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Chapter 1054 The Unique Kangkang

Xiao Tianmao did not explain why he knew Cai Gen was unconscious. In fact, he had seen Cai Gen like this many times.

His eyes were dull and drooling. He was either lost in the illusion or his consciousness was exiled. Anyway, he was in a state of being unable to hear or see.

"One heart is certain, you don't need to question it.

It’s just that he’s not suitable to know too much at this stage, don’t you know this?”

Tong Aiguo knew this well, otherwise he wouldn't have blamed his eldest brother when Cai Gen asked him.

"Then let's talk about something practical. What do you know about the sea of ​​suffering?"

Well, have you entered the stage of talking to each other so quickly?

Xiao Tmall likes Tong Aiguo's directness.

"I know that the sea of ​​suffering is related to the disappearance of spiritual energy in the human world.

What do you know about the sea of ​​suffering?”

Tong Aiguo didn't have any surprises, as if what Xiao Tmall said was not a secret at all. After initial testing, there would definitely be no useful information.

Of course, this is for people like them who have only a little knowledge. If it were Cai Gen, he would definitely be full of curiosity.

"Dujian is a big fish. I saw it in that painting. It was a very big fish. It's different from Dujian here. It's just that the way he looks at people is the same."

This obviously doesn't fit the bill. What XiaoTianmao understood beyond what he said was that there was more than one unique opinion here, and it probably wasn't that big. Skipping the details, XiaoTianmao started to take things by surprise.

"Besides independent opinion, what else is there in the ocean of suffering?"

Tong Aiguo smiled slightly and remained silent, because it was Xiao Tmall's turn to speak.

This old guy is really hard to coax, and he doesn't want to say a word.

"The owner had a water leak a few days ago, and then a small cave where spiritual energy was revived formed under the big pit, which was occupied by Tamamo Zao and the others."

Tong Aiguo was shocked and screamed.

"Ah, the sea of ​​suffering has leaked out?"

While the cat and the old man were talking nonsense, the voices in Cai Gen's mind became more and more louder and louder. Each firm belief kept hitting his nerves, and he just wanted to go home.

Suddenly, I felt a chill on my neck, and the symbiotic independent view seemed to have entered my body, and then flew into the sea filled with countless figures in my body.

While flying in the air, the appearance of the single fish changed. The overall outline of the fish did not change, but it became bigger. It was very big.

It is the size of a koi carp, but after entering the space, it becomes the size of a roaring cat, and when it touches the sea surface, it becomes the size of a whale.

However, the outline is there, but the body is extremely incomplete, like a fish bone with few pieces of flesh. The only thing that is intact is the dead fish eye, the dead fish eye with prejudice.

The people who were soaking in the sea all screamed and fled in all directions when they saw the giant thing getting bigger. It seemed that they were unwilling to touch this huge thing, or maybe they had some taboo, and touching it would be a disaster.

Even the half of the wooden stake was trying its best to avoid Dujian as the crowd fled, making Dujian feel uncomfortable even just looking at it.

After returning to the sea of ​​suffering, the thought of going home suddenly disappeared. Dead Fish Eyes carefully looked around, but it seemed that he did not find the existence that he was afraid of. He relaxed his mind instantly, and did not see the incomplete fish mouth.

How to move, a voice echoes in the sea of ​​suffering.


As the sound echoed, the dead fish eyes looked at the lifeless and pale crowd in the sea of ​​suffering, and then like a colored pen, gave color to the people under sight.

The whole sea of ​​suffering is like a black and white silent film that suddenly turned into a color widescreen film. With sound and color, it actually glows with a little life.

However, Cai Gen found that using vitality to describe it was not very accurate, and it should be more accurate to use boiling to describe it.

Because the expressions of those who were dyed with color were very painful, and they tried their best to escape from Dujian's sight. Wherever Dujian's sight went, the sea of ​​suffering boiled.

Some people swim slowly, and after being dyed with color by their sight, they are essentially different from the other pale and colorless people. They cannot continue to blend in with the crowd. They are disliked by everyone like stinky shit and can only lament alone.

I swam alone to a remote corner, was ruthlessly marginalized, and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

He just enjoys it, ignoring the pain of the crowd, constantly swimming and chasing the scattered crowds, swaying his gaze wantonly, constantly giving people color, watching the unlucky people become special under his gaze

, after being marginalized, he sank alone.

Fortunately, the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness is large enough, and Duzhi's influence is limited. It only affects a small area, and the wider sea remains calm.

The scene in front of me, combined with the unique ability of making people tell the truth, is so vivid and vivid.

The whole world is telling lies, and suddenly there are people who tell the truth, don’t they have to be marginalized? Isn’t it very reasonable and very social?

Cai Gen looked at the broken Dujian, did it look familiar?

This state is somewhat similar to Du Ming, both are huge and the body is very incomplete.

If we look at Du Jian’s attitude of carefully searching around when he first entered the sea of ​​suffering, are he looking for Du Ming?

Do you dare to call Kangkang when you see that Duming is not there?

What kind of biological chain is this? Cai Gen can’t understand.

After the second Dujian entered the body, it did not turn into the huge appearance. Instead, it instantly turned into a big fish bone and found its place in Dujian's huge and dilapidated body.

Then, the third one, the fourth one, and a total of five independent views came in, and they all became part of that huge body. At this time, Cai Gen finally had a more reliable guess.

Du Ming was brought out of the sea of ​​suffering by the God of Suffering. This Du Ming was broken into pieces and released.

Therefore, those billions of voices returning home may be the desire of all parts of Du Jian's body to be reborn in the sea of ​​suffering.

It's really tragic. After all, Du Ming is still in Naiman Bridge and has not left the human world. This Du Ming has been scattered to various dimensions. I don't know what the old man Kushen is thinking.

Does it have any deeper meaning?

Judging from the followers of Kushen Cai Gen has come into contact with so far, they all ended badly.

Maomao was holding a basin alone, Du Ming was drying in the sun miserably, and Du Ming was the worst, being cut into pieces.

The God of Bitterness is indeed the God of Bitterness, are all the people with him so miserable?

Cai Gen tried to communicate with Du Jian, but there was no feedback except that dead fish-eyed demented desire for health.

Recalling the basic structure of the fish head with chopped pepper, Cai Gen could easily understand it. The empty fish brain had not yet returned to its original position, and the body parts that had returned were not responsible for thinking. So it was normal that there was no way to communicate.

Judging from how much people in the sea of ​​suffering are afraid of Dujian, I guess after he becomes complete, he will not only be so useless to let people tell the truth, right?

After waiting for a while, no other Dujian came in. It is estimated that those Dujian fragments in different spaces still have a long way to go.

Cai Gen decided not to wait any longer. Assembling such a big fish would be more laborious than Xiao Sun's piece of red paper, and he couldn't afford to wait.

This chapter has been completed!
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