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Chapter 1115 solve a doubt

Cai Gen grabbed Mr. Long, a little anxious.

"No, where are you from?

Could it be that he really had an affair with He Naizi?"

The reason why Cai Gen didn't finish his words was because when he saw Mr. Long's face turned away, there was nothing but sweat and tears. He didn't know whether it was because he was afraid or because he was moved to tears by his righteous actions.

This time, facing Cai Gen, Mr. Long blinked his eyes hard and begged softly with tears in his eyes.

"Boss Cai, you must save me, buddy, this is all for you.

I’ll give you a big fish during the Chinese New Year. Is it delicious?”

After uttering these words, Mr. Long shook off Cai Gen's hand and walked towards the battlefield.

When Cai Gen saw Young Master Long's back this time, that special intuition came to his mind again, so he didn't stop him again and allowed Young Master Long to walk past.

Intuition told Cai Gen that Young Master Long really didn’t want to go because he was afraid of death, but Young Master Long had reasons for having to go, involving responsibility, conscience, humanity and other shining points in Young Master Long.

So it can be concluded from this that Master Long and He Naizi have true feelings?

Maybe Mr. Long can't explain clearly, and it's even harder for Cai Gen.

Is this a clear decision?

State your position to He Naizi?

Or should Mr. Long give himself an explanation?

Or what does it mean to live up to Shao and live up to Qing?

What kind of chaos is this? It’s so complicated that Cai Gen doesn’t even bother to think about it.

After all, I remembered the big fish for the New Year's Eve dinner. It was a gift from Mr. Long. If I ate it myself, I couldn't get rid of the relationship.

Hey, let Mr. Long go out for a walk to clear up his doubts, otherwise he will have regrets for a lifetime, and Cai Gen will not tolerate it.

Everyone saw that Cai Gen didn't stop Young Master Long, and no one reached out. They didn't understand what Young Master Long was trying to do.

Only Tong Aiguo seemed to have seen the truth of the matter, and kept nodding his head, his love beyond words, and he was more satisfied than seeing that Renkov.

"What a good young man. He looks like a prodigal but has a scumbag heart. In his heart, he is still a principled and infatuated man. He is the best. I haven't met such a best in many years.

Xiao Cai, I'll be done in a minute. I must introduce him to me. I need to have a good exchange of experiences with him.

In particular, I need him to tell me what kind of mental journey he went through just now. I'm really curious, and I feel like he's higher than my rank."

If it were in another context, Cai Gen might be more accepting, but at this time, the nature of Tong Aiguo, an old lailang, and the fiery gaze he looked at Hou Lang, really made Cai Gen angry.

Mr. Long walked past Duan Xiaohong without squinting his eyes. There were no tears on his face. He was all serious and firm.

When he came to the mountain wall, he reached out and grabbed He Naizi's collar and pulled her out forcefully.

He Naizi could have come out on his own, but when he saw Mr. Long, he was so happy that he let him hold on to the collar of his clothes.

"Xiao Longlong, are you okay? Did they bully you?

I was attacked by a sneak attack just now, and it was all my fault that I was careless in casting the spell, so don't blame me."

Young Master Long helped He Nai remove the rubble from his body. His makeup was still on, and he had a smoky makeup look, and a bit of a dark temperament. But the words he said were so thoughtful, and they immediately ruined the overall effect, making Young Master Long feel guilty.


No matter how guilty he felt, Mr. Long would never admit that he was the one who made the mistake. That would be either stupid or naive.

"He Naizi, I'm fine. I feel like they are not bad people. How about forgetting it and surrendering for leniency?

I still have some background in my family, maybe I can fish it out for you."

Even if this is a drama that Young Master Long put on himself, not all of what he says is true, most of it is his true thoughts, which may be a bit naive, but absolutely sincere.

He Naizi enjoyed Master Long helping her tidy up with a happy face. She just mentioned surrender, smiled softly, and shook her head.

"Xiao Longlong, do you think I can't defeat them?

Mainly because I was afraid that you would get hurt, I spent so long with them.

Now that you're fine, go back to Taiqinggou first. I'll be there soon.

I haven't taken these people seriously yet. Give me five minutes.

No, I'll be there in three minutes."


Are you so confident?

How could Mr. Long want to go back to Taiqinggou?

Originally, I just wanted to come out to satisfy my own inner feelings, and to persuade He Naizi to surrender, but he was already beaten into the mountains, so what else were he arguing for?

Unexpectedly, He Naizi had a backup plan. Was it just a performance?

Is the performance just for the sake of saving yourself and making sacrifices?

Although it's a bit far-fetched, when people say it, how can Mr. Long say he doesn't believe it?

"He Naizi, I don't trust you, so I'll help you hold off the battle."

"Oh, don't worry, you are distracting me here.

Also, I will kill people very cruelly in a while. If you see that it is not good, please leave quickly."

As he said that, He Naizi glared and Young Master Long's legs became a little weak.

There is no doubt about He Naizi's cruelty, neither does Long Shao leave, nor does he not leave. Why do I always face such embarrassing choices today?

And always let yourself choose the one you least want to choose.

"Okay, please be safe and see you later.

They are not bad people, can they not be so cruel and just beat them away?"

Mr. Long didn't wait for He Naizi's answer, and ran uphill, but his movements were a bit slow, as if in slow motion. Maybe he had no choice but to waste time later, trying to waste time until He Naizi lost.

"Run quickly, Xiao Longlong, I'll get angry if you make any more ink marks."

These words were like a whip, hitting Mr. Long's body. He suddenly increased his speed and ran uphill with that ethereal pace. But as soon as he ran out of the range of the car lights and entered the darkness, he screamed.

"Oops, my legs are cramped.

He Naizi, you don’t have to worry about me, I can do it myself, I will do it.”

Cai Gen saw Mr. Long running into the darkness, and he and He Naizi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Their starting points must be different. Who would have thought that Mr. Long was the safest person here.

Duan Xiaohong saw that Master Long's matter was finally dealt with, so the two masters should be satisfied, right?

Just when he was about to ask a question, he saw the big black tiger god who had been smashed into the asphalt road jumped up and stood firmly behind He Naizi. Although there was blood on the tiger's head, it was grinning.

More sinister.

He Naizi didn't speak any more, he raised the small black leather drum and started beating it fiercely. If the drumming just now had a leisurely charm, now it's a bit like an African drum. It's urgent, as if rushing to a performance, which makes people unconscious.

Begin to feel anxious.

Hearing the sound of the drum, the four- to five-meter-tall black tiger god immediately fell to the ground, completely transformed into a tiger body, and rushed towards Duan Xiaohong with its bloody mouth open, with black energy lingering around his body, and a row of afterimages,

It's like countless black tigers moving together, like lightning and flint.

Duan Xiaohong looked at it and thought, what's the point of reminding me? Just do it. Anyway, the two masters are both bad-tempered. It's fair now, so there should be no regrets.

This chapter has been completed!
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