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Chapter 83 Silent Sniper

The generational change that occurred in the mid-21st century is an unprecedented process. It is the first time that humans have completely changed the genes of their own race. Humanity has changed from "Homo sapiens" to a "benchmark for reproductive isolation from Homo sapiens"


This is the first time in history that there are truly "two kinds of human beings". Although in history, when ethnic groups with greatly different appearances come into contact, there have been many times when "one side does not regard the other as human beings" or "both sides do not regard the other as human beings" or "both sides do not regard the other as human beings".

treating each other as 'outside human beings'". But in most cases, those ancient people knew that they could produce offspring with other ethnic groups, and there was no "reproductive isolation". Even Homo sapiens and Neanderthals

There is also the phenomenon of mixed blood among special people.

But there is real reproductive isolation between Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens.

What is miraculous is that there is an undeniable blood relationship between the first generation of benchmark humans and Homo sapiens. The information in the chromosomes of this generation of benchmark humans is copied from themselves in the era of homo sapiens. They are related to

There is a blood connection between my parents' generation.

Humanity has never encountered such a thing. After the Europeans officially invented "nationalism", humans have been accustomed to describing everything in terms of "nation" for hundreds of years. However, Yawgmoth in a higher

On the level, a collection is created.

This fact has had a powerful impact on the cognition of human society.

The entire middle of the 21st century was a magnificent era. Even the impact of the world war on mankind was far less than this event.

In this wave, the original vested interests can no longer hold on to what they have. When benchmark people account for more than half of the total human population, benchmark people urgently need a group to speak out for the benchmark people group. A benchmark

Politicians who are human are naturally more likely to win the support of benchmark people.

After the superior abilities of the baseline people at the biological level are gradually revealed, most of the remaining population who can become the baseline people will want to become the baseline people.

As time goes by, the proportion of Homo sapiens in the human population will continue to decline - for no other reason than that the growth cycle of the baseline human is controlled by the genetic information of Homo sapiens. But the life span of the baseline human is too long.

As the number of baseline humans expands, the scale of agriculture for Homo sapiens will continue to shrink, and the cost of living for Homo sapiens will further increase.

With the connection between public services and intelligent prosthetics, the life of Homo sapiens will become more convenient.

Xiangshan had already predicted this. He did not intend to use laws and decrees to force humans to change their own species. However, he did not intend to stop this kind of change caused by objective economic laws.

The volunteers for the Benchmark Man Transformation Surgery are mostly people with disabilities, and then there are the upstarts in technology who have made a lot of money at a young age. This small group of people have made a lot of money in the business field by relying on research and development.

Property. They have great trust in technology and feel that the picture described by Xiang Shan is the future, so they find ways to get themselves into the team of "able-bodied volunteers".

In addition, there are volunteers from academia and technology enthusiasts. They are all optimistic about the benchmark, but are worried that the cost of subsequent transformation surgery will not be reduced, so they are willing to be the last batch of clinical trial volunteers.

The first batch of beneficiaries of the promotion came from African countries.

In fact, this was not pushed by Xiang Shan, but several heads of state from African countries took the initiative to come to the door. And their reasons were surprisingly consistent. These warriors who came to power by relying on the military suddenly felt that Superman Enterprise represents the future of mankind.

I plan to follow up immediately at this time.

After careful inspection, it seems that these countries have received a sum of aid from those major countries in recent years, and the amount is slightly ambiguous.

Xiang Shan knew this very well, but he was "rarely confused".

As the benchmark human transformation progressed, Superman Enterprises also established localization agencies in those countries. The localization agencies of these Superman Enterprises brought technology and information from the outside world.

People who were the first to become prosthetics realized that the tyrant's gun didn't seem so scary anymore.

Within the next ten years, these small countries basically changed their heads of state, and they looked much more normal.

According to Xiangshan's estimation, this should be "no problem" coverage of genetic surgery. Biological samples will be regularly collected from each of the volunteers' surgeries and sent to Yawgmoth's laboratory for testing.

As for the first batch of benchmark human surgeries to be promoted in Africa, Yawgmoth was also present in person to conduct random inspections of the recipients.

At this stage, the thieves have not yet had a chance to take action.

No, when I think about it, maybe they did something at this stage.

For a long period of time, Xiang Shan has been regarded by various major countries as a guy who is "very good at painting". "Good at telling stories" and "very good at making PPT" are Xiang Shan's labels.

Xiangshan is indeed good at telling stories and making PPTs, but it was only in the 1940s that humans realized that this man had more than this ambition.

After the Superman Enterprise achieved a series of successes in African countries, the military of major countries took the lead in rolling out transformation surgery and quickly promoted it to the civilian population.

People and funds from various countries were quickly injected into this already huge multinational enterprise.

At this moment, Xiangshan believes that the historical mission of Superman Enterprises has been completed for the most part. After the "Prosthetization" is fully rolled out, it will be necessary to pass anti-monopoly rules to allow various countries to break up Superman Enterprises. Therefore, he has this batch of

People suspected of having a background in a big country ate them all.

Xiangshan confirmed this through the news.

He used Zhu Xinyu's computer and backdoor to obtain news that he had never noticed.

For example, the accidental death of several wealthy people.

For example, take the military coups in several African countries.

These things are not too unusual, but Xiangshan quickly found the similarities among them.

In these incidents, the deceased were the original volunteers or the first batch of surgical recipients.

To be precise, they are individuals in that group who have management skills, military skills or professional and technical knowledge.

Xiangshan had met these people more than ten years ago out of admiration. They were either trend-setters surfing the trend of the times, or idealists who were determined to change the poor destiny of their own countries. Xiangshan had a high opinion of them.

Then, they died.

This is a conscious sniper.

Xiangshan went to search for information on other volunteers. He found some names in the corners of the news and in the police station's files and records.

Car accident, slipping and drowning, fire...

and whereabouts are unknown.

This chapter has been completed!
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