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Chapter 1065 Give Mu Owo

Carrying the big wine barrel, Baqi, like a hard-working little bee, worked diligently to and from the bottom of the lake and the garden full of spring scenery.

With the supplement of the box of small pills, Mr. Long could barely keep up with the progress, which made Baqi feel at ease, but when he thought about what he had drawn in the ice cube, he felt faintly uneasy.


What does it mean?

As long as you open the seal yourself, everything will happen next?

Or, if you open the seal, you will be trapped by Muou?

Or is it just a joke, like the bow I was tied into when I was a child?

We've already reached this point, what's the point of thinking about it again?

You can’t give up halfway, right?

At Baqi's age, although he has experienced a long time and understands the value of time and opportunities better, he will never want to leave any regrets for the rest of his life. After all, he has missed too much.

This is the penultimate totem pole. After wiping this one and trying it again, things will come to an end.

His hands were very careful, and Baqi's thoughts were already filled with memories.

That small mountain village, that own home, those own masters.

The happiest days of Ba Qi's life were those when he was not yet called Ba Qi.

I remember that the biggest entertainment of the masters there was to tie themselves into a tight knot on the mountain, and then in full view of the public, the eight-dimensional cricket pupated its huge body and untied itself. It had no hands or feet and was clumsy.

, cute and makes people laugh.

Along with the laughter of her masters, Baqi felt that she was the happiest. At that moment, she was the focus, and being able to bring laughter to her masters was the whole meaning of her existence.

But one day, that person came.

He came with firewood, rice, oil and salt, with frying and cooking, with bow-tie tying, and with ideals and ambitions.

Then, it was all over.

The masters no longer have the time to care about themselves, they are planning, calculating, impassioned and sacrificing their lives for a common goal every day.

That person came and left, leaving behind a small mountain village that was no longer peaceful. From that moment on, Baqi's home changed.

I remember that day, the masters spent all their money and mobilized the whole family, but they left Baqi behind and did not take her with them. They tied her with a bow on the mountain.

No matter how hard Baqi begged, the masters remained unmoved.

In the end, the patriarch talked to her nine heads one by one and left her with one sentence.

"Xiao Liu, live well, take good care of your home, good days are ahead."

Baqi didn't understand at the time, isn't it a good time now?

How can the days ahead be better than now?

It doesn't matter whether she understands or not, the masters left, and they left with high morale.

Baqi knew that the masters had gone to fight and the enemy was in the north.

She wanted to help, she wanted to fight with her masters.

However, it took her a long, long time to untie that damn bow before she opened it.

When I wanted to find the masters, the sky fell.

Yes, when Baqi recalls that scene, he still feels frightened. The sky just collapsed.

That apocalyptic scene will never be forgotten by Baqi. She was scared and found a hole in the ground to hide in.

Although she didn't know if it was of any use, she still didn't run away. She obeyed the clan leader's instructions and took good care of the house.

Many times, Baqi thought that one day, the masters would come back, happily, and they would still live carefree in this small mountain village, and they would still tie themselves to the mountains from time to time, even if they were tied to another

Bow tie.

Later, the news came that the masters had died in the battle and had committed a heinous crime, which made a hole in the sky.

When Baqi heard such news, she didn't know whether she should be proud or sad. In fact, the most important thing in her mind was that the news was false.

If the owners ask me to look after the house, they will definitely come back. Otherwise, what's the use of looking after the house?

So, Baqi looked at the mountains and his home. He didn't know how long it took before he met Dayu from the north, who insisted on cutting down the mountains he was guarding and dredging some rivers.

Baqi remembered that he was very polite at that time because his masters were very strict in their upbringing.

"The masters asked Xiaoliu to look after the house here, and the mountain cannot be cut down.

If the mountains are cut down and the family is gone, what will Xiao Liu see in the future?

When the masters come back, it’s Xiaoliu’s fault.”

"Who are your masters?"

"The Gonggong clan are all my masters."

"Then you don't have to look after the house, your masters won't be able to come back."


"The Gonggong clan knocked down Mount Buzhou.

The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, causing all the people to suffer from water and fire. They have become a sinful people in the world.

This flood that has plagued you for many years is also one of the sins of your masters.

Get out of here and don't stop me from becoming the savior."

Without saying a word, Baqi spit on Dayu's face. Years later, Baqi was still proud of this incident, especially when he scolded Dayu.

"You are the guilty one, and your whole family is the guilty one."

Baqi always thought this sentence was a curse. Looking at the life trajectory of Dayu later, he indeed became a sinner in the world.

After the family was established in the world, the Nine-Nine Human Emperors who controlled the way of heaven lost their morality and the human emperor's orthodoxy.

Baqi rejected Dayu and became a thorn in the side, vowing to defend his homeland to the death.

Dayu didn't look down on Baqi at all, let alone her masters. He kept shouting the slogan, "The remaining sinners of the people must be punished when they are found. They must be eradicated and demolished by demolishing and burning houses."

With the slogan and the commanding heights of morality, Baqi became the remnant of the sinners. But at that time, Baqi was indeed fierce. Dayu had not yet regarded him as the savior, so he could not defeat Baqi.

Later, hey

All the ones holding stinky feet are here, the ones with wings, the ones that breathe fire, the ones that are invulnerable, the ones that give away treasures

Baqi was finally defeated by Dayu, and changed from Xiang Liu to Baqi with only eight heads. This was also Baqi's lifelong obsession.

After losing a head, Baqi ran away from this world and hid in a small place.

It's not that Baqi was afraid of death, she really wasn't afraid of death. She just wanted to see if her curse would work and whether Dayu's whole family would become sinners.

She just hopes to continue living and see her masters again. Even if she ties a bow and dies immediately, she can still close her eyes.

However, after so many years, she did not dare to come back. As a remnant of sinners, she really did not dare to come back.

Fortunately, after waiting for so many years, the rules finally broke and she dared to come back.

Blessed by her masters, she sensed their scent in Taiqinggou when she came back. If she said it was a coincidence, she would not believe it even if she were killed.

This is the secret arrangement.

This is allowing yourself to let go of these thoughts.

This is why God pity her, Baqi has endured so much for so many years.

The penultimate totem pole falls, and if there is only one totem pole left, life is over.

Just as Baqi was about to go back and continue, the ice suddenly cracked, and a puff of black smoke squeezed out, like a black ribbon, tied into a bow, and appeared in front of Baqi.

When he saw the bow, Baqi burst into tears.

This chapter has been completed!
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