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Chapter 95 Squid and Prisoners

The names that squids give themselves are usually indescribable in human language. These cephalopods that have gained intelligence due to human transformation surgeries still retain their own unique visual abilities, or light-sensing abilities - those

The humans who modified them did not install too many mechanical parts on them, and they were able to retain their own eyes and skin.

The complex organ "eye" may have appeared independently many times in the history of evolution.

The eyes of squids have a different origin from the eyes of mammals. The unique W-shaped eyes brought about by their body structure not only give them a wide field of view, but also give them an extremely special ability to distinguish light in more detail.

of polarization.

There is only one visual pigment in the eyeballs of squids. This means that their eyes are purely color blind. However, this does not mean that squids cannot perceive colors. In fact, the color perception of squids is not integrated in the eyeballs, but

It is spread throughout the skin. There are a large number of light sensors distributed on the surface of the squid's body.

Those humans who have modified the squid have been forcing the squid to use human language. They have taught the squid to encode 0s and 1s by changing the color of the surface skin to output information. They have forced the squid to participate in formulating a method for squid to

It is quite counter-intuitive, but it is a very convenient communication protocol for humans. They also give squid various code names based on binary encoding as names.

In fact, squid also want to have their own name. Very early on, within the squid group, there were "individual identification codes" designated by their own standards.

That is, it is written in the squid's own language, the squid's own name.

Such names are almost impossible to translate into human language. Some names even have no corresponding concept in human language.

Of course, there is no way to transliterate it, because this kind of name has no pronunciation at all.

It completely depends on the lines and patterns on the squid's body surface.

This is the starting point of the squid's resistance.

Even before they were transformed and acquired intelligence, cephalopods were already highly intelligent. They were able to tolerate, judge forms, and even know how to deceive. After acquiring intelligence, these squids almost immediately learned to hide their actions from humans.

.In the squid group, they are groping for a language that is in line with their biological instincts and can interact with human chips, and groping for various powers.

Just so that one day they can get rid of the humans who control them.

Soul - let's call him "soul". In the language of squid, this unique pattern is a variant of the pattern that means "the wisdom that comes with the chip." Ahhun is a squid who ventured out of the large group.

. Recently, humans have begun to allow squids to have limited independent activities. It seems that this is also some kind of project. Some squids have seized this opportunity and used all means to contact the outside world, learn about the world, and find everything that is beneficial to their own group.


However, this is a dangerous behavior.

Theoretically, these large metal-based squid should be the largest animals in the entire ocean, and there should be no animals that can kill them in the wild. However, over the years, many squid that were explored for the future of the population have mysteriously disappeared.

The humans who control the squid are also confused. They will even take the initiative to kill humans who spy on this secret project, and even search in the deep sea. But so far, those humans have not found any clues. But it is said that all the missing squid are

It is unjustifiable for outsiders to capture them.

Because outsiders still know nothing about this project.

This news caused a turbulence in the squid group. Some squid began to feel that "human beings outside" are as evil as "human beings here" and are equally full of desire to dominate, and they do not allow ordinary creatures like squid to live.


At the beginning, the Calamari wanted to establish a connection with the outside world. But now, this idea has become less and less.

Many squid even escape and reproduce in the wild.

This approach is not unanimously recognized by the squid community. The intelligence that squid now possess is still highly dependent on human technology. If they breed in the wild, their offspring will only be unintelligent metal-based squid.

But those radicals don't care. They no longer regard "intelligence" as wealth, but as a curse of mankind.

Evil humans are a cancer in the history of evolution. Since their birth, "wisdom", which is both a gift and a curse, has been with them. And two hundred years ago, they released the power of this curse, and the twisted power covered this world.

In this small world, humans have become the only remaining gods on earth. And now, this already crazy god wants to use this curse to infect other survivors.

But the irony is that this vigilance against human beings is also a product of intelligence.

Once you lose your wisdom, you will lose this hatred of mankind.

The instinct encoded in the genetic information of the squid has nothing related to humans at all in its database.

Learn, capture, and escape.

This is the obsession held by Ah Hun.

Ah Hun appears here to gain a deeper understanding of human beings.

At the same time, it is also for the purpose of paying homage.

Ah Hun followed the humans and witnessed the fall of the submarine. He later found out why - the guy inside dissected his friend.

"The humans here" followed the tracking signal, attacked the submarine, and abducted the humans inside.

"Humans here" have no idea of ​​revenge for Ah Hun. Of course it is impossible.

So Ah Hun could only come in person with a few friends.

As a result, one of them disappeared on the way.

In the end, he even met a "human outsider" in the silent submarine.

At that time, Ah Hun still thought that he would die.

In the end, the human just treated him as an ordinary wild animal.

--never mind……

he thought.

——We are not yet good enough to establish communication with humans outside...

——Continue to inquire about something from that prisoner. He may become some kind of breakthrough.


"How can this be……"

For a moment, Xiang Shan thought he had seen it wrong.

That was the picture sent back by the drone. It saw a huge submarine in the distance, with something hanging below it.

That's what's tied under the submarine with chains.

From a structural point of view...

"That is... the shooter?"

"Lao Jiu, what are you doing?"

Judging from the contrasting luster and the exaggerated shape of the vector jet behind the prosthetic body, it was the body once used by the Sagittarius of the Twelve Zodiac and the Ninth God of War.

This chapter has been completed!
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