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Chapter 151 In the Royal Court

After writing this, Su Zixing stood up and moved his body.

Of course, the steel prosthetic body will not feel stiff due to sitting for a long time, and the blood flow will not be smooth. But this genetic instinct still needs to be released. Su Zxing opened the drawer at hand and pulled out a card with "

Coffee (full set)" storage device, plug it into its own interface.

There is a laboratory inside the Speedy Royal Court, which specializes in the research of "spaceship internal planting technology". Some people with quick thinking set the experimental subjects as various economic crops from the old era. Someone prepared a special chemical sensor prosthetic body——

Using extremely high-density human sensory cells to lay on the surface of the device, it is extremely close to the natural human senses, but the delicacy is even higher than the natural senses. Use such a prosthetic body to taste the delicacies of the old era, and then record them.

The experience can be repeated at any time.

Of course, since everyone's brain neural network has slight differences, just like everyone's taste preferences are different, in this case, your own memory must be the best.

However, although the things produced in the laboratory are good, the production capacity is unstable. If there are continuous failures for a certain period of time, there may be no output at all. Moreover, for the baseline people, this is enjoyment and adjustment, but it is not

Life must.

It is precisely because of this that those ancient delicacies have always been in a state of scarcity.

That is to say, Su Z and his team of engineers flew in the Oort cloud for several years, arrived at Ogun 2 in advance, and conducted preliminary research and dismantling of Ogun 2, so they received the reward from the king after returning.

I was lucky enough to enjoy it myself and record the memories.

Then, he realized that there were several small circles in the Court of God's Speed, sharing similar memories with each other. And because everyone had different taste preferences, everyone played in their own way.

Su Zhang joined this exchange circle precisely because he showed a special preference for coffee.

This kind of small circle that has nothing to do with work is also a valuable human resource.

Su Z happily inserted the storage device into his interface and selected a memory of coffee with a more obvious sour taste and rich fragrance.

In fact, this experience is not a pure memory of taste signals. Baseline people are able to replace part of chemical signals with electrical signals to regulate nerve cells. In the past, kleptocrats used this principle to create backdoors to ensure that they could use specific quotation marks to trigger

The apoptosis program of nerve cells. But in fact, this also has a more peaceful use, that is, directly using signals to simulate the effects of chemicals such as caffeine in the brain.

Many chemicals, including caffeine and alcohol, can be reproduced by this method.

——I’m so lucky to be admitted to the Divine Speed ​​Royal Court...

Su Zixing leaned back on the chair comfortably and couldn't help but think of this.

The Father of All Machines has always been tolerant of the Speed ​​King, and he can do whatever the Speed ​​King does. Su Zhang even suspected that even if the Speed ​​King did not spare time to promote chivalry, the Father of All Machines would not care what he would do.

In the Speed ​​King's court, there are even a lot of behaviors that blatantly ignore Dyson's principles. The Speed ​​King hardly interferes with any lower-level social activities, and it is perfectly fine to form any group he wants. He can do things such as cultivating culture.

For the middle and lower classes of patrons and research knights, the Speedy Court is simply a myth.

Before coming in, Su Zhang, like others, thought that the Speedy Royal Court meant "privilege" and "a project that the Father of All Machines is concerned about". But after he was lucky enough to be admitted, Su Zhang realized the external impression.

How big is the deviation.

The Speed ​​King's court is quite relaxed, and His Highness the Speed ​​King himself is also a very kind person. It is rare to hear that anyone will be punished due to various "superior mentality" and other factors. Except for the Speed ​​King's personal bodyguards, the Speed ​​King

There are basically no missions to fight against the knights. The Speed ​​King's personal guards are basically tired of living a peaceful life, have practiced martial arts too high, and want to find opponents, so they volunteer to join.

By the standards of the kings, King Speed's bodyguard has never been full. It can't even be considered a formal "army".

Of course, there are also rumors that His Highness the Speed ​​King also has evil intentions in his heart. There was once an unlucky guy who offended the king, and was personally carried by the king and thrown into the battlefield where the knights and patrons were fighting, leaving him to fend for himself.


But this kind of thing seems to be just a legend. There are various records in the Speed ​​King's court that show that "The King doesn't care about this" and "His Highness doesn't care about that." It seems that Speed ​​King is a person with no inhibitions, no airs, and just doesn't like to talk much——

It is said that His Highness once had an adjutant who was a chatty person and often chatted with His Highness. But even though His Highness was really annoyed, he let such a person go back to rest and did not demote him.

You can even ask His Highness about the story of Martial Ancestor.

Su Zhang found it hard to imagine what would make such a guy angry.

After enjoying the taste and caffeine for a while, Su Zhang unplugged the memory and continued writing his report.

"Ogun 2" was more complete than No. 1. Even when Su Zxing and his party arrived, there were still a small number of small robots operating inside.

At that time, they used phonon cutting equipment to drill a large hole in the outer shell of the spacecraft. Speaking of which, this type of equipment that relies on mechanical waves for cutting was only taken seriously by humans after Ogun 1.

Among the technologies brought by Ogun 1 are "relying on mechanical waves to crush the protective layer of uranium fuel blocks" and "relying on mechanical waves to interfere with the formation process of alloy crystals." This is not a difficult technology, but it helps humans directly

Light up a range of technologies.

Today, improvements in these technologies are widely found in cutting equipment and 3D printers everywhere.

Ogun's uranium fuel block is wrapped in a hard and brittle alloy. The uranium fuel block has very good elasticity and toughness. When a specific range of mechanical waves is applied, the hard and brittle alloy on the outside will peel off, exposing the fuel block inside. With

Debris from magnetic alloys will also be adsorbed by the ferromagnetic steel structure skeleton, and then recycled by other robots. This technology is incomparable to current human technology, but it has also inspired humans.

The first person to enter Ogun 2 was a subordinate of the Speed ​​King. Judging from the metal shell of Ogun 2, everyone has judged that even if there are armed robots responsible for protecting Ogun 2, its weapons level is not high enough.

There is no threat to the cyber warriors. But to be on the safe side, the warrior with the highest martial arts skills should enter first.

The robots inside Ogun 2 cannot even realize that "there are alien visitors". They are even mechanically repairing the shell.


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