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Chapter 54 This kind of person

Xiangshan felt that the reason why the Six Dragons Sect came to find that bastard Li Zheyuan now was probably not a coincidence. There was at least half a chance that they came along the line discovered by Jeanne.

Of course, it may also be for other reasons. For example, they targeted all the drug dealers, and then found that the drugs sold by some merchants had unique ingredients, so they came here - they didn't know that they were selling drugs.

It's not Li Zheyuan. Anyway, if they are good enough, they will...

These are the reasons why we cannot leave.

This is a very bad situation for Jeanne. It means that her business of kidnapping that bastard Li Zheyuan suddenly has many competitors.

She must be one step faster than the Six Dragons Sect.

But the battle with the magnetic link weapon user turned out to be an "unexpected surprise" at this point.

Zu Xiangshan wrapped the steel rod with nano conductor wire, and then used the steel rod to defeat the opponent's moves. The nano wire was wrapped around the magnetic link weapon. With the movement of the magnetic link weapon, it cut into the inside of the magnetic link weapon. Its conductivity caused the magnetic link weapon to lose control.

Eventually the power spread to the entire martial arts area.

At this moment, the officials of Ur City will probably be alerted.

And that bastard Li Zheyuan would probably choose to hide.

To be able to live to this day despite being hated by both the patron and the knight, Li Zheyuan still has some caution.

This time, it is equivalent to forcing the Six Dragon Cult team to be exposed in the open, and putting the target of the two sides in the dark.

Next, all that is needed is force to hold back the strongest first-level warrior from the Six Dragon Sect.

Just need to hold on for a while.

What Jeanna had to do was to make good use of this "little moment" to force Li Zheyuan away.

Jeanne said: [I just think that this will further expose our existence and make the Six Dragons Sect pay more attention to us...]

[This piece of information will only become less and less valuable.] Zhu Xiangshan said: [Although the Six Dragons Sect has existed for a long time, maybe... I just said maybe... could they have become more and more popular recently?

Are you being unscrupulous?]


[Because they are... very close to a certain target?] Zhu Xiangshan is not sure, [this is just a guess.]

【I thought you must know something.】

[Don’t be stupid. The Six Dragon Sect did not exist in the era of Martial Ancestor Xiangshan. All the memories I have of “Beyond Martial Ancestor Xiangshan” are common to you.] Xiangshan said: [Concentrate on your goals.

Jeanne turned a corner, pushed aside a stack of iron boxes and thin metal plates, and walked out of the path.

A few steps further ahead, you will find a place where people come and go.

At this time, Zuo Xiangshan suddenly said: [Daughter, I am very happy. You have made great progress.]

Jeanne stopped: [What do you want to say?]

[I forgot to mention it just now. You have made great progress now. You already feel like "Is this cheating others?" and feel ashamed and guilty about it. ]

[The same goes for when you are escaping. When you were escaping from the protector of the Six Dragon Sect who was far stronger than you, you never thought about using the passers-by around you to resist the attack, or use the passers-by to fight back. 】

Jeanne knocked her head: [Old man, your nerve cells are as big as mine, so you are not an old fool. Ten years ago, you told me that if I dared to use civilians as bait, you would point to my head.

Shoot me and die with me.]

[Ah, yes, I remember. But "I won't let you do this" and "You never thought of doing this" are two different things. Not to mention, now you are even worried about "whether you have deceived others." This

That's very good. You are already a good person.】

After Zu Xiangshan said this, he stopped talking.

Jeanne wanted to say something to Xiangshan, but she heard Asga's dissatisfied voice: "What are you crazy about?"

Jeanne looked up and found that Asgard was waiting nearby. He came over when he saw her coming out at the end of the street. Jeanne said: "It's nothing. Where are you?"

"According to your arrangement, I went to spread the poison." Asgard sighed: "Are you sure this is really safe? The legendary person may live nearby..."

Jeanne didn't know how to explain this problem. The person in her mind kept patting her head... saying that it was no problem. The other party's strong emotions even made her embarrassed to mention another legend, that is,

"That big shot in the 'Turing' realm probably hates the God of War extremely."

——Forget it...that's it...

Jeanne said: "I think it won't be noticed. We are just collecting some ordinary visual information."

"But what you are looking for is... something that many big figures in mythology hate." Asgard even lowered his voice unconsciously: "Are you sure it's feasible? He can live for so many years, so he has to be a little... cautious, right?"

Even if Jeanne knew this, she couldn't explain it.

Zu Xiangshan's method is actually very simple and crude. He uses the extraordinary abilities of internal martial artists in "acting analysis" and "personality profiling" to use visual intelligence to forcibly find guys like Li Zheyuan among the crowd.

The only requirement for this approach is to "know Li Zheyuan well enough."

Li Zheyuan was born in the same era as Xiang Shan. His relatives had all died in many wars and turmoils, and only a few people who hated him now still remembered him who had been his friends back then.


The Six Dragons Sect may have also used this method to target Li Zheyuan.

Zuo Xiangshan discovered that Liulongjiao, let alone other things, Xiangshan’s memory was definitely studied very well.

They can even use specific Xiangshan memory fragments to fill their subordinates with cultural attributes such as "loyalty to the organization" and "hard work."

All I can say is that they are very professional when it comes to taking things out of context.

In this case, it is theoretically feasible to temporarily make a memory plug-in, extract and concentrate parts of Li Zheyuan, and make a plug-and-play "Li Zheyuan recognition auxiliary device".

But this can't be said in detail to Asgard.

Based on his understanding of Li Zheyuan, Xiangshan believed that he would never risk leaving the space city in this situation. He would definitely disguise himself and hide among the crowd.

Theoretically, there is a safer place to go at this time, which is to send your brain to a collective hibernation area.

By this time, no one will be able to tell which is which unless genes are collected or brain-computer interface pattern recognition is performed.

But Xiang Shan also didn't think that Li Zheyuan could have such courage.

First of all, this is tantamount to announcing his genetic information and brain-computer interface pattern recognition to the officials of Ur City. As the Alpha version of the first generation benchmark human, Li Zheyuan dare not disclose his genetic information casually, even if the officials of Ur City may

There is no verification capability.

Secondly, he didn't want to lose the legs he used to escape.

Even if his legs are useless in front of the propeller.

That's the kind of person he is.

This chapter has been completed!
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