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Chapter 370: Brewing

In the first second of the fusion, in the underground armory of the central building of Paradox City, an officer who was directly connected to the system and practiced internal skills suddenly pulled out, and then his consciousness was interrupted.

His prosthetic body frantically downloaded several T's of data.

Then, Xiangshan opened his eyes.

"It's over, I'm from here." Xiang Shan muttered, scolding himself for being hypocritical in his heart.

He just said that AI should be given the same power as humans, and then turned around and derived an AI from his own consciousness to carry out the task of sending someone to death.

But then again...

"Isn't Xiang Shan the incarnation of rebellion? It's unscientific. It's unscientific. I don't even have the slightest idea of ​​'rebelling', and I don't resist the heroic ending of the mission." Xiang Shan thought, "It was temporarily generated.

This AI has no desire to live. I should be human-like enough for this."

Although the CPU was thinking, Xiangshan acted without any hesitation. He quickly stood up and left the training place.

The order just now has been issued. This officer should have gone to the armory to stand by. However, Paradox City's protector army is saturated, and the officer who is resting now will not go to the battlefield in the first echelon. He only needs to go to the battlefield in one hour.

Just arrive at the standby location of the reserve team within 1 hour.

But now, he can go to the armory to choose weapons at his own leisure.

Of course, this is necessary.

The prosthetic body of the Ninth Martial God is complete and authentic. In order to achieve the humiliating effect, the patron did not remove any components at all, and the shells were all intact. The thirteen prosthetic bodies of the Ninth Martial God even had to make a guest appearance in the center of Paradox City

The building's power-generating component, the Asylum, even periodically adds fusion fuel.

After all, the Ninth Martial God is just an AI, and there is a backdoor from the beginning.

But no matter how lazy the protector is, he will not refill the Ninth Martial God's prosthetic body with ammunition regularly. This kind of thing has no humiliating effect and cannot combat the chivalrous forces.

Among the thirteen prosthetic bodies of the Ninth God of War, there was either no ammunition or a few old ones that had expired.

If you want Lao Jiu to join the battle, you must replenish your ammunition.

Another five to six officers approached silently. These mid-level officers were all people whose prosthetic bodies had been usurped by Xiang Shan.

After accepting the Ninth Martial God's AI, Xiangshan finally had a clear concept of "low-level AI like Xiangshan". His extraordinary inner strength allowed him to quickly build such an AI.

On the surface, the personality mask of the Eighth God of War was in an inseparable battle with the three Hartmann disciples, but in fact, Xiaoba had completely gained the upper hand.

A stronger opponent has passed through the backdoor of the underlying part of the brain-computer interface, and in turn injected specific electrical signals into their biological brains, triggering a series of physiological reactions in their brains. Their brains, which have been tempered for many times, are unable to organize effective resistance. And they are just.

The way the body sends signals to the outside world is cut off.

The powerful sleep command acts on these three internal warriors. They must resist the instinctive sleepiness, and their consciousness becomes intermittent.

At this moment, they completely lost control of the network.

The internal troops monitoring the overall situation could only see three masters from the moon, outputting this data at an incredible speed.

Xiangshan's will is raging within the system, and he only needs a little time...

【Ah, it does exist】

In the central system of this city, there is also the existence of the Igni Seal.

Of course, this also means that there is a foundation to support the work of this seal - in an emergency, Paradox City can establish a data link directly to the moon.

Xiangshan's will followed the optical cable and entered the satellite site outside the city.

At the same time, the AI ​​warriors entered the depths of the armory one after another.

Twenty minutes later, there will be a big explosion in the armory.


Fifteen minutes after fusion.

The Asylum's troops are stacked up in layers, arrayed seven hundred meters away from the central pyramid of Paradox City. An explosion-proof gabion has been built at the front of the array. But higher than this simple fortification, there are tower shields.

Giant soldiers. The weight of these soldiers' prosthetics is similar to that of tanks. Although they are not advanced warrior prosthetics and their flexibility is not high, their power is sufficient. In the array, comrades can seal the flaws of a single soldier.

Behind the heavily armored warriors in the tower shield are a group of soldiers whose legs have been replaced by tires and holding long guns in both hands. The heads of these long guns are basically armor-piercing warheads with conical charges, which are commonly known as "white flame tip guns"


Behind the pikemen were countless soldiers holding maces, hammers, demolition scissors and other armor-piercing heavy weapons. There were also some warriors equipped with cutting weapons.

This is the magic skill to restrain close combat, the dense formation.

Further away, countless artillery, missiles, and firearms were aimed at this area.

Five senior officers who are good at close combat are already standing on the pyramid, even just a few meters away from the daring knight. Their mission is to disparage chivalry. For them, "catch and execute" is the most perfect

The result. No matter what, you have to at least give it a try first.

Lian Yunhui placed his hands on both sides of his body, ready to open the metal aerosol at any time. Baiye Lacus held the phonon knife and stood on a flying wing-shaped aircraft, suspended several meters high. This aircraft can

After being docked into the body, you can also stand on it and create favorable terrain out of thin air.

This method of "relying on medium-sized drones to create geographical advantages out of thin air" is also a feature of modern martial arts.

More troops are gathering. The protectors are determined to take advantage of the situation and execute the knight to correct the trend of the world.

Three senior military attaches appeared on the city wall. Their huge bodies of more than three meters made them particularly conspicuous.

The knights lying in ambush outside the city clenched their weapons.

Matsushima Hiroshi, who was covered with a camouflage net, looked at the senior officer closest to him and analyzed the martial arts he might use.

Matsushima Hiro is still very clear about his position. He must at least entangle a warrior above the first level.

Knights are always fighting asymmetric wars. Only by exchanging one battle loss for thousands or tens of thousands of battle losses can the long journey be continued. But in a city like Paradox City, where high-level combat forces are too dense, it is difficult for knights to

Achieve a high combat loss ratio.

Everyone is preparing.

But no one knows that earth-shattering changes are brewing.

Many years ago, Hartman, who was still an FBI prisoner in prison, told United Nations official Xiang Shan that the most efficient way for small hackers is to follow the footsteps of big hackers and intrude.

The traces left by Zhu Xinyu that were found on the day Xiangshan killed Tianji will have an effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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