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Foreign article 03

Chen Feng awkwardly dragged the office computer mouse with his bandaged right hand to check the preprocessing results of the experimental data.

Two penetrating wounds are no joke. Thinking of changing the dressing this afternoon, Chen Feng's teeth ached - it was a bit uncomfortable to watch the hemostat clamping the drainage strip "in and out".

Of course, there is good news.

After being bitten by the "Great Sage" that day, the girl from Asadistan, who had always been a bit shy and introverted, showed amazing mobility. She first used surgical scissors to help Chen Feng take off his blood-soaked gloves, and then quickly unscrewed the

The medical alcohol used to flush the juice pipes was poured on the instructor's bruised hands.

It's completely a battlefield first aid method. It seems that her "reserve officer training" in her motherland is no joke (many Central Asian countries, including Assadistan, still continue the tradition of the Red League era, and undergraduate students are regarded as reserve officers.

, must receive complete basic military training).

After that, the girl independently completed the operation of asking the "Great Sage" to move back to the palace. Finally, she accompanied the tutor whose dominant hand was temporarily disabled and ran to a nearby hospital to complete debridement and vaccination. She waited until the teacher's mother came to take over before returning to school.


This accidental injury seemed to "unlock" some aspects of Amiya's personality that had been suppressed. She was once silent and passive, and in just two weeks she became a quite active and active girl, as if she was a different person.

.Nowadays, this girl is basically doing the experimental operation part.

Is this what it feels like to be a boss?

"How was yesterday's data analysis?" A sentence that had frightened Chen Feng for many years once again reached his ears from others, quickly shattering his dream of "becoming the boss".

Is this girl sitting on my neck now? Is there any disciple in the world who urges his master to practice like this?

How old am I?

"That...it's over." Chen Feng stared at the "founding disciple" who came in through the door, feeling a little frustrated, "Let's take a look together."

"Well, I'm just here to see the results." After saying that, Amiya sat down on the sofa behind Chen Feng like a little hare, then took off her shoes and crossed her legs. As a person with good eyesight, Chen Feng knew

She could see everything on the screen clearly from this distance.

"The stimuli this time are all convolution kernels selected from the neural network you trained." Chen Feng typed on the keyboard and looked at the fitted response curve cell by cell. "We used the same batch of natural pictures to stimulate

Give a monkey and a neural network, and then use the recorded monkey neuron responses as the 'answer' to regulate the learning of the neural network."

"So, you just sort out the stimuli that certain neurons in the artificial neural network particularly like, and then show them to the monkeys?" Amiya took out a can of coffee from her bag, opened it, and took a sip.

"If this neural network really simulates the brain, then these stimuli will only highly activate specific neurons. Just like this..." Chen Feng held up the screen and pointed to the response curve of a cell, "Only in this stimulus

There is a response on the cell, and the sparsity is obvious without even counting it. Later, we can use various variations of this stimulus to create a stimulus set and see how the specific response curve of this cell is distributed."

"This experiment is so fun!" Amiya's eyes lit up, "It is indeed more interesting than simply doing artificial intelligence."

Speaking of which, it is unimaginable for many people in the Republic that in a pressure cooker like Assadistan, where armed conflicts are constantly occurring, there is still a serious academic university, and it is also involved in subjects such as artificial intelligence. However, when Chen Feng was attending a meeting overseas

I have indeed seen similar situations, so I took a gamble with the mentality of "picking up the slack" when selecting students.

Earn blood.

"Unfortunately, this method of gameplay has already been proposed when I was in graduate school. Now it's just a matter of using better equipment to conduct larger-scale experiments." Chen Feng sighed, "You are not in the field of neuroscience, so you don't know this.

The background of the experiment is also normal."

"Then teacher, isn't your research very outdated..."

"You can't say that..." Chen Feng held his forehead and sighed again, "Currently, the research using this paradigm is mainly focused on the perceptual level. What we are doing now also belongs to this field, and the middle and high-level visual cortex responds to complex stimuli.


Amiya stared at the boss and made a "You continue, I'm listening" expression, just like a real boss.

"The current experiments are indeed equivalent to 'system testing' or 'warming up', but what I want to do is more advanced 'concept' level research." Chen Feng was also a little excited, and he turned on the music player on the computer.

"Of course, it is difficult to grasp the basic rules when studying abstract 'concepts' directly, and even if the results are obtained, one does not know how to interpret them. However, any concept is derived from the input of external information, and for most

For primates, the most important information input is..."

"Vision." Amiya took another sip of coffee.

"Very good. You are on your way."

"So, we study vision to pave the way for future research on 'concepts'?"

"Not only the study of 'concepts', but also the study of 'consciousness' is only halfway up the mountain!" Chen Feng was aroused by the music and got a little carried away. "If an artificial neural network can simulate a small area of ​​​​the brain, then if we put

The consciousness, perception, and memory in a brain are all encoded and pieced together like this, what is that?"

Amiya finally returned to her previous state of being stunned and dumbfounded.

"That is equivalent to restoring an independent consciousness on the computer! It is equivalent to completing the 'consciousness uploading'!"

"Surprisingly...it can still be like this..."

"Yeah, if you think about it, that would be equivalent to copying a complete thinking network on other carriers, and you can directly observe the internal structure, and even further modify and edit it. How terrible this thing is for neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

What a discovery." Chen Feng said excitedly and glanced at the white robot girl model with short blond hair on the table, "If this thing is completed one day, I will name this technology - persona!"

Then, the right hand he swung out suddenly hit the edge of the open door (the rules on the road are that male instructors and female students must open the door when they are alone in a room).


Blood seeped out of the gauze.


The periodic awakening mechanism resurrected the former knight who had been dormant in the dream for a long time. The distributed cameras on the camouflage shell quickly connected the visual signals to the consciousness. The dim sun hanging in the starry sea reflected the objective lens equipped with the camouflage honeycomb panel, and finally reflected on

on the visual web.

"I never see the ancients before me, and never see the coming ones after me. I think about the long journey of heaven and earth, and I shed tears with sadness."

I was lucky today. The dim gray-blue dot happened to be in a position where it could be directly observed.

Chen Feng checked the communication module and saw a clear message that surprised him a little:

"The God of War is Reborn".

This chapter has been completed!
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