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Chapter 85 Major Discovery

The submarine "Goblet Bug" has completed its second fixed mission this year and is returning from the South Pacific.

The Goblet Bug is responsible for several tasks. These include "collecting seawater samples from various places and detecting the survival conditions of artificial microbial communities in different areas", "repairing planetary physics detectors at sea" and "searching for possible surviving marine biological communities"


The No. 1 infection incident more than 200 years ago was a mass extinction that surpassed all mass extinctions. However, within the group of scientific knights, there are always people who believe that some living creatures survived.

Two hundred years ago, in the early works of His Majesty the Father of All Machines, those algae and zooplankton that can be eaten by ordinary metal-based creatures are still breeding at the equator, and the scale is not small. And the creatures that can feed on these small things,

It was possible to survive that disaster.

When the ancestors of martial arts released these creatures, they hoped that they could provide a little food for the survivors of the catastrophe.

Since a hundred years ago, they have made some discoveries one after another. A small number of decapod communities have been discovered. Their ancestors may be species of the family Brassidae that live in the subarctic zone, but mutations have caused huge changes in the traits of these organisms.

Changes, those randomly released viruses randomly modified the gene pool of these creatures, so the Scientific Research Knights were unable to confirm what they were originally.

Taking this discovery as a limit, the Scientific Research Knights discovered some small creatures one after another. These creatures were generally less than five centimeters. Obviously, these gadgets were lucky enough to survive due to their huge population.

No. infection incident.

And fate is generous. In front of these little lives is an almost blank ocean.

Over the next two hundred years, the size of these creatures tended to expand, and their population size also developed.

On Earth in the past, a community of this size would have been nothing. But now, it is more noble than anything else.

According to records, the discoverers of those creatures received awards from the throne.

This also makes some scientific research knights on the earth even more enthusiastic about this kind of scientific research activities.

However, such discoveries are rare in total.

There were very few species that could survive that mass extinction.

And now, everyone on board the Goblet Bug is caught up in a kind of fanaticism.

They discovered new species.

Just half a month ago, a nearby monitoring station got readings, showing that it received abnormal infrasound waves.

During the inspection, they accidentally discovered a cephalopod.

It was a huge creature nearly one meter long, with velvet-like structures growing on the surface of its arms and legs. It turned out to be a filter-feeding squid.

It's a pity that the Scientific Research Knights did not carry the tools to capture a creature of this size. During the capture process, the squid unfortunately died.

This made the trip a little less glamorous, but it didn't hurt.

Everyone can see that this filter-feeding squid is still very young.

Maybe the squid was attracted by the light from the monitoring station's indicator light.

Or, metal-based organisms can use the characteristics of electric field energy to actively approach places with electromagnetic waves.

These all need to be studied.

Next, the scientific knights will probably use the momentum of "looking for a needle in a haystack" to search for this filter-feeding squid community throughout the East Pacific.

Along the way, the research knights were talking and laughing, and even the apprentices were infected and enthusiastic.

Apprentice Ge Fu looked at the original plan and was still a little strange. He was probably the only person on the whole ship who cared about the original mission: "It's strange..."

"Hey, kid, what's the matter?" The third senior brother patted him on the shoulder: "If you are depressed at this time, you will look very unsociable."

"But... infrasound waves..." Graham pondered for a moment: "I am very interested in ancient creatures. According to data, squid are creatures that rely on vision and touch... They can feel mechanical waves in seawater, but it is almost impossible to detect them.


The third senior brother knocked on Ge Fu angrily: "Maybe it was a false alarm caused by the squid touching the sensor?"

Ge Fu scratched his head, always feeling that something was wrong.

At this moment, a roar spread throughout the entire submarine cabin: "This is impossible... God! This is simply a work of genius!"

Several people immediately rushed to the laboratory where the senior brother was. Ge Fu wanted to go over and have a look, but due to his status, he did not dare to rush into the senior brothers and sisters, so they could only wait in the corridor.

In the laboratory where the senior brother is located, several formal knights of the knights have already entered.

All the research knights were shocked.

I saw that all ten arms of the squid had been cut open, exposing the strange chips buried in the roots of the arms. Some of the pieces were only cut open and half of them were exposed. Two of them were completely dug out and made of composite material.

The metal wire is connected all the way to the squid's tiny brain.

The senior brother slowly turned around and whispered: "This is a wonderful idea... In order to obtain the speed of nerve transmission, cephalopods increase the cross-sectional area of ​​the nerves to reduce resistance. Their nerves are too

It is thick, so it limits the complexity of the nervous system. But after metal-based, the role of metal-based protein deposition greatly exceeds that of myelin... Coupled with artificial assistance... Oh my god, my god... 'Personality'

It has been proven that it can be converted into extremely small amounts of data... Oh my god!"

He was very excited: "This is amazing!"

While talking, the senior brother pulled out a burr from the arm of the filter-feeding squid: "Is this a product of genetic modification? Or is it a symbiotic organism? The test just showed that this burr has different genes from the squid itself... Carefully

At first glance, it seems that these are simply spurs coming out of the sucker... Is this a symbiotic organism similar to coral polyps? It lives symbiotically in the sucker of the squid and uses its own secretions to create bone spurs to allow the squid to gain the ability to filter feed...

…Oh my god! This is a biochemical prosthetic body!”

He turned around and opened his arms: "This is a huge discovery! Anyone who can do such a thing must be a genius! This is an independent intelligent race! An intelligent race entirely made by humans!"

The second senior brother and the third senior brother looked at each other: "Senior brother, you mean...well, this...is man-made?"

"Probably a product of the Scientific Research Knights." The senior brother's face glowed red with excitement: "But, I haven't seen any relevant records... There are no relevant papers... Oh my god, this must be the product of a certain great knight.

The layout...may even be that of the Knight Commander...We will go back immediately and start a project in a similar direction..."

"It's so developed!"

This chapter has been completed!
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