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Chapter 1219 Aodumama

When Xiao Sun saw Tamamo go and come back, his expression was not very good, so it seemed that his pursuit of Yamato was not going well.

Today's events seemed a bit messy. Xiao Sun never expected that Ling Zimu and Tamamo would get involved. He didn't know if they couldn't help but take the lead or if there was some other pressure.

After lighting up the cigarette, he moved closer to Tong Aijia.

"Old boy, my third uncle, will it be okay if you go down?

Is it the right medicine?"

Tong Aijia's understanding of Xiaosun is relatively deep. After all, his younger brother has stayed at Anxin Bento, and the internal personnel composition is basically clear.

Among Anxin Bento’s talents, Xiao Sun is definitely in the first echelon, and he is the person closest to Cai Gen.

"Why don't you scream a little nicer? Isn't it hard to respect the old and love the young?"

Xiao Sun chuckled, it seemed that Tong Aijia didn't hear what Zhen Shuiyin was talking about about Journey to the West, and his younger brother listened.

"I call you old boy, even if it sounds nicest, if you really talk about respecting the elderly and loving the young, haha..."

Ignoring Xiao Sun's hehe, Tong Aijia stretched out two fingers towards Xiao Sun, obviously she was used to forcefully controlling Cai Gen.

As a result, little Sun Weiwei didn't move. Fortunately, there was Zhen Shuiyin next to him. He followed Cai Gen's example and lit a cigarette for Tong Aijia.

"Oh, Uncle Tong, please give us a clear answer. We won't feel at ease if the master goes down in the wind and snow."

Although Tong Aijia despised Zhen Shuiyin even more, she didn't pretend anymore.

"If Cai Gen really awakens the God of Pain, only he can solve the following matters.

As for whether it is symptomatic or not, it depends on the degree of his awakening, which is what I am more worried about.

In the past, when they went to answer the ancestral souls correctly, their temperaments had become very extreme and extreme because they had been waiting for too long.

To put it bluntly, they are now more restless than adolescents.

There is no targeted method, and I think there is no solution.

Of course, this is from my perspective, who knows what is so special about Cai Gen."

When Xiao Sun heard Tong Aijia's words, he suddenly felt very unsure.

On the evening of the 30th, after returning from Dakeng, Cai Gen had already changed his profession to practice trumpet.

The previous invincible suicide method can only be used to support the scene for the time being.

According to Cai Gen's analysis, Zhang Mouse is a waste, quite a waste.

Today's work is a bit difficult.

Duan Xiaohong also came up and heard Tong Ai's family talk, which attracted her.

"Old man, did you go down there often before?

Sweeping graves or burning paper?

What happens next?

If it’s finished, can it be open for viewing?”

Tong Ai almost didn't curse when he visited your uncle's home. However, due to his status and age, he was just as experienced as a drunkard, so he was very cheap.

"If we can't open it to visitors, that's because we...

Whoever comes here, this is a forbidden place for shamanism, please retreat quickly."

As if facing a formidable enemy, Tong Aijia instantly activated the array to keep you safe.

Even the first generation grandpa appeared again.

A group of shamanistic wizards seemed to have sensed the danger and had increased their vigilance.

At this time, two people walked leisurely from the edge of Taiqing Valley.

Walking in front was a red-robed lama, with a gaunt figure and a wrinkled face. He was very tall. His maroon lama clothes looked like they were hanging on a hanger.

Behind him was a woman, dressed in business attire, with a ring of gauze wrapped around her head. She walked cautiously, not daring to take even half a step past the old man, and then followed closely.

"Amitabha, we have no ill intentions.

I feel that there is an evil spirit emerging here, and I, the Buddha, have mercy and come to save it."

Before they finished speaking, the two people had already walked closer to the crowd.

Tong Aijia didn't know the lama in front of him, but the woman behind him was very familiar to him.

"I'm using you to get through this shit, what are you doing?

Shamanism and Western Buddhism have always been in conflict with each other.

What, are you going to fall out today?

Fairy Moon Palace, I asked you to run away last time, why don’t you give up?”

Moon lowered her head, pretending to be a good baby, as if she was here to raise a beggar, and she had no right to speak.

The alms-raising Arhat changed his rude attitude towards Moon and transformed into the image of an enlightened monk, smiling gently.

"Donor, this is wrong.

I, the Buddha, say that all living beings are equal. Regarding the original sects in the world, I have always adhered to the concept of mutual respect. How can I have the idea of ​​​​enmity with you.

It’s just that your shamanism has gone astray in your practice and fallen behind the lower vehicle. It is difficult for you to reach the Western Bliss. I feel very sad to see it..."

Before the Arhat Raising a Bowl had finished speaking, a cigarette butt suddenly appeared and hit him in the face, sending sparks flying everywhere.

Xiao Sun was the first to express his dissatisfaction. He really didn't want to listen to his ink, especially since he was still with Moon. He would definitely not be nice today.

These two people and Lingzi mother are two different things. There is no need to talk about it. Cai Gen has already taken action here.

Xiao Sun felt that although he couldn't take action, he could still act as a trigger. He quickly started a fight and also saw whether the shamans would be cowardly when encountering Xibian.

"Don't be such a coward, are you speaking in human language?

I want you to turn my own ancestor into a woolen thread?

Why, are you here to dig up the ancestral graves of shamanism?"

Digging ancestral graves?

These three words are too sensitive in the ears of shamans.

Without waiting for Tong Aijia's order, a halfling rushed out of the shaman's camp.

It was about the size of a monkey, lean and lean, with three eyes and canine teeth. With extremely swift speed, it punched the Bo-Raising Arhat on the head.

"Bald donkey, who are you poking at?"

"God of War Aodu Mama?

Why are you still so impulsive?"

What he says is calm and gentle, but his actions are not at all easy.

First he raised his arms to block the punch. Feeling a little unsure, he stepped back and bent one leg as a buffer.


The moment the two of them fought, there was a sound of metal clashing.

Looking at the Arhat holding a bowl, he turned directly into a golden man, with a metallic luster all over his body.

Moon was dumbfounded when he saw it.

Is this God of War Aodu Mama so powerful?

The golden body of Arhat was knocked out with one punch?

Well, the last time I went to the shaman's house, I did save a life.

Although the beggar-raising Arhat managed to withstand Aodu Mama's punch, his body was also lowered. With the impact of this punch, he directly broke through the defense of the formation, crushed the ice under his feet, and fell down.

Into the lake water.

Before she fully entered the water, she grabbed Moon's ankles and pulled her down.

This scene happened so fast that Aodu Mama tried to stop her but it was already too late. She turned around several times in front of the ice hole in frustration and returned to the shaman formation, cursing.

When Xiao Sun saw it, he was a little anxious. Moon brought an Arhat down, wouldn't it make it more difficult for Cai Gen?

"Old boy, aren't you going to chase me?"

Tong Aijia looked at the ice cave and thought about the golden body of Arhat just seen. Things were a bit complicated.

After weighing the pros and cons, Tong Aijia shook her head fiercely.

"Go down, just go down. Aodu Mama didn't even knock him to death. It's a genuine Arhat's golden body, but it won't make any big splash."

This chapter has been completed!
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