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Chapter 75: Those who steal the Heavenly Fire

Survival requires energy.

If you don't take into account the power consumed by the TV, then a man weighing 60 kilograms will consume about 2,000 kcal of energy while sitting on the sofa and watching TV for a day.

If you are involved in physical labor, you will need to consume more.

Two thousand kilocalories, converted into electrical energy, is approximately 2.3 kilowatt hours of electricity.

This is a person’s basal metabolism for a day.

Of course, even if there is a certain amount of exercise, the energy required will not be much more than this.

Even for high-intensity exercise, a person should only need four kilowatt hours of electricity a day.

Each gram of sugar can provide humans with approximately 18 kJ/3.75 kcal of energy.

A person can maintain basic consumption by consuming 550g of sugar a day.

"The existing agriculture of mankind can of course provide so much food for all mankind. But in fact, famine has always existed." I crossed my arms and continued: "In Africa, West Asia, and Central Asia, a large number of human beings cannot even do this.

They are not satisfied at all, and the media has taken many photos of them approaching skeletons or specimens. In slightly better places, people have to invest 70% of their income in buying carbohydrates."

"But at the same time, in other places, grains are used to feed livestock and poultry. The efficiency of energy transfer along the food chain is only 10% to 20%. If 1,000 joules of grains are fed to livestock, only about 100 to 200 joules can be obtained.

Energy meat. And many people, including us, can rely on these meats to feed themselves with high blood lipids."

"Ahem." Mr. "Dark Warrior" added: "But if those pot-bellied poor people cannot digest those excess carbohydrates, then the agricultural and food industries in their countries will collapse, causing an economic crisis. So, less

Some rich, ridiculously healthy people will tell them that it’s perfectly fine to eat that way – that they should embrace that food culture and lull themselves into thinking they’re healthy.”

"The global carbohydrate trade itself is unhealthy - the capital of a superpower is crushing the local agriculture of all other countries, but the people who have to consume it do not think there is anything wrong with high blood sugar and high blood lipids.


I nodded: "If I were an agriculturist, I might have some other ideas. But..."

I pointed to the ppt behind me: "We can completely cut off all this now. So I just said that letting a few rich people live for another hundred or two hundred years is just a 'necessary sacrifice' - because before that, there will be countless

Benefits benefit the poor struggling between hunger and poverty.”

"At the same time, the entire natural environment will also be greatly improved - the agricultural land needed by humans will be greatly reduced. If electric field energy can replace one-third of ATP chemical energy, then humans can reduce by one-third

An area of ​​agricultural land. If electric field energy can replace half of ATP chemical energy, then humans can reduce agricultural land by half."

"What do you think of this explanation?"

If we only count large mammals, then in the 10,000 years after the agricultural revolution, the population of animals raised by humans has overwhelmed their wild counterparts. There are only 200,000 wild gray wolves left on the earth, but there are 400 million

A malformed subspecies of gray wolf. The European aurochs, the ancestor of domestic cattle, became extinct five hundred years ago. There are only about 4,000 wild buffaloes left, and only hundreds of thousands bison left in Africa. And even if

Excluding species of the genus Buffalo, there are 1.4 billion cattle raised by humans.

Most of the large animals on the earth now are poultry and livestock raised by humans.

The woman looked at "Dark Warrior": "How much did it cost you to turn a yeast into this?"

"If you don't count the initial investment in research and development, and this time alone, the cost of the medicine is about a few dozen dollars. If you want to calculate the hourly wages of myself and my assistants..."

"The human body has 40 trillion cells." The woman said: "Are you going to use the total income of a superpower for a year to perform reconstructive surgery, just so that one person can only spend a few cents a day to eat?"

"Black Warrior" said: "There is still huge room for compression of costs..."

"I still say that this is what needs further research." I said: "Because this possibility exists, we must go in this direction to build technology, and then let technology change our world——

To develop technology, you must have resources. At present, if you want to have resources and have the power to guide this direction, you can only 'steal'."

"I said, we are the ones who stole the fire from heaven."


——We are the ones who steal the fire from heaven...

——We are the ones who steal the fire from heaven...

——We are the ones who steal the fire from heaven...

Thoughts are flowing, and bioelectricity is surging in the brain.

Xiangshan stood up tremblingly and unplugged the hard drive.

"What is this...Whose memory is this...No, that's not right..."

"this is mine……"

"This is my memory!"

Although there is no evidence, Xiangshan is so sure.

His brain was calling for that hard drive, as if the hard drive was the missing part of his brain.

The remaining memories in his mind—memories about emotions, echoed the contents of the hard drive.

Xiangshan uploaded almost all the content in his brain that could be turned into data, except for "knowledge", leaving only the content that was difficult to convert losslessly - including emotions that were difficult to confirm, intuitive feelings about a certain event, etc.

The brain remembers its own experience, not by compressing the audio and video into a file and then arranging it according to the timeline. It is by combining "my visual memory of this matter", "my auditory memory of this matter" and "my memory of this matter".

"Subjective feelings" and "Knowledge I learned from this matter" are stored in categories.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Therefore, some people will forget what a primary school teacher looks like, but they will not forget the knowledge taught in primary school classrooms - even if the specific context in which these knowledge is taught has been completely forgotten

Yes, same thing.

"A picture flashed in my mind, but I can't remember where it was", "I tasted a certain taste and couldn't help but cry, but I don't know why I cried" and "I remember tasting something delicious when I was a child.

, even remembering the name of the snack, but not the taste, is possible.

What Xiangshan remembers is "my subjective impression of something" and "the objective knowledge I learned from this matter." The former is difficult to transform without loss, and may detract from his personality and make him forget his reasons for "holding high righteousness." Then

The latter is useful and may help him fight against the enemy in desperate situations.

And now, the "feelings" he has are echoing these "memories".

As if the edges of a puzzle fit together.

It's like the yin and yang of Tai Chi are in harmony.

"This is my memory...my memory...my memory..."

"Master..." There was an exclamation from the door. Yuki was startled and hurried over, saying: "You are not in a good state now..."

"Leave me alone!" Xiangshan was extremely unsettled at this moment, and he pushed his disciple away casually. Yuki rolled on the ground, inexplicably horrified.

The girl at the door screamed and let out a harsh cry.

This cry finally brought Xiang Shan's consciousness back from the distant past. He looked at his hands and said: "Ah... zizi... I'm sorry..."

Xiang Shan stood up and pushed out the door unsteadily: "Leave me alone, just leave me alone."

Yuki was completely confused. He had never seen his master lose his temper like that.

Xiang Shan knew that his current mental state was extremely unstable. In order to avoid accidentally hurting others due to mental confusion, he voluntarily left the base and followed the secret passage in Griad's room out of the Green Forest Village.

It was dark night outside. There were no clouds in the sky, and the man-made chaotic starry sky was emitting a strange light.

Xiang Shan knelt on the ground and covered his head.

"Why...why...why why why..."

Why did he get his memories here?

Xiangshan felt that he should have been defeated after a certain battle, and then his memory was either destroyed [like the burned components in his brain] or taken away by the enemy.

And he is a rebel, a thug defined by the government, so his enemy should also be a certain tyrant above the government.

As it should be.

He never thought that part of his memory would appear in a certain green forest village - and it was sent by the Demon Cult.

"Who am I... who defeated me? Who am I against?"

"What did I do in the past?"

"Why is the world like this?"

Memories evoke memories.

Just like pulling out a carrot to bring out the mud, more and more circuits in the brain are aroused to join this crazy discharge.

That day...

those people……

"Dark Warrior", that girl named "Zhu", that man, that woman...

other people……


Severe pain.

"I am...Xiang Shan..."

"I am Martial Ancestor Xiangshan..."

"I am...the leader of the superhuman revolution..."

"I am the origin of the knight..."

"I am……"

A severe headache interrupted Xiangshan's thinking. He punched the inner wall of the corridor and roared into the sky: "Yawgmoth!"

"I know you must still be alive! I know you must still be alive!"

"You guy! You...I must...I must let you! Let you! You!"

The man was yelling and swearing at the sky. He still didn't know why he was yelling and who he was yelling at.

But he scolded really seriously.

"Haha, why are you crazy, knight?" Another voice suddenly appeared behind him.

Xiang Shan suddenly turned around and saw a bloody mouth.


At the last moment, his consciousness switched back. He lifted up Xiang Yashou, then turned around casually, and threw the dog away.

This chapter has been completed!
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