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Chapter 22 From Mars to the Asteroid Belt

At this moment, Jeanne was used to Zuo Xiangshan's "This is a wise decision".

Over the years, no matter what she decided to do, Zuo Xiangshan would always say "this is a wise decision" and analyze the pros and cons in her mind, and state the pros and cons based on this decision.

Rather, she hoped that Xiang Shan would not be so... straightforward when faced with some options that "normal people would choose".

The difficulty of getting from the Earth to Mars is not the same as the difficulty of getting from Mars to the asteroid belt.

The main reason for this difference is "gravity".

The gravity of Mars is much less than that of Earth.

Therefore, the cost of leaving the gravitational circle of Mars is far less than the cost of leaving the gravitational circle of the Earth.

On Mars, a spacecraft requires less power to enter space. In addition, on Mars, the construction and maintenance costs of a space elevator are far less than those on Earth.

In addition, Mars is the base of the scientific research knights, which has its own special features. Ordinary people can obtain "experimental materials" at a relatively low cost here - even the scientific research knights cannot guarantee whether the materials are reliable.

You can build something at a very low price and report measurement data regularly.

Because the cost is indeed relatively low, Mars even has many space elevators built by civilians. There are even some large wilderness settlements.

Some prosthetics even simply take a can of compressed air into space. After breaking away from the planet's gravity, they adjust their direction with a little jet of air, spend a long time hibernating themselves, and then float to a nearby satellite city.

For a prosthetic person, the difficulty of this kind of thing is about "swimming across a big river".

There is a chance of an accident, and it's not low.

But many people who have no nostalgia for life will do this.

It is said that there have even been records of "drifting directly from Mars to the asteroid belt".

The government has adopted a laissez-faire attitude toward these space elevators.

In sharp contrast to Mars is Jupiter.

Suspended cities inside the atmosphere of Jupiter. These cities are like giant airships. All the buildings in the entire city are mounted on numerous independent air bags and float on the tropopause of Jupiter's atmosphere.

These floating cities extend downwards with many collection equipment. Together with the space stations further outside, they form a chain for the government to collect Jupiter's resources and transport them outwards.

If a giant ship such as a deep space battleship rashly enters this range, it will be captured by Jupiter's gravity, and it will take a huge amount of energy to escape.

Leaving Jupiter's gravitational circle will consume a lot of energy, so the government's control over this behavior will be stricter.

When they left the earth, Xiang Shan and Jeanne gave up almost all their weapons, and then used psychotropic drugs to suppress their internal energy reactions - this was also a technical job. Taking drugs would just suppress the neural activity of the internal energy without affecting them.

Not everyone can do normal activities. And Yawgmoth has always hated the addiction to psychotropic drugs, and it is also dangerous if he is discovered.

Fortunately, in this era, it is not possible to randomly draw a tube of blood for testing, and others can only judge whether a person is addicted to psychotropic drugs based on his behavior.

Fortunately, Xiangshan is quite familiar with the brain.

As long as you carefully screen the types of drugs and find those that have "significant effects on high-level functional areas", and then use Tu Xiangshan to control the body, you can hide the truth.

Anyway, the detection of internal strength has always stimulated the high-level cortex.

By choosing the type of medicine, you can ensure that "Jeanna's high-level cortex is numb, and Tu Xiangshan's tumor is still energetic."

All this sounds simple, but Zuo Xiangshan and Jeanne had been planning for a long time on earth before they gathered the conditions including illegal drugs and officially left.

For Xiang Shan and Jeanne, leaving the earth is such a dangerous thing.

But leaving Mars is much simpler.

Without too many twists and turns, Jeanne arrived at the space city "Chaldea".

Chaldea is one of the neutral city-states in the asteroid belt built after Ur. Its predecessor was half of the fleet of the War God King, which was destroyed here by the Seventh God of War. It also had no time to clean up the battlefield.

Basically, the cities in the asteroid belt have this origin. Either they are related to the Sixth Martial God, or they are related to the Seventh Martial God.

The space city of Chaldea is a relatively active city in the asteroid belt. The later activities of the Seventh Valkyrie changed the trajectories of many small celestial bodies. Under the superposition of a butterfly effect, the movement of small celestial bodies in this area is relatively smooth.

Preface, the light speed highway maintained by the government must bypass this area, and large deep space warships cannot come easily.

Over time, Chaldea has become a mixed place. Some Jianghu people who are tired of the Jianghu affairs will live in seclusion here. There are also green forests to dump supplies, and there are also rangers to hunt down important criminals.

This city is a place of crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

Soon after Jeanna arrived in the space city of Chaldea, she caught the clues of the Six Dragon Sect.

After that, she met people from the Six Dragons Sect several times.

Under Xiang Shan's guidance, Jeanne also realized what the Six Dragons Sect was doing here. They seemed to be interfering in the manufacturing and circulation of drugs.

These secret medicines all act on the brain and can assist in the practice of internal skills, or allow low-level internal warriors to temporarily strengthen their concentration.

"Perhaps the scientific research knights need more 'volunteers' with internal strength." Zhu Xiangshan said.

He also knows something about this set.

Jeanne also learned to detect clues about the Six Dragons Cult by monitoring the local underground drug circulation.

In the process, Jeanna arrived from the space city of Chaldea to the space city of Zion.

In Zion, a businessman caught Jeanne's attention. Some of the medicines peddled by this businessman could not be found elsewhere. Xiangshan later analyzed that the pharmacological instructions included with these secret medicines were nonsense.

It was not quite consistent with the actual effect. This made Jeanna think that this guy was also from the Six Dragons Cult.

Jeanne decisively detained the businessman.

But after waiting for a long time, Jeanne did not wait for anyone from the Six Dragons Cult to rescue her. The businessman also showed no signs of committing suicide and committing martyrdom.

Later, Zuo Xiangshan found something "interesting" in the businessman's records.

"Girl, your illness can be cured."

When Zhu Xiangshan said this, his expression was very strange. Jeanne had never seen it before...

It should be said that Jeanne had never experienced this kind of emotion from the parasite.

"A biologist who is probably neutral, his level is probably pretty good..." Xiang Shan said, "You can tie him up. You don't need to have any conscience when dealing with such a person, how about that?"

This is the first time Xiangshan has made suggestions in several years.

So, the two came to Ur, the largest neutral city-state.

This chapter has been completed!
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