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Chapter 11 Small Conflict

The evening of March 23, 2028.

On the fourth hour after the "free time", Xiangshan looked helplessly at Officer Xiao Hu opposite him.

"Director Hu, as for what I just said, if you don't believe it, you can check the surveillance. This is definitely not my initiative to contact foreigners..."

"No way." Officer Xiao Hu shook his head: "Teacher Xiang... ah no, seeing that we are about the same age, I will call you Comrade Xiang. Comrade Xiang, I also said before, now is a peaceful era. We are

With a heart of peace and development, we must carry forward the Republic's tradition of 'equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence', work with colleagues from all over the world to unlock the secrets of 'Ogun', and contribute to the scientific development of mankind. Can you and

It is a good thing to deepen ties with colleagues at home and abroad, and the organization will never criticize you for this."

--peaceful years……

Xiangshan felt strange about this word. He glanced out the window.

This is his small dormitory. The single room is only about three square meters. It has a direct drinking water pipe and no independent bathroom.

Outside the window, there were groups of blue-helmeted soldiers walking back and forth, jeeps, and the occasional helicopter.

It seems that peace only exists in this small cubicle of three square meters.

"Comrade Xiang, don't look at it like that." Officer Hu shook his head: "Yes, the security force here is a bit strong...it may be complicated. However, I can guarantee that there is absolute peace here."

"In addition, I came to you mainly because the organization does not want you to have conflicts with foreigners. You see, I just said this morning that everyone should communicate more with foreign colleagues and make more friends. You

I had an argument with experts from the United States this afternoon..."

Xiang Shan frowned: "A quarrel? I was just scolded all over my face for no reason, right? That person... from the United States? It was completely based on prejudice and made malicious speculations about my hobbies. I was against his

Those personal opinions show full respect..."

Director Hu laughed: "Comrade Xiang is quite talented in foreign affairs. But I still hope you can recount what happened just now."

Time goes back to a quarter of an hour ago.

Xiangshan, who had just had dinner in the cafeteria, stood in the area near the woods in the park, looking at the white "tent" from a distance. In the afternoon, he was taken to two meetings, and he conveyed some things that he didn't know whether they counted or not.

First thing to do was to take over the ownership and contact several scholars he knew... Only now did he have the opportunity to take a good look at the place.

Although he knew that the white fabric that was slightly reflective in the pink sunset was purely produced from the earth, the thing inside was actually from the extraterrestrial "Voyager".

Thinking of this, Xiangshan felt a thrill. It was a kind of coolness from the soul. When facing this tent, he felt crystal ice falling from the top of his head into his heart, which was indescribably refreshing.

At this time, certain "hobbies" took root again...

Xiangshan pulled out a leather-bound, palm-sized notebook from his breast pocket and brought it to his mouth. But he quickly smiled to himself, opened the notebook, and pulled out a pen.

He originally had a portable electronic notebook. The screen used was a mobile phone screen found in the waste electronic product recycling market. There were also some waste components, and other parts were printed by himself. The performance was okay, but only the recording and

Simple functions such as taking notes - in other words, all performance is focused on the goal of "office". The system inside is also modified by myself using open source code.

It's a product of practice.

Although the actual performance is not as good as the latest products, it is very comfortable to use. Xiangshan quite likes this kind of DIY gadgets. Unfortunately, electronic products cannot be brought here.

Xiangshan has many hobbies, but what he is most proud of is "writing science fiction." When he was an undergraduate, he published two short stories in domestic publications.

But now, Xiangshan actually feels an unprecedented "sense of fate."

——Although I am not the first scientist to stand in front of this alien creation, I am definitely the first science fiction writer to stand in front of it.

Just this thought made Xiangshan feel like he was bursting with inspiration.

Anyway, there won’t be any research tasks in the next two days, so why not open up your imagination and write the outline first.

As for when it will be finished... Hahahaha. Just kidding, I'm not a professional writer. When the outline is completed, the story will be complete for me, right?

Xiangshan first drew a sketch in his notebook, recording the appearance of the "tent", and then recorded the "inspiration" or "idea" of the story.

"Well, well... I don't think I can continue in this line of work, so I might as well go to that line to develop." Xiang Shan was very satisfied with his "creativity".

At this moment, a voice interrupted his thinking: "You don't actually need to do such a thing."

It's English.

Xiang Shan turned his head and found that the person speaking was a black-haired white young man. He was leaning on a street lamp base, holding a book in his left hand, which he must have just closed. The man looked slightly thin and had high cheekbones.

, his eye sockets are deep, and his face is quite three-dimensional. But his eyebrows are very flat, and he seems to have a kind of anger that cannot be resolved.

Xiang Shan pointed at himself blankly: "Are you talking to...me?"

The young man nodded: "You don't need to do such a thing. Did you know? That star won't be soaked in the sea for long. No one knows what the contents are like and whether they can be preserved in the earth's environment - maybe

The stuff inside comes from a planet with scarce oxygen, and will spontaneously ignite violently as soon as it comes into contact with the Earth's atmosphere? These uncontrollable factors will prompt the idiots above to quickly organize the first exploration team."

"And when the time comes, all intelligence will be shared among various countries. There is no point in recording external intelligence here."

There was a trace of disdain in the young man's expression: "Human society is about to undergo huge changes. You have already faced all this, but you still want to play the tricks of a spy?"

Xiang Shan touched his forehead. He felt as if someone had said something similar today.

"To be honest, I'm just a science fiction writer, and I just draw materials here." Xiang Shan showed his notebook: "The whole illustration is not too much, right? Why can this be considered espionage?"

The black-haired young man puffed through his nose and seemed to express disdain: "Do you think I really believe it? Only a science fiction writer would think that a science fiction writer would be called here after something like this happened. This is not the 1980s, academic

Research and science fiction have been out of touch for a long time."

In the last century... maybe it was the "Star Wars Project"? Science fiction writers were guests of NASA and other research and development institutions. Many research and development institutions felt that the imagination of science fiction writers could give them directional hints.

Perhaps it was the “exemplary role” played by Sir Arthur C. Clarke?

However, as the differentiation of disciplines becomes more and more profound, and professional knowledge becomes more and more difficult and disconnected from the context of daily life, the role of science fiction writers becomes smaller and smaller. As early as thirty years ago,

The experts no longer welcome science fiction writers to their conferences.

After all, when it comes to imagination, science fiction writers can no longer compare with real scientists.

Xiang Shan started joking and said deliberately: "But I really didn't lie to you. I am really a science fiction writer. My name is Xiang Shan. If you have access to the Internet, you should be able to look up my works."

The conscience of heaven and earth, this sentence cannot be more true.

He Xiangshan is indeed a science fiction writer, and he does have works that can be looked up.

But he was not invited as a science fiction writer.

The young man was startled: "I heard that the Republic is famous for its technocrats, right? Why is the professional quality so... so..."

Xiang Shan smiled.

"Voigt!" Suddenly, a tall woman rushed over from the side: "You should not have contact with other people without permission! You are a dangerous person!"

"Hey..." Voigt showed a contemptuous expression: "Are you the FBI? Do you also have law enforcement powers outside the borders of the United States? I don't think you have the qualifications to restrict my communication with other people."

"Letting you stay here is just because the experts in the expert group got confused and added you to the 'white list', you information terrorist." The woman shouted: "Put you in any confidential information."

The projects are all wrong! As long as the FBI finds evidence, we will send you to jail."

"This is just a false accusation." The young man shrugged, as if he didn't care.

The woman turned to Xiang Shan. He did not approach, but opened his arms and hands, keeping a distance of three meters from Xiang Shan: "Are you from the Republic? Listen, no matter what he just told you, please don't pay attention to this guy.

He is just a radical lunatic. If there is any offense, I am willing to apologize on his behalf. This is just his personal behavior. I do not want any diplomatic turmoil to occur."

Xiang Shan nodded. He had never been exposed to this kind of thing before and didn't know what was going on. He simply turned around and left without saying a word.

Then more than ten minutes later, Officer Xiao Hu came over with a serious expression and said that he wanted to talk to him alone.

Officer Xiao Hu shook his head: "That woman is very sensitive. She opened her hands and kept a distance from you. She did it for the surveillance to show that she did not make any small moves towards you or send any information."

Xiangshan was shocked: "Is it that...serious?"

"Maybe it's because that woman's original identity is quite special." Director Xiao Hu looked a little unhappy: "She probably knows that talking to you too close to her may cause some unnecessary diplomatic turmoil. Now...

At this critical stage of negotiations, anything may have unpredictable consequences."

***The author has something to say***

Sorry, I'm really not feeling well today, so the update is late... I'm sorry. There should be another update when I bring it back.

In addition, the first bullet of py activity

"The Ancestor Comes Out of the Coffin"

When Xia Yi woke up, he found that not only the First Emperor, Xiang Yu, Bao Zheng, Song Ci and other historical figures spanning nearly two thousand years had appeared in turn during the short eight hundred years he had been sleeping, but there was also another player in this different world.


Not to mention, it's really useful for players who can load files after killing them.

This chapter has been completed!
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