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Chapter 1119 Pretentiousness

Cai Gen, who was watching the excitement from the side, looked a little numb unconsciously. Is He Naizi so cruel?

Can your own children use it as a bargaining chip?

If you look at it according to their context, shamanism’s worship of ancestors and gods is not so clean and it’s all based on preference?

After taking a look at Tong Aiguo, the envy he had just felt was gone. What price did this old man pay for all his extravagant work? How many children did he sacrifice?

Tong Aiguo was furious at the sight of Cai Gen's eyes.

"Xiao Cai, I'm familiar with you, you can't look at me like this.

The Nimacha family has a low bloodline and is not respected by the ancestor gods, so they resorted to such despicable methods to get help from the ancestor gods. This is an isolated phenomenon, so don't think about it.

Our Ma Jia clan has a noble bloodline, and the ancestors and gods are rushing to come here. It is all based on sincerity, without any transactions or exchanges. This is the bottom line of our Ma Jia clan, and it is also the dignity that must be maintained."

Believe it or not, Cai Gen pretended to nod and believe it, but it would definitely not be that simple anyway.

According to this statement, shamanism is still a two-way choice when it comes to worshiping the ancestors?

The Ancestral God likes shaman families with good bloodlines, and will only go to ordinary families if he really has no choice.

And those with good bloodlines in the shaman family have more choices, and ordinary ancestor gods can't get into them.

In the supernatural world, competition is everywhere, nothing should be taken for granted, and the relationship between supply and demand is clearly reflected.

When Wu Yun inquired about He Naizi's sacrifice, the wolf's mouth curled up in contempt. He was about to mock He Naizi, but Hu Xiaocao saw it.

After being beaten like a third grandson, you still have the intention to mock me?

Why does this big black wolf have such a big heart?

He was not as sincere as the black tiger at all. At least he accepted the beating with a painful attitude.

Hu Xiaocao got angry, swept away the big black tiger with his tail, and started to beat the big black wolf more brutally.

The originally dark wolf's body became lighter and lighter under Hu Xiaocao's rain-like attacks, and was showing signs of collapse.

Wu Yunda felt bad, so he took the time to discuss the price. After a while, he was distracted. When he thought about it again, it took more than a moment, and he screamed.

"He Naizi, don't talk nonsense to me. The bloodline of the Nimacha family is just like that. It's not noble at all. I really don't like it. It's useless to sacrifice it.

If there are any good things left, please tell me quickly. I’m back and it’s too late for you to tell me.”

Because of the anxiety, the bargaining turned directly into an explicit price.

He Naizi felt very uncomfortable because of Wu Yun's attitude towards beating him. He was not really trying to help, he was just so unreliable.

The Great Black Tiger God cares about himself. He has always been hard-working and uncomplaining. Allies obtained in exchange for benefits ultimately need benefits to maintain them.

He Naizi decided to omit the bargaining process and confessed directly, announcing loudly.

"You look down on the Nimacha family. I admit, they are indeed not noble enough.

What if it’s Nala’s bloodline? Is it significant enough?”


Shamanism is the eighth noble bloodline in the world. Others didn't feel anything, but Tong Aiguo's eyes widened immediately.

Different from other scattered small families, the eight major families are more closely connected regardless of marriage or inheritance, and there are many little secrets that they hold together.

Why does He Naizi from the Nimacha family have the blood of Nala?

In vitro fertilization or artificial cloning?

Tong Aiguo's thoughts began to wander due to nervousness.

When Wu Yun, the nine wolf gods, inquired about Nala's family, he immediately became serious.

Nala himself once appeared in the children of Nala. It was at that time that he reached the pinnacle of his life and showed eight forms to fight against the hunting god Zhu Shebeile.

Since that time, he has never been able to catch up with the noble bloodline. His reputation has been getting worse every year, and now he is almost squeezed out of the top ten.

It's not that I'm not capable, it's mainly that the children of good blood are not in my turn.

"He Naizi, do you really mean what you say?"

He Naizi looked at Young Master Long in the darkness, and couldn't help but feel proud. With Xiao Longlong's improved bloodline, how could he still worry about not being able to invite the ancestral gods?

"What I am saying is absolutely absolute"

After trying several words, none of them felt appropriate enough, He Naizi decided to just swear to be practical.

"My first child of Nala's bloodline is destined to be a dragon and a phoenix among men and a noble person when he grows up.

I swear to the ancestor spirit, if you help me fight off the enemy, I will reserve a place for you. No matter what, you will definitely have a place in his body in the future."

Wow, after talking for a long time, the sacrifice was just a blank check for the future.

Just for a position, who can spend all their money? Cai Gen felt that He Naizi was a bit of a joke, and it sounded like a joke.

It doesn't matter whether Cai Gen cares or not, as long as Wu Yun, the nine wolf gods, takes it seriously.

"He Naizi, give me your proof to prove that your words are not lies."

The old guy is really hard to coax. It is normal for He Naizi to grit his teeth and break his lip. A mouthful of blood spurted onto the copper coins on the black leather drum.

I don’t know the reason, but maybe Tong Aiguo borrowed Cai Gen’s beard, and a mouthful of blood put Wu Yun’s heart at ease.

"As expected of He Naizi, you are not good at fighting with open fire, but you are the best in cheating and cheating. You really have the blood of Nala family. It is no wonder that I have been optimistic about you since I was a child.

Erhuzi, are you ready?"

The big black tiger god who had just been whipped away by Hu Xiaocao pressed his chin and leaned against the mountain wall to catch his breath. Watching Wu Yun being beaten and tortured, he felt quite comfortable.

The three to five meter long Hu Xiaocao had a low chance of winning against the ten to twenty meter long Hu Xiaocao. Everyone had been here for so many years and felt like they were in the mirror. The main reason why they didn't run away was because of He Naizi.

Make up your mind, life or death has nothing to do with him anyway, he is just here to gain popularity.

Of course, if you have the upper hand in terms of strength, you won't react so passively, and it would be nice to show off your power.

"Brother Ninth, if you beat me, what should I prepare?

It's okay, I won't hinder you, just use all kinds of tricks.

I'll cheer you up, pull out her tail, and let her whip me again."

Cai Gen heard a sigh. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are bastards like this.

No matter whether it's the human world or the supernatural world, you can't escape by analogy.

He had been silent all this time, maybe because he didn't have the upper hand, so he was embarrassed to speak. Now that he opened his mouth, Cai Gen let it all out. Now Cai Gen looked at the button, and his big flat face really looked a bit silly.

Wu Yunda was a bit bigger than Anba, and was seven or eight meters long. He had no resistance against Hu Xiaocao, but He Naizi gave the conditions, and it was a bit unreasonable to paddle like this.

He Naizi has a weak foundation and poor bloodline, which limits their performance and makes them relatively useless.

But Wu Yun is really like Tong Aiguo said, he is not a waste, it just depends on what price he pays.

Concerned about the position of the Nala clan, Wu Yunda, the nine wolf gods, finally decided to work hard.

"The first of the nine wolf gods, pretentious."

This chapter has been completed!
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