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[Actually, the Liberation Emperor's scripts are not limited to "alien invasion". There are all kinds of scripts such as "AI rebellion", "meteorite coming soon", "global volcanic eruption".] Zhu Xinyu continued, [But

"Alien invasion" is the most commonly used. After all, this script can solve the problem of sabotage of the two server groups at once. Moreover, aliens are a very clear "enemy" image, which is more conducive to shaping the image of "human beings".

"Collective" identity.]

[And a person fighting in this script is also following his instinct as a hunter-gatherer, releasing his nature, and dissolving the fatigue and dissatisfaction accumulated by working in the urban environment. Although this memory will be blurred, to "

It appears in the form of "playing a game", but certain biological influences will be engraved on the biological brain. When they re-enter a civilized society with "rich material conditions", they will only have joy and gratitude for this life in their hearts.]

Yawgmoth's thinking failed to catch up for a moment. He hesitated: [Xiang Shan is already the supreme emperor...Why would he do this? In this way...maintain the illusion that "human society is still there"?]

Back then, the thief needed to maintain the illusion that "human society still exists" because the power he stole was only so great - compared with past history, the thief was indeed an unprecedented tyrant, and his will could easily reach any bottom and crush it.

Any individual, but the organizational form of human beings, determines the upper limit of dominance.

But after two hundred years of strengthening, the power of the Liberation Emperor Xiangshan is greater than that of the thief. The technology possessed by the Liberation Emperor is already the entire cornerstone of human society - all the cornerstones of human society are controlled by the Liberation Emperor Xiangshan

in hands.

[Efficiency.] Zhu Xinyu said this, [In this regard, he is no different from what he was two hundred years ago. Everything is efficiency first. No matter how terrifying the tyrant is, he cannot eradicate people's passive resistance - this kind of passive resistance.

It doesn’t even need to be present in consciousness. As long as everyone doesn’t work hard, the overall development efficiency of mankind will decline. The Emperor of Liberation hates this decline. That’s it.]

[The reincarnation of the server can ensure that most human beings are full of energy and enthusiastically devoted to their work. That’s it.]

Yawgmoth remained silent.

Many years ago, Xiang Shan once told everyone his wish. He hoped that everyone could devote themselves to work enthusiastically based on their own interests alone - no need to care about efficiency or form, relying entirely on their own interests and interests.

Use labor to create the meaning of your own existence.

——Life is meaningless, so you can construct any meaning by yourself...

——Everyone should do this...

Many years ago...which year...

Yawgmoth asked Zhu Xinyu seriously: [How does Xiang Shan evaluate himself now?]

[Ah? Oh...] Zhu Xinyu recalled it seriously for a while, [Probably, since the First Emperor unified the world and redefined the rules, his sins are in the present, but his achievements are in the future. After him, there has been no war in mankind. Everyone has

You can get the meaning of your own existence and live happily. The pain that humans feel now is just a conservative idea. Tens of thousands of years later, the merits and sins will be determined.】

[Incredible...] Yawgmoth whispered.

[This is true.] Ingrid also sighed, [He can still sympathize with Qin Shihuang now. Two hundred years ago, he liked Han Gaozu more. Ah, that’s not right. He prefers Han Gaozu because

Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty came from a humble background - he was obviously more capable of taking the lead in Guizhou at that time.]

[I think you should not regard the current Liberation Emperor as the same person as the person two hundred years ago - especially you, Yawgmoth. After such a long time, he has become another person bit by bit.


Yawgmoth did not respond, but started another topic: [Where are the other people? Those old guys I know...]

[Most of them are in the same situation as you.] Zhu Xinyu said: [The rest have basically been sacrificed. Whether they are those who take the initiative to join the Liberation Emperor or those who are against the Liberation Emperor, the Liberation Emperor now treats everyone equally and treats them equally——

Ah, maybe the people who participated in stealing the country back then were a little more miserable. They were thrown into the laboratory to test cutting-edge brain modification technology.】

Ingrid said: [The emperor is a real loner. At first, Nia Guti believed him and tried his best to research ways to restore the earth's ecosystem. David didn't believe him at first, but after the liberation emperor took action, he had no choice but to make a decision.

Surrendered. Chen Feng chose to assist him - but they all ended up in the same end.】

【What is the situation with the resistance organization? 】

[The current resistance group calls itself the "Border Prodigal Sons."] Ingrid said, "More than a hundred years ago, Xiang Shan was not as radical as he is now. He usually just exiled those who disobeyed him to the distant planets beyond Saturn.

, and even provided some materials to allow them to develop freely. As long as it does not hinder them, they can stay in the solar system if they want, and explore the star sea if they want to.】

[But decades ago, after the people of the "Border School" relied on their meager resources to build an immigration fleet, the Emperor of Liberation's fleet suddenly broke in and after warning, either robbed or blew up the immigrant ships. ]

Yawgmoth asked: [Why is this? Expedition to the Star Sea is his and David...his own dream, right?]

[Xiang Shan believes that human beings have been unified and wars have been eliminated. Colonizing by those who do not follow is tantamount to creating division. Perhaps in a few years, wars will be provoked again. 】

Yawgmoth sneered: [Humanity’s aerospace technology cannot support an interstellar expedition, right?]

[The Liberation Emperor is not afraid, but hates the potential division and war.] Ingrid sighed: [Humanity already has a unified civilization, so it should never be divided. If a colonial fleet takes root on an alien planet, humankind's

Civilization is divided into two parts. The two branches of civilization may be wary of each other and engage in an arms race - and this is an inefficient behavior.】

Zhu Xinyu said: [On this point, this bastard is very self-aware. No normal human being can tolerate his bastard behavior. 】

Ingrid said: [Under the current theoretical framework of mankind, it is simply impossible to create a spacecraft that is small enough to deceive the Emperor’s monitoring system and at the same time capable of interstellar navigation. In the year when the Emperor’s rebellion turned against him, it was possible.

Many border residents carried a little fuel and jumped towards the solar system. They planned to bet on the ability of basic humans to hibernate at low temperatures.]

Yawgmoth fell silent again.

He didn't expect things to develop like this when he designed such a strong damage resistance ability for the base man.

[But such people are only a minority after all. Most of the border residents finally decided to resist - this is the origin of the border prodigal.]

This chapter has been completed!
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