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Chapter 101 Homo sapiens knight [Part 2]

In fact, Xiang Shan found all this development incredible.

When Chen Feng appeared in front of Lin Yu and said, "Daughter, I am your father...even though I promised not to come to you," Xiang Shan felt that it was normal for Lin Yu to call the police at this time.

Due to the various blockades imposed by the thieves, it took Chen Feng a long time to get here.

At this time, Lin Yu already knew about the death of "Chen Feng" and even attended Chen Feng's funeral.

But surprisingly, Chen Feng succeeded in convincing his daughter of all this.

As a result, this place became an important stronghold for the early knights.

Lin Yu took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Xiang Shan: "This is the data sent with the email... I hope I can gain something this time."

Lin Yu was the least likely of all the early knights to attract the attention of thieves.

Because she is a homo sapiens.

Should we say this is destiny, or should we say this is a kind of irony? Obviously every homo sapiens should be a natural ally of the early knights and a person who can be trusted, but the development promoted by Xiang Shan has squeezed them into human society.

the edge of.

In this era, Homo sapiens living in cities is like disabled people living in cities that never consider disabled people. Public services that rely entirely on intelligent systems are not particularly friendly to Homo sapiens.

Coupled with the rising cost of living and the stronger physical abilities of baseline humans, most of the remaining Homo sapiens chose to flee the city.

They cannot occupy a favorable position, and it is difficult to gain sufficient social influence.

Xiangshan planned to let these last Homo sapiens die out naturally, but the country thief also inherited this idea.

Lin Yu was able to do something because of this.

In his youth, Lin Yu participated in the activities of "opposing corporate-led genetic modification and prosthetic modification", but has participated less in recent years. Under Xiang Shan's instruction, Lin Yu began to enter his mind with "conspiracy theories"

” gesture, go for a walk for some “realness”.

Lin Yu runs a studio outside. That studio will publish relevant content on multiple social media.

Naturally, Lin Yu will also receive a lot of feedback. Most of them are ridicules, and a small part are complete conspiracy theories. Lin Yu downloads them all, packages them, and gives them to Xiang Shan and the others.

They analyze and select parts that may be "potential friends".

Xiangshan is definitely not the only one who can detect the truth. Experts among technology enthusiasts and hackers who are wary of superhuman companies may discover the fact of stealing the country.

If they hadn't been outright purged by the Superman Enterprises...if they would have grasped at anything that looked like a lifeline in fear...

Then they have a certain probability of noticing Lin Yu.

Among the many pieces of information Lin Yu received, Xiang Shan had to find those frightened rebels.

Lin Yu also doubted at first what the use of doing this was. But today, Xiang Shan has passed through Lin Yu's line and found more than a dozen friendly troops.

Considering the number of knights at that time, this was a huge leap.

Xiangshan will find a way to get in touch with these people and send them many high-precision parts that are difficult to obtain.

Oh, by the way, this is one of the reasons why Xiangshan Club chose to develop here.

In Lin Yu's home on the "Last Homo sapiens" collective farm, there is a 3D printer that looks like a household model, but is actually as accurate as a cutting-edge industrial machine.

This is Xiangshan's personal gift. If this 3D printer traveled back to the early 21st century, it could even trigger a world war. Even now, there are still a large number of countries that are not eligible to receive this thing.

But such a thing, which is extremely precious to the country, can be transported here by Xiang Shan as a "toy for his niece".

Although it is so precious, no one dares to take advantage of it - because of this, it was given to Shan.

Xiangshan's original intention was to make this collective farm more convenient when it became self-sufficient.

But now, this thing has played an unexpected role.

Xiangshan actually designed a complete route, first using scrap copper and iron to make low-precision machine tools, then using the low-precision machine tools to produce higher-precision tools. Then using high-precision tools to make higher-precision tools.

By repeating this several times, anyone can produce a product of industrial machine level.

However, if there is a ready-made one, the time and resources spent on "upgrading the tool" can be used.

Originally, the town rarely used this gadget. At most, it only made some parts for agricultural machinery. This was Xiangshan's original intention. He hoped that the town could make some machinery suitable for Homo sapiens. You know, there are many machines on the market now.

All machines are priority compatible with brain-computer interfaces.

Now, this machine is frequently started to support the activities of many knights in different regions.

Xiangshan and the others not only established bases in multiple locations around the world, but also used high-precision parts to support their distant partners, allowing them to establish their own bases.

"Well done..." Xiang Shan said to Lin Yu: "You have to be careful...don't show your flaws. Otherwise, many people will die here."

Lin Yu nodded, but said with a smile: "Uncle Xiang, what you really need to pay attention to is you. For those people, the risk of replacing me is still very high."

"What about the car accident? What about the robbery?" Xiang Shan sighed, "Don't act too natural, girl. As I said before, it's up to us to handle the screening and contact matters."

As he spoke, a mouse jumped in front of Xiang Shan and opened its mouth. Xiang Shan inserted the USB flash drive directly into it.

Of course this is a bionic mouse.

There is an internal network in this collective farm, and it only covers half of the farm - after all, some anti-technologists are not even willing to accept electromagnetic waves. Except for a small area, there is no connection to the external network.

For Xiangshan and the others, this can even be regarded as proof that "it's safe here."

Of course, some young people who were born after the farm was completed do not see it that way. They will gather in front of the farm's only signal station, scrolling through their mobile phones, and loudly discuss their parents' unhealthy diet and mental illness.

Among them, Lin Yu’s daughter Yang Mengying is one of them.

In Yang Mengying's eyes, her mother is not only mentally ill, but also hypocritical. There are so many high-tech products in her home. Whether it is the most cutting-edge 3D printer or the newly obtained humanoid multi-purpose agricultural machinery, they are all placed outside.

The latest and trendiest technology products, but my mother actually runs an anti-technological self-media.

Can't make any money yet.

There must be something wrong with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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