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Chapter 37: Frost Martial Arts Area

For the current neutral city-states in the asteroid belt, their city layout does not depend on "municipal planning", but on what functional areas were used in the battleship wreckage when the refugees from the Jupiter space built the space city.

Where to put it.

The biggest problem faced by the original city builders when they were building the city was lack of fuel. Those city builders escaped from the Jupiter universe. There were warriors among them, but they were limited. It took them a long time just to get here.

Forty years...

Let's put it this way, this group of exiles set out because the Fourth Martial God's movement in the Jupiter universe failed, and even the remaining chivalrous forces were suppressed.

By the time they arrived, the Sixth Martial God had been defeated, and the cosmic storm caused by the Seventh Martial God had also begun.

In the era of Homo sapiens, "forty years" means most of a person's life, and all the parts of the entire life that can be called "story".

They moved between Jupiter and the asteroid belt at extremely low speeds for many years, and finally discovered this battlefield ruins that had been forgotten by both sides.

By the time they built the city and revived the soldiers on both sides who had suspended animation on the battlefield on a large scale, it was already close to the era of the Ninth God of War.

These people lack even the most basic fuel, not to mention other things. In this case, as long as the initial urban framework can be put together, it will be fine.

The urban planning of Ur City is really bad. The locations of the main soldier residential areas, officer residential areas, warehouses, battleship reactor core, bridge command system and other areas do not match their functions.

The original city builders seemed to want to place the reactor on the lowest level and use the reactor's waste heat to provide basic heat energy for the residential areas of the city. However, in actual operation, the battleship reactor was stacked in a higher position in the "north" of Ur.

.【In this asteroid without a magnetic field, the definition of "north and south" is based on "the parallel line connecting the center of the sun and the North Star". 】

There is a fighter/space warfare prosthetic body warehouse, equipped with auxiliary equipment for ejection and take-off. It should have been placed at the highest point of the city to facilitate the entry and exit of the collection team. However, during the actual construction, it was piled in the middle of the city.


The Ur people later spent a lot of energy and resources on laying various pipelines and lines to make up for this.

But no matter how you make up for it, the area near the ground is the area with the lowest temperature in the entire city. The average temperature here is always below zero.

This is also the worst environment for standard humans. People who don't have a full prosthetic body rate will be in danger of falling into coma if they approach here.

Even some cheap prosthetic maintenance supplies [such as lower-quality lubricants and spray paint] cannot be used here.

I don’t know since when, this place has become the conventional “Martial Arts District” and “Migrant Population Residential Area”.

Most of the people who live here are warriors with a high transformation rate. Such people don't use cheap maintenance supplies.

Gathering these people together also facilitates the management of neutral city-states.

Although the neutral city-states do not have the "martial arts games" culture of the inner planets in the solar system, martial arts schools are still prosperous here. The leaders of the neutral city-states still know that the "chivalrous tactics" are to use the least resources in exchange for the highest

Combat power, to achieve the largest battle loss ratio, is most suitable for a party with scarce resources. Even if the neutral city-state no longer intends to achieve the final result of "overthrowing tyranny" in the war between chivalry and tyranny, it must not give up the game of sublimating guerrilla warfare to the extreme.

Bo Budo.

Residents of neutral city-states encourage young people to learn martial arts.

Even if the foreign warrior has a complex composition, as long as he is willing to teach the city-state residents a few moves, the city-state residents are willing to take the risk and accept him to live.

This is an area where the walls are covered with a layer of frost. The moisture evaporated from the physical bodies of the teenage residents, as well as the moisture that accidentally enters the air as a cooling agent, will enter the air circulation throughout the city and condense at several locations with the lowest temperatures.

Baseline humans have very low demand for water, and many of the mineable minerals in the asteroid belt are mixed with ice slag. Neutral city-states do not lack water, so they do not often recycle this condensed solid water - which consumes resources.


The ground that is constantly being stepped on is a thin, smooth but dirty layer of ice. The ice will melt slightly under the pressure, and then quickly freeze back. The ground is slippery, but no one needs assistive equipment. The gravity here

The acceleration is too low. Even if I am distracted when I fall, the attitude control system can slowly adjust my steps and regain my footing.

The walls are covered with thick white frost. Some of the walls have even been left with fist prints and footprints by nefarious people to reveal their own martial arts skills. Here, this seems to be a form of communication in the martial arts circle.

"Indeed, this is the best hiding place for a group of foreign warriors." Asjia nodded.

A group of foreign warriors scattered into this place, just like hiding a cup of water in the sea, it is difficult to find it.

Jeanne had some differences: "Haven't you been in a neutral city-state for several years? This is your first time here?"

"Hey, you also know that this is a very suitable place for a group of foreign warriors to hide. If the rangers sneak in, they will most likely choose this place. Why don't you avoid it?" Asgard was also surprised, "How did you survive until today?"

In fact, if she had not known the number of rangers in the city in advance and had Asgard with her, Jeanne would not have dared to come in directly.

"There may be masters of internal skills in the martial arts area, and the use of voodoo may be detected. Moreover, there may also be iron hand rangers with powerful internal skills on the rangers side." Asgard said: "You can't use voodoo here.

what's your plan?"

"It's a high-quality battle." Jeanne said, "There are several pictures. Just look at the picture record."

Asjia said: "Of course I know, but what else?"

"What else?"

"Okay. I thought your internal strength was quite reliable."

"Don't forget, there are rumors that a certain woman whose name cannot be named lives in a place like this."

【Do you have any comment on this, old man?】

[I have reservations about the rumors. I have nothing to comment on your tactical arrangements. Your sense of respect for the elderly is negative.]

The two of them approached the place where the first battle broke out just like they did during training more than ten years ago.

A trace ran through several houses.

"Wow, it turned out to be a one-sided battle. The rangers who came this time have something special..."

[Wait, adjust the prosthetic eye and aim it at the wall...the one on the left...]

[Wall? There is nothing there at all...]

Zu Xiangshan couldn't help but grab control.

This chapter has been completed!
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