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Chapter 160 Opportunity

Human beings initially used the brain's language processing mechanism to reconstruct neural networks so that through training, humans can use mechanical power like their native language.

Some linguists believe that language is first a tool and container for thought, and then a tool for communication. This is equivalent to mobilizing the core functions of the brain to harness the power of data, which is naturally invincible. The geeks of the old era,

It's hard to compare to it.

In this era, the development of internal strength has become extremely mature. The upper limit of human internal strength is gradually approaching the limit brought by the native brain.

And human beings have naturally begun to delve into the real forbidden zone - the process of transforming the brain itself.

Most of the brain modifications in the past only connected an external auxiliary device and did not disturb the structure of the brain itself. The human brain is really complex, and computers cannot perfectly simulate the physical world. Human beings' understanding of the brain structure is still limited.

Shallow. Of course, "implanting chips" or "connecting systems" are just small things.

The "Artificial Neuron System" is indeed a good project. The Eighth Martial God used taboo means to explore the use of this technology in martial arts, and copied his own peak internal power to the next Xiangshan.

Unfortunately, this behavior was vaguely noticed by King Agni, so the technology was forcibly sealed for decades and is not yet mature.

This kind of "brain-focused" research is naturally very important.

By setting signal receiving points and input points at specific locations on the surface of the brain, "virtual neurons" that are processed and transferred by external systems are also an approach. It can even complete the integration of consciousness between different brains.

However, the prospects of these technologies are bright and beautiful, but Xiangshan is always wary.

In artificial neuron technology, the nanofilament material used to lay artificial neurons is difficult to manufacture, and it is not easy to obtain for knights without logistical support.

As for the virtual neuron technology, judging from its current performance, it seems to be more powerful for the party with "power in numbers".

These two technologies are, in a sense, more biased toward the strong.

It is true that the concept of "technology" is undoubtedly correct and absolutely neutral. No matter what country or nation you are, researching technology will produce similar things. At most, there will be slight differences due to resources or patents.

However, what affects the real world is always real technology, not the abstract concept of "technology".

Perhaps it is the current reality, or perhaps it is the mistakes accumulated in history. As far as the current situation is concerned, the strong ones with an advantage can always devote more resources to exploring technology.

Metaphysical "technology" is neutral, but the technology mastered by human beings is not absolutely neutral.

It favors the strong.

Xiangshan’s ideal is “technology that favors those without power.”

What he chose in the 21st century was to gain power and then study something that favored the powerless. This was undoubtedly the wrong approach. Of course Xiangshan understood this at this moment.

But he also understood that his mistake was not "looking for technology that favors the powerless" but "grabbing supreme power."

He is also exploring another way to improve his inner martial arts.

Whether it is “resolving the disharmony between personality coverage and brain activity itself through cultural experience” or “expanding the content that inner strength can influence through other paths”, it may become a new direction for the expansion of inner strength.

And this kind of research requires almost zero laboratory requirements. As long as results are produced first, you can find some knight-errant organizations for more in-depth exploration.

Xiangshan felt that this was an ideal "technique for the powerless".

The language of whales may hide this possibility.

Studies have shown that there are big differences in the brain areas used when humans learn their mother tongue and a second language. The brain encoding the mother tongue without learning a specific language, and the brain encoding the second language after mastering a language, are two completely different things.

process. This is also the reason why a large number of people spend their entire lives unable to master a second language to the level of a native language. A small number of people are able to retain the first coding mode, and extremely rare geniuses can develop their subjective consciousness

, by continuously optimizing the first coding method, one can basically learn a language within a few weeks.

However, this is all a matter of using the human brain to encode human language.

All human languages ​​are based on the physiological basis of the "human brain".

So, what about the language of whales?

There is no doubt that the whale language recorded by Aura has been influenced by the human language English. It itself is the Creole language of whales. Originally, many taxonomically speaking species were not a genus or even a family at all.

, forced to gather together in the face of natural disasters.

These whales originally had their own languages. Even those languages ​​were based on different physiological foundations.

The original differences between them are like monkeys and baboons.

However, they can only get together after their intelligence has been enhanced.

The formation of this language is also a process in which several different species overcome differences at the physiological level and understand each other.

This language is vastly different from all human languages.

It's so special.

Xiangshan is keenly aware that the process of learning this language is equivalent to exercising the brain in a way that has never been seen before.

This language may have the potential to expand the boundaries of linguistics itself, and may also be helpful in the great cause of "improving cognitive abilities."

A major source of internal strength is “language”.

In response to this, "Crime" lamented: "My internal strength is very good, but I inherited the thoughts from Xinyu. How can I achieve success so quickly? Ah?"

"Fanatical" nodded: "That's right. Then..."

"Let's think about it carefully and see who is most likely to be 'me in Yingjia's eyes'?"

"What a unique way to upgrade this..." "Crime" muttered, "Eat your own corpse and merge with an old friend..."

"Yingjia may not be very useful." "Fanatical" groped his chin: "Yingjia used to learn human languages. The information in our hands is exactly the first kind that humans have come into contact with, that... inhuman intelligence

The language of living things, right?”

Xiang Shan also thought about it for a while before he came up with a suitable adjective.

"Crime" seems to have thought of something: "Speaking of which, did Yanye inherit the heaven of Kanyuan... uh..."

Then, Xiangshan's heart suddenly became quiet for a while.

The virtual images covering the two personalities disappeared. Xiang Shanze said to himself: "Now that we have an opportunity, let's practice."

This chapter has been completed!
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