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Chapter 191 Apprentice Tears

[Fuck it! That’s it, that’s it!] The more Yin Zhewei spoke, the more excited he became, and he couldn’t help but blurt out: “That’s how those bastards hurt us! That’s how it is!”

Seeing that he was a little out of sorts, Yin Zhewei sat back down.

Others' heads hung even lower.

Yin Zhewei quickly sent two more messages, saying: [Don't tell it, don't irritate Lao Zhao. This guy can't stand the stimulation now. Look, look, this guy has been crazy for a long time. 】

Speaking of this, Yin Zhewei also sent out a voice message, which contained a newly synthesized heavy sigh.

[Lao Zhao can't stand the stimulation now. You have to know that apprentices like us don't have many opportunities to prove ourselves, and even fewer can make achievements in the opportunities we get...]

In Yin Zhewei's narration, Youki also roughly understood what kind of group the scientific research knight apprentices were.

Among the group of scientific research knights, "apprentices" are at the bottom. The resources of the scientific research knights are allocated according to the "school year". In each academic year, the knights can be allocated a part of the funds. Part of it is used to maintain the operation of the knights.

, some of them can be deployed flexibly, and most of them will be invested in the leader's large projects.

The team leader will divide his project into several small projects and hand them over to his deputy team leader.

Corresponding to this, there are naturally resources that match the task.

In addition, each scientific research knight group also has a "special supply" that cannot be used to invest in the group leader's own projects, but is designated by apprentices to fight for it.

And if an apprentice wants to get ahead, there are basically only two directions.

First, if you perform very well, you can win part of the "special supplies".

The second is that you can combine your own interests with the group leader's big project, turn your goals into part of the group's big plan, and thus win the part of the materials that the group leader can allocate at will.

Other than that, there are almost no channels.

The so-called "excellent performance during training and direct funding from the Grand Knights of the Templar" is almost a legend and cannot be regarded as a stable "channel".

It has nothing to do with these people.

However, in this era, the status of scientific research knights is so high that the children of the gene bank defense arm cannot help but come to the scientific research knights to get gold.

There are too many people who "bring their own food" to be exploited by official knights.

And for the civilians outside, the Scientific Research Knights are even more of a path.

Therefore, the number of scientific research knights in the "apprentice" class is seriously overflowing.

However, the number of knights that knight leaders are willing to canonize each year is limited.

You must know that "how many apprentices are canonized as formal knights" does not count into the leader's final score. His Majesty, the Father of All Machines, only values ​​results, and how much money can be obtained based on the results.

But the knight leader must allocate funds to his knights.

Every additional official knight means one more person to share the profits and funds.

But if this formal knight cannot contribute to his plan, it will be difficult for the group leader to obtain funds from the temple.

Therefore, what the knight leader values ​​is not the quantity of formal knights, but the quality.

Preferably it should be directly related to the project in hand.

If the leader of the knights gets a new project, the group will also confer many honors.

But this kind of good thing doesn't happen all the time.

Normally, only if an apprentice performs well and is remembered by the knight mentor, the mentor will give him a chance to receive a sum of supplies to "have a try".

If it is done, you can publish a thesis, leave your coat of arms on the thesis, and wait for the official canonization.

But not...

Then you can only wait for the instructor to remember you next time.

Oh, no, he has to forget about this defeat first.

Or, go to the system to apply and queue up, wait for your proposed plan to be reviewed and approved by the system, and then submit it directly to the group leader.

However, to be honest, apprentice-level research has limited innovation and is often just a small step in the realm of human knowledge. Anyone can often take this small step.

During the long process of review and queuing, many apprentices' research plans were casually played through by official knights from unknown planets and regiments, and then they were told that "the research plans were not innovative enough and the review failed."

As for the apprentice who can come up with extremely innovative research...

These people are the protagonists of the "legend" and can directly receive funding from the temple, so there is no need for such applications at all.

For these grassroots scientific research knights, an "opportunity to prove themselves" is quite rare.

Even most of them did well and failed because of no fault of their own.

Youki felt a little weird: "Ah, this...but..."

He also switched to a message and said: [Brother Zhao, wasn’t the reason why he failed because of his mentor’s unreasonable order? 】

[Huh? How dare you question your mentor in the Knights? 】


Yuki fell into deep thought.

He knew who his master was. Judging from the myths circulating in the world, his master was the best scientific research knight at that time, and his status was even higher than that of today's Grand Knight Commander to a certain extent...

——Hiss, that’s not right, right? King Zhengtian is now in charge of the entire Scientific Research Knights, and then Senior King Zhengtian was his knight commander...

Yuki once again lamented that his common sense was quite distorted. His master turned out to be so great.

He used to feel that no matter how cruel the Knights of Scientific Research were, at best it was just the way his master treated him. Considering the privileges respected by the Knights of Scientific Research, this treatment was really good.

Moreover, Master, he was very proud of his status as a scientific research knight...

Judging from Yin Zhewei’s description...

——No, Master has always called himself a "scientist"...

——Are scientists and research knights really so different?

Yin Zhewei waved his hand: [In short, Lao Zhao is still thinking about finding his own seaweed group... This is already a crazy idea of ​​his. 】

Then, she changed back to her regular voice: "We all risked death to break into the restricted area. We thought that soon a team of gene bank security guards would come out and blow us up... Until now, not even one

There are no mines...I even wonder if there are any new mines that are beyond the capabilities of our detectors."

Youki grinned: "I have passed by people from my sect in this generation, but there was no defense at all... ah..."

Yuki finally realized something.

There is the Six Dragons Sect in this place.

According to known information, there are a large number of scientific research knights in the Six Dragons Sect.


This chapter has been completed!
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