!" Another person shouted angrily: "We are doing it for all mankind!"

"Ah, yes, all mankind. Which one of you here is not here for all mankind." "I" shrugged: "But unfortunately, in this fair society and fair market,

The strong will only become stronger and stronger in a fair way, and the weak will only become weaker and weaker in a fair way."

"A crucial fact is that no matter how powerful the power of spreading knowledge is, in the process of promoting previous convergence of mankind, it may be defeated by powerful conservative forces, leading to greater inequality. All of us today

Research will become the cornerstone of the wealth of a few people in the next thirty years - those people may be rich people, bureaucrats, oligarchs, tyrants, anything is possible."

"This is the instinct of primates to obey the monkey king from ancient times to the present, leaving a mark on us. As long as there are more people, the ugly monkey king will appear."

"This simple rule has been embedded in civilization for too long. It is entangled in our language, entangled in our culture and customs like a ghost. All spiritual forces are eager for the appearance of this monkey king.


The woman who questioned "Dark Warrior" still had the same sarcastic tone: "So? What do you think?"

"There must be a Lich King." "I" said calmly: "Since the ghosts of the old generation are still lingering, and there is no hope of fading... let's try to control it according to its game rules.

And then destroy it."

This chapter has been completed!
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