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Chapter 1208 Seven Articles and Eight Disagreements

Seeing that his ultimate secret was taking effect, Tamamo was filled with joy, her tail kept spinning, and she slowly approached Yamato.

I want to launch a fatal blow the moment Baqi closes his eyes.

It is more difficult to kill Baqi with one move, but biting off a few heads is still a good result.

There are seven snake heads, six of them are closed, and only the last one is left to tremble.

Tamamo was already very close to Yamato, and she was just waiting for the last head to close its eyes before taking action.

Finally, the last snake head closed its eyes, and Tamamo quickly chose a snake head and bit it.

He was only halfway through the movement, as if he had seen something terrifying, he quickly stepped back.

The snake heads that Baqi had just closed his eyes suddenly opened.

And unlike before, his eyes were full of cold death, extending outwards, as if his eyeshadow had been splashed with water.

"Beast, you are looking for death."

The voice was obviously not Baqi's, and everyone present could tell it.

As the sound came out, the water droplet appeared again and hit Tamamo quickly.

Tamamo was shocked and quickly backed away, because Yamato's temperament and strength now were completely different from those before.

If I could regain my inner vision, I might not be afraid, but I am definitely not smart now.

Are the Gonggong clan so tyrannical?

After so many years of death, can you still be so cruel as a soul?

Due to its large size, Tamamo could not escape the water droplet after all, and the whole body of the big white fox was wrapped in black air.

The black death energy, with Ruoshui as the vanguard, immediately corroded Tamamo's demonic energy, and then a large amount of death energy began to wreak havoc on Tamamo's body.

The originally white fur immediately became mottled, and the bright red flesh was exposed.

Although Tamamo didn't have much resistance, after all, his age was there. After the panic just now, he stabilized his mind and used the demon fire to fight against the death energy.

Although it cannot be completely eliminated, the damage has been minimized.

"Sister, I miscalculated. I originally wanted to confuse Baqi and take advantage of others' danger.

Unexpectedly, Baqi fell asleep and her master came out, which was a bit difficult."

What is this called?

Stealing a chicken is a waste of money, so I don't know if it's appropriate to use it here.

Anyway, Cai Gen didn't feel sorry for Tamamo. When he saw the fox's body, there was a big visual difference between the naked and beautiful woman who couldn't bear to look at it.

Before Tamamo could complain, Yamagi had already moved.

Seven huge snake heads bit Tamamo at the same time, faster than Yamato could control himself.

Tamamo's body was tortured by the death energy, and her speed was much slower.

As soon as they met, he was obsessed with Baqi.

The seven snake heads have all found their own positions, like tarsal maggots, making it impossible for Tamamo to break free.

Looking at the big white fox, his body became more and more purple, showing signs of poisoning. It seemed that Tamamo's poison resistance was not good either.

Although Cai Gen didn't feel bad, he felt bad even as he watched from the side.

"Lingzi mother, should we go up and help?"

Ling Zimu smiled easily, as if Tamamo was being attacked and she didn't care at all.

"Boss Cai, you look down on the nine-tailed fox too much. If you are killed like this, you won't be the Tamamo who brought disaster to the country and the people."


Is there something in the words?

Could it be that Tamamo was just performing because she was restrained and had no power to resist?

It was an acting class she took with Xiao Tmall, it was so real.


By the way, I have been hit twice in the real illusion, once in the big pit and once under the big pit. At that time, I thought it was real.

Is this picture not real now?

As if to confirm Cai Gen's guess, the Tamamo mosaic that was entangled by Yamato suddenly shattered and turned into dots of white light.

As the white light dissipated, another big white fox appeared not far from Baqi.

Could it be that the person who was attacked just now was Tamamo's clone?

The main body has been watching from the side?

Cai Gen didn't realize that this illusion was indeed real.

When Yachi saw Tamamo reappearing, he spat out a few words contemptuously.

"It's a small skill, but you still dare to show off."

After despising Tamamo, Yamagi suddenly appeared and entangled Tamamo again with the three-piece suit of corrosion, death energy and poison.


Although it's not as fast as the waiter's swishing, the speed is indeed terrifying.

Cai Gen felt lucky that he had just faced Baqi and not the ancestral souls of these Gonggong clan, otherwise he would have been disabled long ago.

The same technique, the same effect, the white fox was broken again.

Then, the third white fox appeared again.

This feeling is very different from Yumon's control of time and summoning himself in different time periods. It seems as if every great white fox is Tamamo's true form, and as if each one is an illusion.

From this point of view, Tamamo does have strength, and it is a strength that Cai Gen cannot understand.

Although he could only meet him once, Tamamo was not idle.

"Sister, this is not okay.

This Gonggong clan's soul is too fierce.

Ruo Shui, Death Qi, and Poison, I can only resist the last one, but I can't resist the first two."

Being able to analyze the situation so calmly, it seems that Tamamo did not use her full strength as she said.

Of course Ling Zimu understood that Tamamo didn't even use the Nine-Nine Human Emperor's energy given by his masters, so he definitely wasn't using his full strength.

"Sister, I think you can be a little stronger. Believe in yourself. You can do it."

"Sister, I can be strong, I am already very strong.

Needless to say, I am confident. I am very confident. If I am not confident, I cannot help Boss Cai.

If I spend it like this, I won't be fine for a few years, but isn't Boss Cai anxious?"

Wow, how many years will this energy consumption last?

How many years have you been invincible?

If Tamamo was not bragging, Cai Gen had a new understanding of her.

Moreover, this kind of favor is really about finding every opportunity and not letting go of any opportunity.

Cai Gen was so worried that he wanted to give her a quota. Sharing children only had two customers, so it was not impossible to let Tamamo do some testing.

When Baqi is around, I immediately feel unhappy. What does that mean?

Which unit do you look down on?

It will take a few years, but who do you think doesn’t know how to count?

With a tremor, Baqi transformed.

From a seven-headed snake, it became seven snakes.

One of them went to attack Tamamo, while the other six seemed to come from a specific direction and wait for the enemy.

Cai Gen couldn't understand it. How could Yaqi know where Tamamo appeared from?

I really knew that as soon as the first Tamamo was shattered, the next Tamamo happened to appear next to Ichigo Yamato, and before it fully revealed its figure, it was already entangled by the big snake.

The three-piece set of water, dead energy, and poison is used proficiently and efficiently on every Yamato, just like whack-a-mole, trying to capture Tamamo's true body.

The seven and eight different ones are definitely much more efficient than one, and the frequency of Tamamo algae from appearing to disappearing is getting faster and faster.

And every time it appears, there are traps set up to make Baqi's attacks more efficient.

This chapter has been completed!
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