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Chapter 1155 The form of holy water

Erzhu knelt there and prayed for a few minutes, then suddenly stood up and kept sighing, as if he had delayed some important event due to his own fault.

"What's wrong? Keep going, don't you need to use holy water for external application?"

Pfft, Duan Xiaohong burst into laughter, clapped her hands and laughed, her heartless look was really too much.

"Caibangzi, holy water, the focus should be on water, right?

There is no shortage of water here, but it's a pity that it's in the wrong shape.

Are you forcing him to make holy ice?"

Yeah, why have you ignored this issue?

It seems that Erzhuzi, like himself, is too focused on the matter of child urine and has forgotten the key link. There is no water to make the holy water for hair?

"Xiaotian, hurry up and get some bottles of water."

Since Cai Gen has become a warehouse keeper, he still has some confidence in these things. Ichimoku even has steamed buns with meat sauce, not to mention how many bottles of water?

Xiao Tmall didn't dare to delay and started to take out mineral water.

One bottle on the left, another bottle on the left, and Xiao Tmall's face turned pale as he picked out another bottle.

I took out more than forty bottles, almost two boxes, and placed them in a pile.

A gust of breeze came and all the bottles fell over, like a crumbled project, all swaying around.

Cai Gen noticed something was wrong and picked up a bottle and looked at it. It turned out to be empty.

Yes, it's an empty bottle, an empty mineral water bottle.

"No, Xiaotian, do you usually dig through trash cans to make money?

Although I should praise you for being diligent and thrifty, but I asked you to take out the mineral water. Why did you take out the bottle?

Besides, I think it’s a bit unserious to put the empty bottle in the Ichimokuji?

After all, it’s a space object. Is it really okay for you to use it as a scrapyard?”

Xiao Tmall's eyes were filled with grievances and he was about to cry. When did he go through the trash can? How much can he sell a few broken bottles for?

After rummaging for a long time, I realized that the only liquid left in Ichimoku was the pile of expired yogurt, so I quickly took them all out.

"Master, there is no water, can you use yogurt?"

Is yogurt okay?

Cai Gen didn't even know whether to cry or laugh.

People need holy water to cast spells, so just force them to make holy ice with two pillars, but now they are trying to make holy milk in a different way?

Or holy yogurt?

Before Cai Gen could ask, Erzhuzi had already started shaking his head, very firmly.

Making holy water seems simple, but in fact it is a very serious and pious ceremony. If this expired yogurt is used, there is no doubt that the big boss will come out and slap himself to death.

Cai Gen sensed Er Zhuzi's attitude and turned to look at Xiao Tmall, his eyes extremely cold.

"What do you think?"

The matter before him was definitely a serious dereliction of duty as a warehouse keeper. To put it mildly, he could be dismissed from his post and investigated; at worst, it would be unjust to die as an apology.

Cai Gen didn't take it seriously when he was usually on guard, committing petty thefts, and lining his own pockets, nor did he care about Xiao Tmall.

Today, if you can't raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while, or make a few bottles of mineral water, how can you still live?

Xiao Tianmao looked at the empty bottles lying on the ground and felt really panicked.

"No, Master, I put in two full boxes of mineral water, why did they all become empty bottles?

No, there is something weird, it must be her."

With that said, the whistling cat grabbed the monk and released the spring-hoofed heifer from it.

Chun Ho came out in a strange state. He swayed for a while and then sat directly on the ground. His eyes were blurry and there was drool on his mouth, as if he hadn't woken up.

Xiao Tianmao originally wanted to take action directly, but the small electric ball that automatically protected it was very troublesome, so he could only scold loudly.

"Heifer, did you drink my mineral water?"

The sudden shouting made Chun Ho instantly open his eyes in shock. He looked around and saw some people he recognized and others he didn't recognize, but he didn't take them to heart.

Especially, he didn't feel the coldness of the butcher's knife on his neck, which made Chun Ho's big eyes that had just opened become blurry again, and he glanced contemptuously at the howling cat that was blowing its fur.

"Ah, I drank, what happened?"

Well, after finding the reason, Xiao Tmall became even more excited.

"Why did you steal my water?"

"Because I drank."

"What does your drinking have to do with drinking water?"

"Replenish water and decompose alcohol. Are you a stupid cat?

Why don’t you know anything?

Is it difficult to understand why you feel thirsty after drinking alcohol?"

After all, Xiao Tianmao couldn't hold it back, and his anger broke through all reason, and he rushed towards Chun Ho, with the intention of tearing Chun Ho to pieces.

It's a pity that the little blue electric ball is never late or absent. After being hit for the third time, Xiao Tmall froze in mid-air and fell straight to the ground.

This time, the small blue electric ball, like a drunken spring hoof, flew towards Cai Gen, much slower than before.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiao Sun grabbed the Xiaoling Cat on the ground and blocked it in front of Cai Gen, resisting the second attack of Little Basketball.

After hitting the Xiaoling Cat again, the little blue ball flew towards Zhen Shuiyin.

Seeing that the speed of the electric ball was not very fast, Zhen Shuiyin immediately remembered the feeling of being electrocuted in Dakeng last time. It was so uncomfortable that she couldn't care much about it. She subconsciously lowered her body and wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, it failed.

Even with complete land, it often fails, let alone the ice surface of Taiqinggou?

The requirements for escape from ice are too high for Zhen Shuiyin.

Maintaining the standard kneeling posture, Zhen Shuiyin could only express her final stubbornness by closing her eyes while waiting for the familiar little blue ball.

Xiao Sun saw the trajectory of the little blue ball and relied on his agility to hold up the Xiaoling Tmall and came to Zhen Shuiyin again.

A perfect ending, Xiao Tmall won three yuan in a row, no waste at all.

Xiao Tianmao, unable to move, felt really miserable.

The reason for the sudden attack just now was that I wanted to rely on being attacked to relieve the embarrassment of my failure in my duty. At most, I would not die if I was electrocuted.

But who would have thought that this time the little basketball is different from the past, and the speed has become slower.

What I didn't even expect was that the smelly monkey was so agile that he actually used himself as a shield twice. Not to mention, he was somewhat used to being electrocuted.

I remember the first time I was electrocuted, I couldn't speak. Today, after being attacked three times in a row, Xiao Tmall felt that I could still speak.

He blocked Cai Gen's attack, and the credit goes to Xiao Sun.

He blocked the attack for Zhen Shui Yin, and the credit goes to Xiao Sun.

So what does this mean to you?

Relying on his numb brain, Xiao Tmall used all his imagination and finally squeezed out a twisted smile.

"Smelly Monkey did a great job and executed my plan very well, which shows that you are not really a waste.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to predict that such a day would come sooner or later, and I had long been prepared to sacrifice myself heroically for my master. Today I finally got what I wanted, and God has not failed me."

Maybe it was because I had said too many words just now, which triggered a twitching nerve. The last word was like a stuck card, repeated over and over again, which further highlighted the passion of Xiao Tmall.

This chapter has been completed!
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