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Chapter 207: Join Ascension

"Xiang Shan is indeed the most special individual." [Li Gui] looked enthusiastic. Even his bright red clothes, defeated face and blood-colored eyes seemed to have turned into a sign of joy. He said: "Under the special historical background Under the circumstances, technology has supported such a special cultural phenomenon and created such a special individual! 'Personality', 'knowledge' and 'logical thinking' are shattered in our bodies, mixed with foreign impurities, and randomly arranged. It was just as I expected..."

"If we take 'Xiang Shan' as the subject of research, we may be able to find out what 'wisdom' really looks like more quickly."

Yes, the Six Dragons Sect had a project in the past, which was to "capture individuals suspected of being Martial Gods" and conduct research on these suspected Martial Gods. However, the mortality rate of this task was too high and too dangerous, so it was quickly abandoned by the Six Dragons The church stopped it internally.

"You..." [Li Gui] walked up to the "three" Xiangshan, dug his heads, and patted the three of them on the shoulders with a wild smile: "This biological brain of yours is suspected to be the original biological brain of Xiangshan! Isn't it the last one? Is it a good experimental field? If you observe this carefully, you can record so many magical natural phenomena. And a truly knowledgeable person can successfully design many experiments!"

"Go away!" [Fanatical] kicked him away without hesitation, "Why didn't you say you were thinking? Huh?"

"Hahaha..." [Li Gui] laughed loudly: "Jiu, there is an essential difference between you and me! You are a personality mask that uses artificial neural circuits and algorithms to move, but I... I am just a person with a mental illness. , you crazy people!"

"I only exist in the brain of living beings - look at these neurons that are excited without permission! I am here!" [Li Gui] poked the screen with his finger: "I think I may be at these points where I am getting more and more excited. Above. I don’t have any algorithm, and I can’t directly call up the Holy Lord’s memory. The reason why I can recall it is because the main body of consciousness feels shaken - he is thinking about whether it is possible that I, the leader of the Six Dragons, is correct. ?”

Xiangshan - the whole Xiangshan, the complete one - punched the ground angrily. Cracks bloomed on the rocky ground and slowly extended for a short distance. The dolphins in the distance were startled and screamed and asked him Is it okay?

If a fully prosthetic human, or a human equipped with a reactor, shows violent tendencies, the aftermath alone can easily kill a large group of cetaceans.

Deep in his heart, [Li Gui] said: "Look, look, I am not a 'thinking process' at all, I am just a 'cognitive disorder' - the source of this biological thinking that Xiangshan does not possess. It is the Ninth Martial God. And then..." He waved his hand and called up the code that had just been run and came from the Ninth Martial God's AI. "Look at these codes, family members. These codes only occupy us. It is just a small part inherited from the Ninth Martial God. If they are taken out individually, they may not be able to operate independently."

"Therefore, the real subject is hidden in this biological brain - it is this biological brain that, through the process of 'learning', will give the 'special talent' files scattered in the memory of the Ninth Martial God that the AI ​​cannot run." It runs - maybe this piece of code also plays a role, maybe not. This phenomenon is worth studying!"

[Crime] Indignant: "You people who think in biology always like to make a mysterious and mysterious tone, right? In fact, there are many explanations. For example, it is simply that the code of the Ninth Martial God is too bad and the tuning library is not tuned.

.It is also possible that there is simply a lack of operating environment and compatibility patches, so Yawgmoth's own 'way of thinking' does not run on the chip..."

"Isn't it your 'application-focused' thinking model that's problematic?" [Li Gui] sneered, "The real significance of this discovery is that it actually proves that 'research talent' and 'self' can be

The separate thing - 'research talent' was born because of 'science'. It is precisely because of the existence of the paradigm of 'science' that people will grind themselves and build their brains into machines to process this paradigm. Then there is no doubt

, it is a ‘common’ aspect, a skill that emerges later in life.”

"Before that, human beings had some innate talent, so they were able to create this paradigm. Human beings themselves created this tool to transform nature. But now human beings' current-driven tools are not compatible with this existing in consciousness.

level tools.”

"Whether it is optimizing the code, optimizing the hardware, or requiring a running environment, or requiring compatibility patches - as long as we realize the existence of this 'capability', we can use machines to reproduce this phenomenon.

Existence means the possibility of recurrence!"

"And now, in front of us is a sample, which is the closest to the 'ability' sample that has been stripped of impurities and is close to purity!" [Li Gui] pointed to the codes and the active brain, "The human self is just consciousness.

It is a relatively small part of it, but it can call a considerable part of the content, and some other programs must execute it if they want to run, so humans think that it is the whole thing, the core."

"For ordinary humans, 'thinking' is a whole, an overly complete black box, and many of the processes it runs cannot be exposed to human vision. But Xiangshan is different. 'Martial Ancestor Xiangshan' has long since died.

, over the past two hundred years, the Martial God, who has been constantly dying and reborn, has dismantled and reorganized various elements of Martial Ancestor's thinking, and unknowingly mixed elements from other people into it - but these external elements have instead made

Things that were already there are more eye-catching.”

"And due to the 'new culture' cultivated by human beings themselves, the 'Rebirth of the God of War' is a reproducible phenomenon - 'Xiangshan' is like an 'inbred mouse'. It has a stable personality and can form groups.

, which carries few unknown mental disorders and can be artificially superimposed with acquired factors..."

[Benchmark] asked: "So, in the eyes of the public, do I have such a crazy image?"

[Li Gui] just looked at them with a smile: "The reason why I appeared is because you are wavering - you can try another path. Projects that use humans as experimental subjects are not necessarily evil. All medical projects

Clinical trials are essentially..."

"But the Six Dragons Sect is very evil." [Fanatic] said without hesitation.

[Li Gui] still smiled: "Join Ascension!"

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