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Chapter 164 Where to go together

Xiangshan put aside the topic for the time being and asked instead: "How are the conditions of those dolphin friends now? Have they stabilized?"

Even after benchmark improvements, the performance of dolphin biological brains in "thinking" is still weaker than that of humans. Their thinking relies more on artificial systems. But the initial setting of this system is that "programs must give way to thinking"

and instinct". For dolphins, this means that their primitive instincts have too high authority. They will appear more impulsive and innocent - this emotional behavioral logic even they themselves find troublesome.

Due to the mismatch between the brain and the central chip, when they face some application scenarios, the system is prone to errors.

For example, when you are too emotional.

When Sikasi learned that the squid she had preyed on in the past were all intelligent creatures, she couldn't accept it at all.

This is also the result of two hundred years of cultural strengthening within the whale.

Cetaceans can prey on each other. For toothed whales, baleen whales are the best prey. The prey of killer whales includes almost all marine mammals from blue whales to seals. And when these remaining whales gather in

When they are together, the toothed whales must restrain their predatory instincts. "Intelligent creatures must not be regarded as prey" is a culture built by the whales themselves.

Every whale immediately concluded that this was absolutely wrong.

For whales, it is not a level of understanding that "murder is illegal."

In human society, there are still several situations where "you can kill someone" - for example, the other person is a bad person, the other person is going to endanger your life, etc. Even "in extreme circumstances, should eating the same kind be judged as a crime?"

It is also a topic that can be discussed.

The understanding that "you must not prey on intelligent life" is such a priority in whale culture that it is even the premise and core of whales' ethics, leaving no room for discussion.

In other words, if they do not build such a culture, they may not be able to form a harmonious collective.

Without such a culture, baleen whales will always have a grudge against toothed whales.

"Yes..." Xiang Shan sighed: "I have been worried about the squid side. He doesn't know the situation here, and has been thinking that if the whale is in poor condition, it really needs this one.

Protein, what should I do if I have to eat squid? He also discussed with the squids. The bottom line of the negotiation given by the squids was that they could give the bodies of their dead companions to the whales, and even take the initiative to disconnect part of the arms regularly... They hoped that this could gain

Whale’s technological support. They really didn’t expect that Whale has this kind of culture.”

"Strictly speaking, whales will also regard the corpses of their companions as food. But they will never prey on intelligent creatures." The warrior thought carefully: "I am not very familiar with the culture of the old era, but I really found it for a while.

There is no suitable metaphor..."

"I understand, I understand. It's the kind of thing that makes you feel sick just imagining it." Xiang Shan sighed: "So how are they doing now?"

Sikasi collapsed on the spot and fell into a state of madness, and the entire dolphin rushed out in a daze.

Kledich on the side should have stopped him. But he was also a dolphin and could not get rid of this congenital defect.

The big whale Haupdemann hurriedly sang a whale song to alert his companions in the distance.

But this kind of behavior is undoubtedly dangerous. This place is close to the asylum but monitored area. It is very dangerous to lose your mind and wander around in this place.

"Ah, this. I guess the protectors no longer care about defense." The unknown knight laughed: "A first-level officer is simply gone. For the protectors, this is already big news.

Especially if 'a Martial God' is hidden on the earth. They will gather the surrounding navy in the shortest possible time and then try their best to shrink it. Now if you go to the next station nearby, you may only see one being moved.

Empty places. Even if some large equipment is inconvenient to transport, they will definitely remove the key modules."

"Ah this." Xiang Shan pondered for a moment: "I thought this place was quite important. It was the starting point for the encounter between humans and alien civilizations, and David...that guy from King Zhengtian later took possession of this place and started

Personal museum!"

"Alien... ah." After all, this knight is a direct descendant of the Sixth Martial God, and he knows some things about that year: "Ogun... But isn't that thing just a cultural relic? Knights don't blow up cultural relics randomly.

What is the value of the protector sending a large number of experts to protect it? Moreover, I haven’t heard that King Zhengtian has arrangements here?”

"How could it be?" Xiang Shan waved his hand: "Apart from research results, what he was most proud of in the first half of his life was taking over the Rama Project Park and then building a personal museum on the site."

"Museum..." The knight read the dictionary in his mind several times before confirming the meaning of the word: "A place where certain things are stored... It is also something that has no other meaning except historical value. The knight does not specialize

To destroy this kind of thing. Maybe there is simply no need to send troops to guard it? Anyway, as far as I know, there is not much force in this place. Except for such a thing, those protectors will give priority to gathering together to prevent experts from taking advantage of their mobility to defeat them one by one.

Sikasi will be fine."

"That's good." Xiang Shan sighed: "This matter is also very...sigh."

Due to the dominance of dinosaurs, the ancestors of mammals played a marginal role for hundreds of millions of years and had to choose a nocturnal, cave-dwelling lifestyle. In this environment, the effectiveness of vision is not that great.

The ancestors of mammals permanently lost their color vision during this period, and their overall vision was quite casual. However, the auditory system of mammals was quite excellent.

Even after the dinosaurs became extinct and mammals occupied a whole new land, the degeneration that had already occurred could not be undone. Only a few groups such as mammals acquired multi-color vision through mutation. Whales later chose to rely on ultrasound, and their vision was just


The color vision of cephalopods is quite powerful. Their eyes are highly adapted to the ocean. The squid has developed its own language based on its own color-changing system.

wucuoxs//"Reincarnation Paradise"

Cetaceans really cannot see the intelligence displayed by squids.

When Xiang Shan saw the dolphins, he felt that they were quite free and happy. If Ola Freeman hadn't reminded him, he probably wouldn't have thought that these dolphins have been in a state of being "unable to speak normally". They have never used their normal volume in their lives.

The tone spoke a sentence of his own language.

A whale looking at a squid is probably even further from reality than this.

The same is true for the squid. The auditory system of the squid is quite average. Not to mention its low sensitivity, it can only accept sounds between 400 and 1,500 Hz. Humans can only accept sounds between 20 and 20,000 Hz.

But humans can only hear a small part of whale songs, and squids can hear even less.

Can these two ethnic groups really coexist for a long time?

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