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Chapter 116 Medical Scene

"Penike..." When Xiang Shan saw the escape cabin, he roughly understood what happened.

These dolphins use ultrasonic waves to mislead the sonar of the escape capsule, and then induce the thing to drive over.

Occasionally I would push it myself.

It looks like it should be Yuki...

"There should be another person who was with her originally. How is that person doing?" Xiang Shan asked.

Hikasi shook her tail: "We heard the explosion, and other dolphins are searching."

Xiang Shan said: "Thank you for your help."

It seems that this group of whales and artiodactyls are indeed extending a helping hand - or a helping hand - out of pure kindness.

My previous guesses made him appear to be very gloomy.

Xiang Shan sighed, connected to the communication of the escape cabin again, and asked Panic what happened before. Panic was still young and had very little vocabulary, but even with gestures and crying, Xiang Shan roughly understood what was going on.

go through.

——Well done, boy.

Xiang Shan sighed slightly and comforted Panike: "Okay, don't cry. As long as he is not completely defeated, we can meet again sooner or later."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded while wiping her tears.

Xiang Shan quickly wrote a plug-in. This escape cabin already has a sonar function, which can emit and receive ultrasonic waves. With a slight rewrite by Xiang Shan, this gadget can convert the human clear code used by dolphins into speech, and can also

Panic's words were translated into clear code that the dolphins could understand.

Although due to functional limitations, it can only express relatively simple meanings and the communication speed is not fast, it is generally enough.

Xiangshan is still on guard against the Six Dragons Sect's pursuit. If the Six Dragons Sect catches up - for example, if the leader has a second first-level heavenly body specially designed for underwater warfare, then he will have to fight.

Although these whales and artiodactyl friends are huge in body, they are still mainly based on the body. The "whale song" of this big whale is indeed extraordinary, but it is based on "intelligence gap" and "raid". As long as

By adding additional energy-absorbing and shock-absorbing structures around the biological brain, it is possible to be immune to this attack.

Not to mention……

Xiangshan recalled the images and signal intelligence automatically recorded by the system.

At that time, although he was unconscious due to the huge ultrasonic waves, the system automatically recorded a lot of information after his consciousness went offline. He played it back just now when he was in the mouth of the giant whale.

Xiangshan naturally saw the scene of the confrontation between the shooter and the leader of the Six Dragons Sect.

The archer and the leader are the only two people who are not affected by the whale song. They probably do not have biological brains.

This means that Whale Song's ability to restrict the leader is very limited.

In fact, if the shooter hadn't immediately put on a "die together" posture and attracted the attention of the Six Dragons Sect, the whale probably wouldn't have been able to escape.

The physical body's survivability, self-healing ability, and anti-interference ability are indeed extraordinary, but "a single performance in a specific environment" cannot be compared with a prosthetic body.

At this time, a roar interrupted Xiangshan's thinking. He felt the whale at his feet slow down. The three killer whales in front also turned their heads, began to disperse from each other, and began to roar.

"What's wrong?" Xiangshan didn't know why these guys suddenly showed such an unfriendly side. He felt that this unfriendliness was aimed at each other among themselves.

--How is this going?

Xiangshan was a little confused. But a killer whale suddenly said to him: "It's none of your business, human being."

"Little brat." Hikasi said bluntly.

"I'm older than you."

"It's just the accumulation of body shapes."

"Don't act rashly until another dolphin arrives..."

The killer whale roared threateningly.

Then, the big whale under his feet made a dull sound. This sound directly overwhelmed all the killer whales and dolphins.

"What's the fuss about? If you're too hungry, you can come and have a bite."

Hikasi put away her attitude and said angrily: "We have just eaten. We are not hungry. Those little brats can need it."

The killer whales began to communicate in a language that Xiangshan had never heard before.

After a while, another dolphin, Claydage, hurried over.

Claydage spit out a long and narrow metal arm from his mouth. He seemed to hide the thing in his mouth using a technique similar to "swallowing a sword". Hikasi backed away slowly, aiming his mouth at Claydage's


Kledici slowly approached...

A wound.

If this wound were placed on a human body, it would be an open wound that would be fatal. But it did not even penetrate the subcutaneous fat of the giant whale. The wound was bleeding continuously, but it was not obvious.

Xiangshan, who has no sense of smell, never even noticed it.

Kledich was stitching up the big guy's wounds.

Xiangshan found the tense atmosphere between these dolphins and killer whales strange.

When he was about to ask a question, a killer whale said directly: "This is to prevent us from suddenly becoming wild."


"We're hungry." Another killer whale said, "That's what it means."

"Being hungry means..." Xiang Shan suddenly felt a little scared: "Do you want to eat this... uh, this big man?"

"We don't want to eat." The killer whale was a little impatient, but still explained: "But we killer whales are the top predators, and the hunting objects of our ancestors include various marine mammals..."

"Instinct will drive us to take a bite of that meat. Especially since we haven't eaten enough for a long time."

"Ah, this..." Xiang Shan said: "This is..."

"We are thinking about using a chip. And the priority of the instructions in the chip must be lower than that of the biological brain. It is said to be a very powerful rule among humans." The killer whale said listlessly: "It really hurts us...

Your instinct wants you to bite something, but the self-made rules preset in your chip cannot kill this process at all..."

"Dolphins are much better than us at this point... at least their ancestors ate fish. This way their desire to 'take a bite' will be much smaller - didn't you realize that we were swimming in front of you just now? Just

I'm afraid that if I smell blood, I won't be able to control myself..."

"Also, don't think that we are friendly when we talk to you. We are just diverting attention..."

Three killer whales and one whale talked for a while, and they used a language they were not used to.

It seems that they did use this method to force themselves not to think about the wounds on the whale.

A certain "great guy" fell into deep thought: "This involves the underlying logic of the control chip... but it should be modifiable..."

The three killer whales sighed together: "No way..."

This chapter has been completed!
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