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Chapter 91 Dolphins

Hikasi continued to dive. Some kind of discomfort came over her. The surrounding water pressure was now beyond what her ancestors could withstand. But for metal-based dolphins, this was still bearable.

But the seawater is taking away her body temperature at an accelerated rate. The waste heat emitted by the batteries, artificial heart and other organs in her body can only barely support her.

It is said that the skin of the older dolphins in the group has become numb and is even worse than artificial skin.

Hikasi sighed while flicking the squid in her mouth to prevent the delicious juice from being taken away by the nasty sea water. At the same time, she kept warning herself to restrain herself and not eat it all.

Then, several beams of ultrasound gently swept across Hikasi's skin. It was the dolphin language like poetry.

Several dolphins are looking for them.

"Hikasi, Hikasi, why didn't you lose contact for three minutes?" the leader, Kleidich, scolded in a low voice. If this paragraph was converted into audio that humans can receive, it would sound more like sobbing.

Accusation. But in the dolphin's view, this is already anger.

Hikasi spit out most of the remaining squid she had eaten: "Prey."

What Hikasi brought caused all the dolphins to stop working on their mouths. The complex protein synthesized by animal cells formed a complex fragrance in their receptors. The dolphins have been in a state of insecurity since weaning.

In a long-term state of hunger, the occasional bits of surimi collected may not relieve hunger for these dolphins, but instead make their "appetite" flourish.

"Hunger" has been parasitic on them for decades.

They didn't care about anything, they even threw away the mechanical arms on their bodies, rushed over, and tore the squid tentacles covered with thorns.

Kledich also almost lost his mind. But as a leader, he restrained his appetite, tried to calm his subordinates, and distributed the food fairly. The squid has ten arms. The longest and fattest two were taken by the two dolphins. The remaining

The next four dolphins were each given two arms and legs and a little bit of minced meat. The remaining top half was leftovers, and Kledich swallowed them in one gulp.

The food mixed with sea water slid down the throat and into the stomach. Kledici's stomach did not feel much better. Instead, like a parasite, it urged the "host" to find more food.

"Momentary happiness" and "hungry misery" conflicted in Kledici's mind.

Then, the dolphins gradually calmed down.

A normal dolphin needs to eat 4 to 8 percent of its body weight in food a day, which is about 17 kilograms. And these metal-based squids often weigh less than 3 kilograms.

"Okay, you can eat it by yourself next time." Kledich said: "You won't die if you don't eat this, but it will be more uncomfortable..."

I don't know if it was to calm himself down, but Claydet strangely used encoded human language.

"Keep working, friends, we have to work for our home now!"

The dolphins cheered, picked up their equipment again, and began to approach the silent submarine.

This is the result of the war between "human beings outside". Just a few days ago, Hopkins heard violent noises in the distance, and then discovered this scene from a distance. "Human beings outside" were killing each other. A giant attack

I bought a relatively small thing and then abandoned it.

So Hopkins sang a song. Under the action of the resonator, the infrasonic song can float far away. And at that depth, the sound transmission speed is quite fast.

The dolphins gathered together.

They must dismantle all the electronic equipment they can collect within a limited time. These equipments can be slightly modified to form new cetacean-artiodactyl prostheses. For their group, this is quite important.

Human beings outside seem to be divided into two parties who never share information. Therefore, after they discover that the parts are missing, they will all speculate that the other party took them away to cover up something. They will not think that there are intelligent creatures under the sea that will steal those parts that can be easily

Manufactured electronic components - yes, the dolphins are targeting components.

Under the command of Kledich, the dolphins swam back into the sunken medium-sized submarine, and then looked for things that could be moved by themselves, as well as parts that would not be damaged if the shell was disassembled underwater.

Prosthetic remains cannot be moved. These things are often numbered and recorded, and may even have built-in tracking devices.

The tool used by the dolphins is a collar around the neck with several manipulators on it that can quickly disassemble some things.

Looking at these human bodies, Hikasi became even more uneasy.

"What's the matter, my dear friend, you are so uneasy now?" Kledici couldn't stand it anymore and stopped what he was doing.

Hikasi sighed: "I may have been exposed to an outside human being."

"What does 'possible' mean?"

"The humans and detection machines we have seen all look like this..." Hikasi pointed to the remains of the prosthetics on the ground with her sharp mouth: "Or the boxy kind, but that thing is both.

Not like that. From the side, he looked like a hollow piece of garbage. And that human-like thing was right in front of a squid..."

For dolphins, the long seaweed is a "translucent" medium. Its blocking effect on sound waves is far less effective than its blocking effect on light waves. The squid is so obvious to Hikasi's senses.

So at that moment, the hungry dolphin forgot everything.

Kledici was silent for a moment and shouted: "All dolphins! Countdown for half an hour, then we will meet up with Hopkins! Leave! Go home!"

Then he patted Hikasi's fin with his tail: "Relax my friend, this is not your fault. I will go crazy if I see that squid... We are not as good as humans at this point."

Humans' advanced functional areas are more developed and can suppress instinctive reactions more easily. But dolphins have only just gained intelligence. Even their intelligence needs the assistance of chips. Sometimes Kledich can't help but think, what is he?

The dolphin is still the soul in the chip, inhabiting the body of the dolphin.

The underlying design of human prosthetic chips is like this. When an instinctive reaction occurs simultaneously with the judgment of a high-level functional area and is strong enough, that command will have the highest priority, even better than various settings in the setting.

Safety limitations. The original designers believed that the safety limitations of prosthetics were artificially formulated and could not cope with all emergencies. In some extreme situations, it would be too bad for people to lose the ability to save themselves due to safety limitations.

——That will affect the company's reputation.

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