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Chapter 29 Asgard

[Good fight.] Xiang Shan suddenly spoke in praise.

He sincerely praised

In the battle just now, Zhu Xiangshan only marked the possibility of the opponent's attack for Jeanne, and suggested the rhythm and position of the counterattack. This kind of prompt is indeed very helpful to the martial artist, but it is not the most important thing in martial arts.

important part.

"Extracting the parts that are meaningful to the battle from complex external information" and "making corresponding plans using these elements through reasonable planning" are currently things that the human brain is good at but computers are not.

It is also considered by Xiang Shan to be the most essential part of cyber martial arts.

The move of "using the enemy's weapons" was not his instruction, but Jeanne's own tactic.

Jeanne lost four fingers as a result. But this time, the officer whose martial arts skills were almost the same as Jeanne completely lost his ability to fight.

For Cybermen, "injury" is not terrible. The disability of the prosthetic body is not "permanent". However, for the knights who fight continuously, "damage management of the prosthetic body" is also a skill. "With

The premise of "wounds for lives" is to ensure that the injury will not cause a fatal disadvantage in subsequent battles, and that the knight himself can survive until the next reconditioning, and can replace the lost prosthetic body in time.

From a tactical point of view, Jeanne made a wise decision.

Jeanne ignored Xiang Shan's words as usual, turned around in mid-air and kicked the man's head away, roaring angrily: "It's not us who betrayed you! It's you bastards who betrayed us."

The Rangers had to send three people to Jeanne's side again to prevent Jeanne from making further movements. Several bright sword lights and several muzzle flashes intertwined and collided.

The pressure on the Chamber of Commerce immediately weakened. With the fierce fighting of several Chamber of Commerce guards, the situation actually showed signs of back pressure.

At this time, sporadic gunshots also sounded in the distance.

There were even a few bullets fired directly at the firepower points established by the Rangers.

This is a reaction from other local residents.

The residents of the neutral city-state can be called "strong folk customs". The residents here know that they are not under the so-called "protection of civilization", and people in the government will not regard them as "human beings". People in the government do not care.

Their life and death. If someone from the government sneaks in to assassinate someone, then they will never care about how many people will be affected on the way.

In past records, there have even been cases of asylum seekers smuggling small nuclear weapons to eliminate targets.

The residents of neutral city-states are always very hostile to patrons.

And the many passers-by who have certain knowledge of gun art are enough to make the rangers feel numb all over.

As the sound of gunfire around them gradually became louder, the Rangers also began to think about retreating.

Failure to attack for a long time means that the mission has failed for them.

Soon, the rangers left behind some wreckage and retreated in an orderly manner, covering each other.

Jeanne did not pursue, nor did the members of the Chamber of Commerce. They all knew that this victory was mainly due to this temporary alliance - a single member of the Chamber of Commerce or Jeanne would be crushed by those rangers.

There is no trust between the members of the Chamber of Commerce and Jeanne.

If Jeanne chased her, but the members of the Chamber of Commerce did not, the Rangers would have a good chance of counterattack.

— Unless the bastard in her head takes over.

Jeanne backed away cautiously while approaching Instructor Li's prosthetic body. Except for the fact that there was no space to accommodate the reactor, all parts of this prosthetic body were very advanced.

Jeanne first carefully removed one of the prosthetic hands, then hacked into the prosthetic body, intending to transfer the remaining weapons on the prosthetic body.

But at this moment, a bad wind came from behind.

"Jean!" Asgard waved his weapon and hit Jeanne on the back. Jeanne swayed her body to avoid the blow.

Jeanne shouted: "Are you crazy?"

"You guy...you guy..." Asgard was very angry, "Are you the one with the problem? Were you the person who had the problem in the first place? The one who caused us to be purged..."

Asga almost cried. The advanced voice pack perfectly presented her emotions.

"What's wrong with you?" Jeanne dodged continuously. She was a little surprised.

Ten years ago, Asgard was the best among the members of the training camp. If Jeanne faced Asgard, the winning rate would not be higher than 20%. But now...

In her eyes, Asga's attack was actually...

"You have become so powerful...is it those memories?" Asjia shouted: "Awesome, amazing...but how could you do that kind of thing? You hurt us...Li JL, Xiao Zhu

Di, and Kang Bo... everyone is dead! All dead!"

Jeanna's movement was like a flying insect in the storm, constantly dodging Asgard's attacks. She said: "I just said it, it was not me who betrayed them! Before being purged, I had never betrayed them!


"Your martial arts style is closer to Xiangshan than before!"

Jeanne was also shocked when she heard this. She had never been aware of this. In fact, Xiang Shan gave her instructions to fight in that way instead of directly fighting for him because he was thinking that "if he did it himself, his identity might be exposed."

——Am I unknowingly affected? Or...

At this moment, Xiangshan in Jeanna's mind became inexplicably excited. He kept chattering in Jeanna's mind: [Ah, I know, I know. In this plot, you should beat this girl up and subdue her, and then

Take him as your subordinate. It is much more convenient for two people to do things than one person! From now on, if you change your name to 'Silver King', this girl can give you the code name of 'Silver-Eyed Lion King'...]

[Don’t go fucking crazy in my head! Shut up!]

【Originally I had no words.】


The two fought continuously, but a string of bullets hit their feet. The two had to jump back and separated.

Several drones surrounded the two of them.

Another caravan member holding a long stick was standing there, with the weapon vaguely pointed at the two of them.

"Dip, what does this mean?" Asjia was a little nervous.

"It's not interesting." said the caravan member named "Zip", "but I think we need to ask you what you mean."

"what do you mean'?"

"Those rangers seem to be coming for you." Di glanced at Jeanne, "And this...your friend? happened to be nearby and launched a surprise attack on the rangers."

"Is this a coincidence? Or is it intentional?"

Jeanne immediately raised her hand: "No, I didn't know she was here beforehand. But for people like us... neutral city-states are much safer than rocky planets."

This chapter has been completed!
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