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Chapter 180 The Incarnation of Nightmares

This is something that Tiexin Dharma King only learned about later.

It is not a broadcast, and the propagation distance is not infinite. And if no one receives it, the broadcast information will naturally not be known to all Six Dragon Sect members at the first time.

At this time, members of the Six Dragon Cult are needed to take over the relay.

However, if a relay broadcast is carried out at this time, it will definitely be overtaken by nearby protectors, exposing the location of the stronghold.

In addition to broadcasting in some areas, they are also using the remaining Internet on the earth to stash the message into some pictures, videos, and audios - for internal warriors, it is the most basic encryption. It should be even

Highly ordered information is quietly encoded in the background noise, which can be easily detected by internal warriors. Even AI specially designed to detect this type of steganography is very common.

But in fact, this is not used to deceive internal warriors.

This is used to deceive ordinary people.

They compiled the text into some audio, video, picture and other files, and then expected that these "interesting things" would be spread by ordinary people and then crawled by the crawlers of the Six Dragon Cult companions.

That's right, because "all unique encryption and verification methods" have been exposed.

Therefore, the response measure that the Six Dragons Sect can take is to spread the "exposed" information in this almost clear-text way.

Crawlers that capture entry-level steganographic information bring back some meaningless information every day.

The ignorant young man who mastered this entry-level method by accident and used it as a "drift bottle" may hope to use this method to find a companion. And some internal warriors who are practicing will occasionally use this method to release some vents.

Discourse. There are also some knights who use this method to embed magnetic chains into them, hoping that those who have just set foot in the world can get some help from here.

Of course, more often than not, crawlers bring back information that is encrypted by one-way algorithms such as hashing algorithms and is difficult to interpret.

And when similar information is sealed into different media using similar steganography techniques and then spread in large quantities on the Internet, the probability of being crawled by crawlers will be much higher.

Moreover, most of the work can be completed by online AI, making it difficult to expose offline members.

But it is precisely because of this that the information flow on the earth's network fluctuated for a short period of time.

The amplitude of this fluctuation was very small, but King Agni was keenly aware of the suspicious atmosphere.

Over the long years, he has written too many tools, built too many backdoors, and spread too many poisons. At this level, the combat effectiveness of internal warriors is linked to the accumulation of time.

The crawler and AI completed the work quickly. King Agni even forgot why he wrote them in the first place. What kind of powerful enemy was it to deal with or what organization was destroyed? But he did not forget the tools themselves, and even occasionally optimized them.

and upgrade them. These crawlers, AI, bugs, and tools have long become an extension of King Agni’s will, his incarnation in the online world, and his avatar.

King Agni cannot accurately pinpoint the flow of information. This is equivalent to searching for a specific drop of ink in the ocean. The information has spread.

However, he can use "tracing the source" and "querying records" to deduce the Six Dragon Sect strongholds that first rebroadcast the broadcast.

He can also speculate on the possible scale of the Earth's Six Dragon Sect through that momentary fluctuation.

The data reported by Fichert just reached the lower end of his estimate.

If the data reported by Fichert were far lower than the lower limit of his estimate, the adjutant would die on the spot.

Dharma King Tiexin once again had a brush with death.

And with the turning of King Agni's will, the power of the earth's protector army was also mobilized.

Under the supervision of King Agni, King Tiexin will remotely command the Earth's rangers to capture the Six Dragon Cult's forces.


The Ammonite is making an emergency dive at this moment.

They only heard from their contacts that "the Nautilus may have a big problem, and all past communication methods were unreliable." Yang Mengying urgently modified the system of the Ammonite and revoked the permissions of all administrator accounts.

But this could not appease the frightened people. Inside the Ammonite, the members of the Six Dragon Sect were talking a lot. No one knew what happened.

During the last fixed contact, the Ammonite released a small ship with a wired connection, preparing to float the ship to the surface and serve as a base station. At this time, a miniature torpedo flew from a distance and hit the connection.

line, causing overall damage to the communication equipment.

The attacker did not show up and left directly.

This has scared the grassroots members of the Six Dragons Sect half to death. They shouted: "This must be the Martial God! The Martial God must be targeting us." They were in panic all day long.

Yang Mengying stopped this behavior, organized personnel to carry out emergency repairs, and continued to avoid the route of the Asylum ships.

Then, when they received the news again, they only heard a broadcast from a certain shore base.

The Holy Lord issued an order saying that all communication and verification methods were unreliable.

At this time, even Yang Mengying herself was stunned.

Perhaps, she desperately updated the system and stabilized people's hearts just to make herself feel at ease.

——So, what happened...

——What exactly is this...

Suddenly, the submarine's monitoring system sounded an alarm. Inside the bridge, an operator shouted in horror: "Something is approaching..."

Yang Mengying said: "Why panic? Immediately use torpedoes to organize defense...be prepared to evade!"

"It's so fast...it's too late..."

Before the operator finished speaking, the Ammonite made a huge vibration.

The shrill siren immediately comes to mind.

"The ship is damaged, the damage is in the middle part..."

Yang Mengying raised her hands, and a set of armed plug-ins specially designed for the ship was automatically sent into the slots on her shoulders and arms. She immediately rushed out, shouting: "Everyone should cut off the connection with the system immediately!"

Fortunately, the system had just crashed and all the original user permissions had to be reset, so most people returned to manual control. Everyone in the cockpit did not die instantly.

Yang Mengying stepped on the seawater and rushed towards the corridor. She passed a door, and then saw the familiar and thick body in the seawater pouring in like a waterfall.

"Holy...Holy Lord?"

Yang Mengying seemed to be in a nightmare, and her voice sounded like a panicked sleep.

The only hostile individual with an unfamiliar head turned his head and looked over.

"Mengying." The terrifying monster said, "Grandpa Xiang is here to kill you."

This chapter has been completed!
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