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Chapter 1003 Fortune Rewards

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Zhang Moazi hugged Sichen and walked home.

Xishou followed boredly, curiously looking at the lanterns and colorful decorations in the buildings on the roadside, as well as the remains of the fireworks there.

It's almost dawn, and the hard-working sanitation workers, even on the first day of the Lunar New Year, started cleaning up the hustle and bustle of the first half of the night and making the roads clean again.

Smelling the lingering smoke and the lights that refused to be extinguished, Xi Beast began to think normally.

“Master Shu, what’s the difference between last night and every other night?

Here we eat well, set off firecrackers, and stay up half the night.

What's the point of staying up?

If you really have that ability, you can scare me away, and you don’t need to go to all the trouble of being a errand?

Incompetent mortals just can't see the reality clearly.

In the end, we have to rely on gods to protect us, which is pitiful and pitiful."

Zhang Mouzi didn't say anything immediately, because in the past, he only existed for his mission, and indeed he had the same idea as Xi Beast.

These beacons of light have nothing to do with me, and they are not worthy of the protection of noble gods.

But after experiencing the transformation into a god in the flesh and the baptism of endless reincarnations, when I look at the lights of thousands of families in the human world, I already have an inseparable relationship with myself.

That is not a simple matter of faith between gods and believers, but a more complex relationship.

Zhang Moazi's educational level was not high in his life, and he had never been exposed to such complicated matters before.

If Du Ming were here and threatened with death, she could still use an analogy. Yes, let's use an analogy.

"Xiao Xi, you will be in this world for the next year, so I want to teach you the second lesson now, how to face the mortals in this world.

Let me give you an analogy first.

In the past, the entire world was a big family, with parents and children.

Parents are millions of ordinary people who have worked hard to raise their children.

When the children grow up, they each perform their own duties, find their own positions, and fulfill their respective missions. The central idea is to make the whole family better and better.

If doctors and chefs can be regarded as professions, gods actually were just a profession when they first appeared.

When a child chooses to become a god, when parents face the god, they do not worship them, but feel sorry for them.

Because when you choose to be a god, you also lose all the happiness of ordinary people, and you break away from this group and make sacrifices alone.

So much so that I slowly lost my true nature, forgot where I came from and why I did what I did, just like how I was back then.

Xiao Xi, do you understand?"

Xishou stared at his beautiful big eyes, and even the half-smiling expression was gone. It was all about curiosity and a hint of deception.

“I don’t understand, what career, what parents, what choice?

Mr. Shu, can you say it more simply?"

Sichen's IQ is obviously higher than that of Xi Beast. After hearing Zhang Mozi's explanation, he understood most of it.

It seems that becoming a god in the flesh this time has changed Zhang Mozi's thinking quite a lot.

"Xiao Xi, listen to what I'm telling you, bah.

Husband, do we have to take him with us?

After so many years of fighting life and death, it is difficult for me to adapt to suddenly coming to our family as an apprentice.

This guy won't strangle us both to death in the middle of the night, right?

Besides, Xiao Xi, what a fucking bad name.

Do you think it's okay to call him that?

Also, what kind of trouble is he trying to make in this doll costume?

Do you want to go to the mall with you?"

Sichen took advantage of the only good mouth he had now and fired a barrage of attacks without stopping at all.

It's a pity that no matter what she says, if Zhang Mouse doesn't speak, Xi Beast will follow suit and won't answer. Even if you talk a thousand words, it will be in vain.

"Forget it, let me tell you, Xiao Xi

Hey, Xiao Xi is just Xiao Xi.

This is my understanding of what Zhang Mouzi means.

Let's use an analogy.

There is a dragon in the west and there are many villagers.

The villagers choose warriors to slay the evil dragon.

In order to gain the power to kill the dragon, the warrior turned himself into a monster.

Then, the warrior killed the evil dragon, and he became the evil dragon in the hearts of the villagers.

Do you think the warriors are pitiful?

He can only go further and further on the road to becoming a monster.

Some warriors forgot their original intention and started to disturb the villagers.

Some brave men stick to their mission and live in loneliness and desolation for the rest of their lives.

The relationship between warriors and villagers is probably the relationship between mortals and gods in this world.

Zhang Mozi, am I right?"

Zhang Moazi seems to be thinking about this analogy as well. It should be better than the one he made, but it is still not very appropriate because the relationship between it is difficult to explain simply with an emotion. It is very complicated.

The insistence on responsibility and mission, as well as the desire for a sense of belonging, are mixed with various irreconcilable contradictions, making Zhang Mozi's head confused and unable to express clearly.

Without the experience of becoming a god in the flesh, it is absolutely impossible to empathize with others. Zhang Moazi only gave up after trying a little bit.

"It's not much different, just give me a point or two.

Sichen, you will understand completely after you have eaten Boss Cai's meal.

But, that meal was really not meant for humans.

No wonder you can become a god, then give it to me."

Speaking of this, Zhang Mouse suddenly stopped moving.

Not only the mouth doesn't move, but the body doesn't move either.

Sichen was still waiting for the next message, and there was no response for a long time.

He looked at Zhang Moazi, had something happened?

Xi Beast followed behind and was immersed in thinking when he bumped into Zhang Mouse.

"Master Mouse, what's wrong? Let's go!"

"Yeah, Zhang Mozi, what's wrong with you?

Are you sick? Why is your face still yellow?"

At this time, Zhang Mouse's face was not only yellow, but his whole body was yellow.

Besides, it's not yellow, it's a layer of golden light.

Sichen looked at the sudden golden light and felt a little familiar. Could it be a blessing?

How could there be such blessings in this world?

After the wheel of fate stopped turning, this feedback and reward system had been suspended for a long time. How could it appear in the human world?

With just a flash of golden light, Zhang Mouse returned to normal and took steps forward.

"Haha, the first mouse baby was born this year.

It’s a boy, weighing over eight pounds, so good.”

Sichen felt as if he was struck by lightning when he heard Zhang Mozi say these words.

How many years had it passed since she cast her fortune wheel that she had not received such a message?

The chicken baby that I protect has not paid attention to me for how many years?

Sichen cried, crying very sadly.

"Zhang Mozi, you just want to show off to me, right?

You have a blessing feedback, but you didn’t bully me, right?

You just mean to disgust me, right?"

Zhang Mozi gently wiped away the tears from Sichen's eyes, showing that his heart still couldn't calm down.

"From now on, you'll have to eat too, I'm sorry.

I'm a little confused, I haven't been this happy for a long time, and I'm still a little uncomfortable."

"Becoming a god in the flesh is really enough to make you stinky. You'll get used to it slowly, Zishu."

Zhang Moazi stopped again and looked towards the dark alley in front of his home.

"Who, stop hiding and sign up."

"Senior clerk, thank you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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