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Chapter 146 Isozymes

David was stunned: "The answer... is so simple... but..."

"There are a lot of high-precision instruments on the spaceship. At least to replicate the industrial machine level machine, there must be a screening machine with a measuring function. And this screening machine, of course, has a 'measurement' function. In other words, the design drawing

It is enough to store a simple diagram. The robot can get the rest from itself." Xiangshan pointed to the workshop in the distance.

There is an alien wreckage parked there.

The information that really needs to be compiled into the stone tablet through the "code book" is actually only "measurement".

"What about the parameters of metal smelting? How does the machine observe the changes of metal at high temperatures?" David held his head: "This..."

Xiang Shan shook his head: "No need. The interior of Ogun has been in a stable environment for a long time, near vacuum, microgravity, and no other sources of interference. For metal smelting and equipment, you only need to find what is needed in this environment...

...Well, maybe after landing on a planet, certain physical phenomena caused by gravity will trigger certain protocols. After this protocol is triggered, those robots can trial and error by themselves to adjust certain parameters to ensure that smelting can also be completed on other planets.

and assembly—probably.”

David nodded: "Indeed... this is almost feasible..."

Yawgmoth's eyes widened: "Wait a minute, if those machines are intact after landing, then they will... evolve?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "No, it's impossible. These machines are precision design products, and each of their parts has a clear and unique purpose. They cannot complete tasks beyond the design goals and are extremely redundant. They are not like

Life, life is something without design purpose. They do not have the basis of 'evolution'. But if I insist..."

After Xiangshan thought for a moment, he said: "Maybe they will change at an extremely slow speed, or even continue to differentiate? Maybe the changes will first appear at the software level? They will obtain group wisdom in the form of an 'ant colony'?"

"Allow them to add their own AI code? Or is it learning function? Can such a large amount of data support the existence of an AI with deep learning function?" David was surprised: "They... really have hope to deal with complex problems.


"I'm just saying it's possible." Xiangshan shrugged: "It's just possible. This kind of speculation has no basis. In the constant environment inside 'Ogun', the robots don't need to care about 'efficiency', they just need to ensure stable replication of the next generation.

That's fine. But once they arrive on the surface of the planet, their self-replication efficiency must be greater than the speed of destruction. I think those robots will most likely not be able to do it. After all, they are designed for the closed environment of Ogun. But, who knows?

?What if the planet the spacecraft lands on is just suitable for the operation of these robots? If I were a designer, I might add this function to the robots, right?"

David was almost convinced by Xiang Shan.

It's as if the "structure of the cell" comes from the undersea volcanic fountain, not from the cell itself. The original robots did not come from the information recorded in Ogun, but from Ogun's builder civilization. Those aliens played the role of "miracles"

"character of.,

These little guys can obtain their own data by measuring themselves. When they repair the outer shell of the Ogun spacecraft, they only need to scan other directions of the spacecraft to obtain data.

But at this moment, David also realized something.

They may have lost the chance to solve the mystery.

The robot has stopped for unknown reasons.

The reason for the shutdown of the robot is probably...

"After generations of accumulation, the error has finally expanded to an unacceptable level?" David murmured: "Part of the robots cannot work, and the work link is missing, eventually leading to the shutdown of the entire system?"

Yawgmoth whispered: "It sounds very much like a hypothesis about 'aging'."

"Some of the robots we found were smashed into pieces, and the parts inside don't seem to fit together. I'm afraid that's true." Xiang Shan nodded.

David, the warrior head, pulled up a chair from behind, sat down, and said: "In this case... I don't know how many thousands of years of metal transmutation, impact of landing, plus the inherent error..."

"Will we...never know the 'raw data'?"

David was very frustrated: "If you are right...a lot of information is not recorded on the slate. Then...the information that is not on the slate seems to have been basically lost..."

Xiang Shan laughed out loud: "This is what's great about me..."

As he spoke, he pulled out a stack of documents that he had just printed: "Did you know? There is something called 'isoenzyme' in living organisms..."

Yawgmoth's eyes widened: "Your knowledge structure is a bit weird. You don't even know some high school level knowledge, but you know this... well, complex, professional, and advanced concepts."

"That's almost it." Xiang Shan waved his hand: "As for the knowledge yesterday, I know it, but I'm not sure, so I asked. My tutor has a cooperation project with someone in brain science, so I know a little bit about it. In short, isozymes

that is……"

The moment Xiangshan got stuck, Yawgmoth said: "The same organism catalyzes different enzyme molecules for the same reaction. Of course, it is an isozyme in a broad sense, and any enzyme molecule that catalyzes the same reaction can be counted. But in a narrow sense,

, generally considered to be within the same organism.”

"Thank you for the explanation, teaching assistant." Xiang Shan nodded: "Actually, we don't need to know what those machines originally looked like. We can just make something with the same function...that is, it is equivalent to replacing all the machines with isoenzymes.


David quickly flipped through Xiang Shan's printed plan, his body trembling slightly: "Oh God... you... this..."

Xiang Shan nodded: "The first thing we have to do is to restore a similar set of machines. Then, based on this similar set of machines, we continue to simplify and get closer to the original machine. What we have to do is not complete.

Unravel the meaning behind that set of symbols. In fact, what is really meaningful is the 'codebook' itself. The only thing that needs to be interpreted is the 'codebook' itself. And what is replaced from the codebook according to the 'reading rules'

Industrial systems can be replaced - with human technology."

"And our real goal is to restart a complete instrument with unknown functions."

Yawgmoth wondered: "What about an industrial machine? It can also be replaced with human technology, right?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "If I guessed correctly, that is the meaning of aliens sending these things into the stars - David, let me ask you a question. If you were asked to plan an interstellar immigration now, what would you do? All

Use existing technology, only existing technology.”

This chapter has been completed!
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