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Chapter 121 Falling arms and legs

Ahhun and a group of squid entered the "water channel" inside the submarine. This is a transparent passage filled with sea water. The squid can swim through here. And humans can observe the squid's actions from the outside. Humans

They have a different kind of greed for knowledge. They arbitrarily monitor everything about the squid. If the squids' rebellious psychology is not considered, they will even make all squid activity areas transparent and install monitoring systems.


In fact, it’s not much different.

Those humans can read the records in the squid chips to know what they have done.

The management of squid by humans is very extensive, and only a small number of individuals will become their focus.

Perhaps they don't feel that these squids deserve serious supervision yet. The Six Dragons Sect believes that they are well aware of the intelligence and cognitive levels of these squids.

What Ah Hun has to do is "not attract attention".

As long as they are not caught reading the chip, those Six Dragon Cult members will not know what they are doing.

But on the other hand, as long as they select Ah Hun or any squid participating in the action, they can read the movements of the squid group from the chip.

Ah Hun carefully swam in the transparent pipe, scanning the surroundings with his eyes, watching other researchers from the Six Dragon Sect. Perhaps it had just experienced a war, and the place was still under martial law, with only a few researchers there.

On duty. They were standing next to the charging station, chatting casually.

A member of the Six Dragons Sect raised his head. For a moment, Ah Hun felt that the other person had seen him. But that person probably just raised his head and glanced. In his eyes, all the squids were not much different.

His gaze passed over Ah Hun casually.

Ah Hun almost changed color. He almost turned white after death.

He tried hard to restrain his expressive impulses and quickly rushed into another water tank. That was the place where the squids gathered and communicated. Of course, there was surveillance here. However, there were a lot of squids here, and they were so densely packed that it was easy to block them.


Ah Hun has been observing for a long time and already knows some locations.

Squids communicate by changing the color of their skin. Primitive squids can only express primitive emotions through the colors and patterns on their bodies. These intelligent squids have developed their own language through human training.

One advantage of this "language" is that you are not afraid of eavesdropping.

Sound waves can easily bypass obstacles, but light waves cannot.

Ahhun can convey his plans to many squids here.

Several other squids greeted Ah Hun and walked to another road.

At this time, a tentacle grabbed Ah Hun.

It's Taihe - his name means "excessive" and "automatic summation symbol". Taihe looked at Ah Hun, his whole body flashing: "What are you planning now?"

Ah Hun was a little wary: "I don't think this needs to be discussed with you."

"Have you asked humans for help again?" Taihe asked.

"It's not asking for help, it's cooperation."

"A human warrior can easily kill us all. Do you plan to hand over the things that your partners have finally obtained to that strange human? You only have a few dozen minutes to unilaterally learn from him.

Get to know him."

Taihe is anti-human, that is, the kind who opposes everything human. He even hates the wisdom he gained from the chip, and will naturally reject all cooperation with humans.

The only action of Taihe's group is to help the newly born cuttlefish escape before being transformed.

It's best to take away the eggs they secretly hid.,

Ahhun and the others have always thought that kind of behavior is unacceptable. Wild squids cannot gain wisdom.

There are frequent disputes between the two factions.

Of course, the Six Dragons Sect also knows that these two trends of thought exist among the squid. However, they have always regarded this as an "interesting phenomenon" and recorded it for research. At most, they symbolically executed a few squid who helped to escape to shock the group and facilitate management.

Ah Hun did not entangle, but simply slipped away from Taihe. The tentacles of squids are not suitable for catching their own species, not to mention that their tentacles are equipped with burrs for filter-feeding microorganisms. Taihe did not hold Ah Hun.


Ah Hun, on the other hand, quickly searched for the target.

There are always squids in the group who support them.

Ah Hun knows that once this kind of thing starts, the risk of being discovered will increase rapidly. Because the news that "the cooperative squid is planning something" will start to spread among the squid groups, and it will spread wider and wider.

Once the Six Dragons Sect reads the squid's chip, these things will be known to the Six Dragons Sect.

The more you know, the greater the danger.

But at this moment, there is not much else to worry about.

On the other side, several squids landed behind Xiang Shan.

They shook off the metallic sphere.

It was a polymer thread - not something as exaggerated as a monomolecular thread, but it was also made of carbon fiber, with an uneven layer of carbon crystals attached to it, like a file or a sawtooth.

This was originally a special weapon, one of the underwater warfare accessories of a group of warriors. It was originally equipped with counterweights and used in groups of dozens.

A few years ago, the Six Dragons Sect sank another submarine belonging to the Knights. The Squids found this thing when they were searching the battlefield, hid it, and have kept it until now.

The Six Dragons Sect has actually observed this thing, but no one paid much attention to these squids.

This is not a weapon that can be used directly, but a replacement material for the weapon. It is difficult to directly perform a lethal attack.

Not to mention that these squids are not physical at all.

The two squids shook off the silk thread, carefully wrapped it around a section of the chain, and then slowly pulled it.

With the right prosthetic body and the right weapon, this thread can cut the chain in seconds.

But now, we can only take our time.

Moreover, the squid's tentacles are not suitable for controlling this thing.

Ten minutes later, one of the arms and legs was cut off silently and sank into the dark abyss.

A few minutes later, the second one also rolled down from Xiangshan.

Most of the arms and legs of both squids were scarred.

They were not suitable for using this tool. The strong pain made the squid's tentacles tremble.

The third squid immediately joined. But he obviously underestimated this task. As soon as he started, one of his arms was cut off by the thread.

The pain caused the cuttlefish's body to turn a light color. But he quickly changed the color back, then swam to the blind spot of the camera to rest, waiting for himself to calm down.

——We must not attract the attention of the Six Dragon Sect humans...

In fact, the squid does this very well.

Even Xiang Shan didn't notice the severed arms and legs behind him.

Piece after piece of squid limbs sank silently to the bottom of the sea.

This chapter has been completed!
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